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    1. War Dog

      AI Viper Swarm Drones

      SD-KBs ignore ships of the same faction marking last I heard, and this certainly does seem to be the case.
    2. War Dog

      AI Viper Swarm Drones

      My last batch of swarm drones caused significant amounts of lag due to the amount of collisions, so I went back and reworked it. This new batch seems to have passed my standards. One of the servers I went to was interested in it, but the original drones were too much for his relatively new...
    3. War Dog

      Let's Talk Optimization.

      Perhaps instead of "Optimization" I should use "tweaks". True optimization would need direct access to the code, which we obviously do not have. I'm looking for tweaks that change common causes of lag and object bloat in the game.
    4. War Dog

      THE Comprehensive Suggestion - The most thorough, thought out, and longest suggestion to date

      I'm curious, why add entirely new components when other components with uses very similar to what you are proposing already exist? Ore -> Materials -> Blocks. No need to emboss it. I am against things like components and relics; that's adding needlessly arbitrary ship power. Let's keep that...
    5. War Dog

      Armor technology

      Oh, well in this case it seems that splash damage can be transferred without blocks. The distance from the primary detonation is what reduces the damage done to the second layer.
    6. War Dog

      Armor technology

      Perhaps blocks are necessary in order to transfer splash damage.
    7. War Dog

      Let's Talk Optimization.

      We're talking about collisions that cause the lag message to come up repeatedly. Tiny ships don't do that. But honestly, I'd just be happier if the server just teleported them out immediately instead of screwing around and hoping the problem fixes itself.
    8. War Dog

      Let's Talk Optimization.

      I'd probably settle for 2 seconds, though 1.5 should be more than enough. Note that this would only affect collisions causing significant lag. Getting a few players disoriented is preferable to being lagported 100 sectors away, forcing everyone to 5-digit ping, or crashing the server. The...
    9. War Dog


      Edit: Nevermind figured it out.
    10. War Dog

      Let's Talk Optimization.

      As good as the game will get, one of the biggest detriments to game experience is LAG. In this thread we players can attempt to come up with ideas that will reduce both the load on the server and the amount of space needed. A couple of suggestions in the previous thread I made about economic...
    11. War Dog

      Reason for having an interior

      It used to be that ship maneuverability depended entirely on mass instead of both mass and ship dimension. An old update changed that; and I brought up the issue then too. So perhaps the easiest way to "balance" that would be to undo that change. Anywho, the OP may be a s'wit but he does have...
    12. War Dog

      Qweshchuns 4 Devs: Stealth Change

      Then they'd die to a piloted cloak ship made entirely of disintegrators. Seriously, disintegrators took a level in broken in the latest update. I can vaporize a ship with 10mil shields this way.
    13. War Dog

      Qweshchuns 4 Devs: Stealth Change

      Ah, that's much better but what about the fact that hull is- ALL GLORY TO THE NAKEDDEATHCUBE. (Radar jammer defense > Hull defense)^∞+1
    14. War Dog

      Qweshchuns 4 Devs: Stealth Change

      All I know about the stealth change is that cloaking will cost 145 power per block and jamming only costs 5. I'm curious to know if there are any other changes, because if it's just this then I don't think people understand just how powerful the jammer is... Currently, jamming makes you...
    15. War Dog

      Reason for having an interior

      Okay, what's the max I'm going to need? Take your pick, I've got thousands of them. Lecic touted this as a way to "balance" cube ships when this accomplishes pretty much the opposite and just encourages people to make only minimal interiors for maximum effect. That's the angle I was working on...
    16. War Dog

      Reason for having an interior

      Okay looking a bit further... I'm EVEN MORE against this idea. What would be the deciding factor of how many NPCs are needed to run a ship? - If it's mass, then ships with fancy interiors lose out to high-efficiency ships with mininal interiors and similar mass as more mass is taken up by...
    17. War Dog

      Reason for having an interior

      Looking at the OP, I'm going to have to disagree. I don't see how this'll help ships with interiors, it just forces all other ships to have interiors. This won't stop high-efficiency ships at all, they'll just add cramped, ugly, minimal stations with tiny tunnels somewhere in that mass of...
    18. War Dog

      How do I calculate how much thrust is need to reach escape velocity

      You know you can just fly a core off the edge of the world right?
    19. War Dog

      Attempt at Reworking the Economy

      I don't like the idea of regenerating or infinite planets since it's very easy to claim planets; but that may change depending on how the faction rework turns out. As it is, planets will have a large amount of ore, but it's slow and could take weeks to fully empty even with a large extractor due...
    20. War Dog

      Attempt at Reworking the Economy

      Player salvage lasers work like they do now, no changes to them. I did play with the idea of some kind of toggle for salvage lasers, but decided against it. It'd probably end up lost behind some unknown menu option or something. There is, but it's set to be 100%-250% the base price; Anything...