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    1. 25hz


      Ignore docking area is set to false. I didn\'t want there to be ship/turret issues so ships have to be built with the appropriate sized docking areas. None of the ships have docking areas that are too small unless they get hit with the glitch where the docking block just decides to...
    2. 25hz

      Bug: Astronaut mode salvage beam & ice crystals

      As per the subject, in astronaut mode, the salvage beam doesn't work on ice crystals. It tears up blocks all over the place, everywhere around the ice crystal block, without any kind of control, but it doesn't touch the ice crystal itself. v0.01401, multi player, multi client, vanilla server
    3. 25hz


      Unless you\'re super lucky, basically any ship or turret you built prior to the patch is broken. You need to delete it, and the turrets, and rebuy the blueprint. The reason being, the ship you are in is not the ship you are in. I got in a ship to go help a buddy, and when I got there, none of...
    4. 25hz

      Graphics bug with penta blocks - v0.14

      Yeah, with me, it\'s just the penta that sticks in the preview, and with me too, it\'s impossible to see what orientation any other partial block is. After this latest patch, the thrashing back and forth between blocks to try to get it to reset works less often. Leaving the ship and/or build...
    5. 25hz

      Graphics bug with penta + tetra blocks - v0.14

      Actually, that\'s the bug. Both sides have tetras AND pentas. There are no missing blocks. I know there are lighting issues that are changing the colours of the blocks, but that\'s not what the issue is here. The other thread seems to be displaying a similar problem, but in a different penta...
    6. 25hz


      Not from my machine and client and not from another machine and client. The ship has a permanent hole unless I build some huge, hideous \"patch\" around it.
    7. 25hz

      Docking modules not correctly mirrored

      Also, not only controller blocks but things like engine blocks and weapons too. Sometimes people use any/all the blocks as decorations and for example if engine blocks are placed so the exhaust is to the left (to represent a maneuvering thruster), it would be nice if the symmetry placed the...
    8. 25hz


      This would be a good thing to work out because the deleted areas of the ship cannot be fixed. They can\'t be deleted because the blocks don\'t exist, but you can\'t fix the hole because the game thinks they do exist. Same thing for the turrets that vanished. You can\'t mount a new turret...
    9. 25hz

      Weapon system parameters randomly resetting bug - v0.14

      Maybe it\'s two bugs then. I just bought two more turrets, and they came loaded with the wepaon config that I saved the blueprint with; 28/32/20/20. Meanwhile, the two turrets I set up yesterday, have had their weapon stats reset to 25% across the board again. Vanilla server, multi client...
    10. 25hz

      Bug: Shops don't restock anymore, and no new blocks v0.14

      Nothing in any of the block colouring or converting recipes says that \"ANY block\" with the added extra ingredient will produce the desired product, it says \"grey block\". There\'s a \"right click for info\" for information like that. If it said that, I wouldn\'t have had to mention it, but...
    11. 25hz

      Bug: Shops don't restock anymore, and no new blocks v0.14

      See the subject. Read it, instead of being a sychophant and swearing at people. I did.
    12. 25hz


      Funny because the term \"noob\" has nothing to do with age on the internet, and everything to do with a person simply being \"new\" at whatever game/endeavour they\'re doing. \"Mature\" players know this. It doesn\'t matter how old a person is. It does matter how old they act. I know older...
    13. 25hz

      Graphics bug with penta + tetra blocks - v0.14

      There is a graphics glitch wwith tetra and penta blocks in a certain orientation. In the picture, forward/positive Z axis is to the lefft, as indicated by the arrow. The camera is pointed slightly up in the direction of the positive x and y axis (as indicated by the block preview). The...
    14. 25hz

      Bug: Shops don't restock anymore, and no new blocks v0.14

      Also, did the \"guy seeing that coming\" (whoever that is) also see that the recipes are essentially useless? Did he see that you can\'t convert anything except GREY BLOCKS? You can\'t colour anything except GREY BLOCKS? If there\'s supposed to be some clever jibe at/about the recipes, the...
    15. 25hz

      Weapon system parameters randomly resetting bug - v0.14

      Version is 20140317_031738 When you go in with the "T" menu and select hot keys for weapons, all the AMC weapon properties are reset to 25%. Not all turrets are affected, and there is no pattern to the numbers resetting. Turrets that were set weeks ago, are now reset. Turrets that were set...
    16. 25hz


      When I fired up the client today, a large section of the aft end of a ship I\'m working on was gone. This isn\'t a delay in loading, the blocks are not showing after extended periods of time. I can\'t rebuild the areas because the server and client thinks the blocks are still there. I can\'t...
    17. 25hz

      "Free Camera" key selection bug - v0.14

      If you pick any other key for "free camera" mode than the right shift key, free camera mode does't work. This is the same bug as in the previous version.
    18. 25hz

      Graphics bug with penta blocks - v0.14

      In build mode, when "Preview Block" is turned on, after using the penta block, the penta block ghost image stays in the preview after you switch to another block. After quickly flicking back and forth between different blocks a few times, the game finally updates the block preview image.
    19. 25hz

      Bug: Shops don't restock anymore, and no new blocks v0.14

      As per the subject. Since updating to the new version, shop stocks have remained at zero for 4 days. Also, none of the new block shapes are available to buy in any of 40+ shops I've checked. They are all "n/a".
    20. 25hz

      My top speed idea

      In the servder config, you can set how fast ships\' speed is dampened, in other words, how \"sticky\" or \"thick\" space is. The higher the figure the more it not only affects a ship\'s ability to speed up and slow down, but also it\'s top speed. The bigger the ship, the less likely it will...