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    1. War Dog

      Can we get some in depth info on the new weapon system? Seriously....

      You attach blocks to their respective computers. You then link the "master" computer to the "slave" computers like factories. If you have 1,000 blocks in the master computer, you'll need 1,000 blocks in the slave computers to obtain the maximum effect. You can link 1 "main" computer...
    2. War Dog

      StarMade 0.15 is out

      You need to attach AMCs to the supporting AMC computer as well. They won't fire, but they'll alter the firing AMCs. That bug explains why my rapid fire AMCs were sucking so much. 1000 AMCs with 1000 slaves only did 500 damage per shot.
    3. War Dog

      StarMade 0.15 is out

      But I like my swarm drones running with 3 million shields. But yeah: AMC nerfed to uselessness. Can be outrun by a single core. Shields are ridiculous. 1mil and 1.5mil in the old system is now 40mil and 370mil. Power is FUBAR. Everyone who was hyped for beam weapons. Brace for disappoint. I...
    4. War Dog

      Infinite Havoc - resurrecting soon

      Probably should roll it back. It's been around 30 minutes into the new update and it's already old and busted. How bad? I'm getting "Power Depleted" messages WHILE I'M IN MY SPACESUIT.
    5. War Dog

      About faction points.

      As much as I would like not-invulnerable faction homes; the game just has far too many gaps and exploits for it. The following need to be addressed before this is possible. 1. AI is easily dealt with. Defending turrets and drones are useless against cloaking ships. That's not even considering...
    6. War Dog

      Stabilize Cloaking/Jamming

      We all know the biggest problem with deploying cloaking/jamming ships is that it's completely at the mercy of server lag. When the server de-synchs, the c/j field continues to drain energy, but your own ship's energy isn't updated; so the field drops when you run out of energy (which tends to be...
    7. War Dog

      Administrative Ranks

      Having a minimum rank would ruin the scenario mentioned before. Moderators would have access to the initiate_wave command because their rank would have to be higher since they also need to have access to ban/kick (Which is obviously higher than the minimum rank for /initiate_wave). Unless you...
    8. War Dog

      Administrative Ranks

      That's a good suggestion, but I prefer this way; in case server administrators want to create "in-between" ranks for whatever reason. Like if the we want a "Pirate Commander" rank to have /initiate_wave so they can "Spice things up" but don't want their moderator group to have said power.
    9. War Dog

      Station forum section

      The site already has a section for space stations. I'm guessing that it'll be converted to holding proper space stations instead of imported sectors/station ships once the feature is complete.
    10. War Dog

      Administrative Ranks

      The current administrative system is incredibly flawed; you're either an admin, or you're not. Having someone become a admin means they also have access to every command a server owner does; including the ability to make others admins. I suggest we have a config file that creates "ranks" and...
    11. War Dog

      New Game

      On the Starmade Connection Setup Screen ->tools -> Reset Universe. To stop pirates from spawning, open server.cfg in your starmade directory, look for "ENEMY_SPAWNING = true", and change true to false.
    12. War Dog

      Muting players

      Oh, I've seen plenty of admin abuse, but they usually go for the ban/kick/delete/emptymoney/teleportintosun/teleportabajillionsectorsaway/spawntonsofpirates option instead of muting. Or maybe join your faction and plant disintegrators on your ships when no one's looking? Drain away your credits...
    13. War Dog

      Muting players

      If we mute someone, is that not the exact opposite of ignoring them? They acted out of turn and were punished as a result. It's simply that the punishment is not as harsh as a kick or a ban. Kicking, Banning Muting, they're just tools for an administrator's usage. Hell I could argue that...
    14. War Dog

      Muting players

      Yeah I'm not seeing that. In any case, let servers work out their own issues their own way. If they want to be needlessly soft then let them, if they do end up suffering that's their own fault. Again, in the end all we ask is that the option is there.
    15. War Dog

      Muting players

      If management is bad, it's their own server that will suffer. Having different standards does not necessarily equal laziness. Please don't imply that those who want this option are incompetent.
    16. War Dog

      Muting players

      I'm afraid I cannot agree with your method of enforcing order. Your methods work for you, on your server where you are free to do as you please. Let us have the option do the same. All we ask is that there is an option.
    17. War Dog

      Muting players

      So it makes no sense in the situations that you listed, but what about these below? 1. New player repeatedly begging for ships/credits. 2. Random player logging online with a chatbot to repeatedly spam "DICKS". 3. One player kills another, the other player proceeds to rail on said player. (with...
    18. War Dog

      Muting players

      I support this; I'd also like the ability to /ignore players. You can't hear what they say and vice versa. For those moments where someone starts spamming swears and obscenities and there's no admin online.
    19. War Dog

      Infinite Havoc - resurrecting soon

      You really need to find the source of that lag. Then again, 113,666 ping has to be a record or something.
    20. War Dog

      The Turanic Raiders

      Oh hey I love Cataclysm. I might consider joining; if only for a bit. I'll need to see some actual presence though. I don't see a trace of you on Infinite Havoc.