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    1. lazarus78

      Would it be possible

      Possible, sure. Practical, no.
    2. lazarus78

      A few thoughts

      In reference to you Mass Driver idea Mass drivers are one in the same to rail cannons. A charge up time for firing is the exact opposite of how they work. They should honestly work like the AMC weapons in they drain power, but for the rail cannon/mass driver, they would use MUCH more energy...
    3. lazarus78

      Directed Weapons / New Aiming Controls

      Some way to rotate the camera while flying without disrupting the ships orientation is welcome in my books. I was hanging out in a ship docket to a turret port while a friend was flying and being able to see my ship fly and not stare at its butt was amazing.
    4. lazarus78

      Utility for starmade server owners

      Yeah... sounds like a security hole. If you can get information on somone\'s server like that, then there is potential for exploit.
    5. lazarus78

      Theck's texture pack

      Yeah, I have many versions of each texture ive created for my texturepack. Just for the hull blocks alone, I have 6 versions each. So making different varients and perhaps releasing them with your pack so people can pick and chose would be a nice addition. But at the end of the day, it is your...
    6. lazarus78

      Plexlifters + stores on ships

      Well, ships are stand-alone objects, they have their own up, down, left right, etc, so wouldnt it be a matter of spawning the lifter platform based on the orientation of the block itself in relation to the ship, and move along the Z axis (Y axis in java, because its wird like that) till it...
    7. lazarus78

      Theck's texture pack

      I think what you did for the hardened hull would be better suited for the normal hull. The hardened hull is presented as one unifying playe, while the normal hull is a bunch of small plates welded and bolted together, so the smaller square patter, in my opinion, would suit the normal hull...
    8. lazarus78

      StarMade Prebuild 0.093931: More Fixes

      And make the preview larger. Like make it have a whole menu background and whatnot. Its an important feature we all use, so it should be made easier to use/see.
    9. lazarus78

      Anders' Texture Pack (WIP)

      This is very true. A lot of my textures in my own texturepack look great on their own, but as soon as I put them in the mix, I see they don\'t quite fit with the overall look im going for. That said, we you have so far is flippen amazing. Keep it up.
    10. lazarus78

      Theck's texture pack

      A little too flat, in my opinion. Not enough contrast so the color differences of the textures kinda blend together at a distance. Good luck.
    11. lazarus78

      Docking guidance idea

      A cool idea indeed and a better immersive addition then the current teleportation of ships to the docking block. I would say the current docking feature needs far more improvement before something like this should be considered (Docking facing rotation for one... uug...) but I do hope to see...
    12. lazarus78

      Plex mover

      This has been suggested several times in various ways, but in far better detail. I would say yes to the general concept, but no to your specific suggestion in favor of the more thought out ideas.
    13. lazarus78

      List of minor improvements

      Couldn\'t say no to any of these. However I would say they should be low on the priority list, but definitally on there. From the looks of the way the updates are going, it seems they are trying to get the core framework of the features in place before the fine tuning and lesser additions. That...
    14. lazarus78

      Food and O2

      No. Absolutly no. I would also immediatly stop playing if they added fuel that could run out. The last thing I want to to be restricted in where and how far I can go because of fuel. And what happens if you get stuck out in the middle of nowhere? How do tyou refuel the ship? let alone, how do...
    15. lazarus78

      New docking module

      Or, better yet, just have ships actually dock inside the bounds like they are supposed to. And for the love of all that is docking, allow us to rotate which way ships face when docked.
    16. lazarus78

      Food and O2

      That would only be acceptable in the form of blocks that would generate them automatically so that no user input were necessary other then being in the ship. If I had to activally ear food I would immediatly quit playing this game.
    17. lazarus78

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      Make your own game then. You clearly don\'t like this one how it is and the direction it is going, so leave us be and go make your own game. Just don\'t come crying back when you realize its not as easy as you think it is.
    18. lazarus78

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      You have to balance the time to impliment and the gain from doing so. In this case, the time and work required to make functional and practical round planets just isn\'t worth it. The current planets work just fine. And yes, I am a programmar.
    19. lazarus78

      UNSC Modified Space Station

      The interiors of my ships tend to be really small. They are only there to house the core and system computers, the rest of the ship is dedicated to the actual systems.
    20. lazarus78


      Very nice. Perfect for a long haul trip. Nice touch with the basket ball court. Hopefully more detailed blocks get added in the future to make such things look even better.