Search results

    1. ltmauve

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      You certainly took that to a dark place :P Anyway seems like motion might be part of a creature's "genetics" i.e. clinging, walking, jumping, flying, sliding/slithering, other various types of movement.
    2. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      If we can do it, why not? also, this means terrain shapes as well, so better-looking terrain, also maybe weapon and functional blocks that are shaped as well, all of the decorative blocks.
    3. ltmauve

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      Clinging ability for some creatures- they can align themsevles to s hip and walk all over it (rotating to the blocks as needed.) This way I could create laser-crabs and drop them on a ship if it needs turrets, or make repair spiders or something.
    4. ltmauve

      First Major Ship Attempt.(W.I.P)

      I wasn't saying that extending the hangers was the only option, but that the rear runways should be visually distinct from the hanger floor.
    5. ltmauve

      Possible to roll while not in a ship.

      Schema got that bug
    6. ltmauve

      The first thing you wanted to build?

      I realized that my idea was too dumb. As my abilities as a builder have developed, My idea of what I've wanted to build has changed.
    7. ltmauve

      New and Improved Celestial Bodies

      As for multiple stars, I'll support if the range of star damage drops to a fixed value instead of being sector-based. Also, could we have empty systems (no star, few planets, mainly empty sectors) with more dangerous enemies in them?
    8. ltmauve

      Procedurally Generated Modular Stations

      Having structures on planets with the same thing? (like planets with buildings having this system to fill them up?) Sounds good. Anyway, having consistaint shapes throughout a structure would need to be important. So for instance, one station would have only horizontal cylniders making up the...
    9. ltmauve

      Custom Jet-plumes

      The devs have mentioned it a few times, the mushroomfleet people screwed around with it during a charity livestream during the introduction of the logic and the dodecahedral planets. Not sure how its going.
    10. ltmauve

      First Major Ship Attempt.(W.I.P)

      Good to hear you plan to wedge. Anyway, it looks good. The one part I'm concerned about is it feels like the hangers should extend back over the rear runways. You may want to do something to better distinguish the runway from the hanger floor.
    11. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Yes, but then you wind up having to have corners as a separate block. It would feel weird to only have one shape while the rest are handled in one ID. Also, if you want plexlight wedges or crystal wedges that you can turn on and off using the logic system, you need to have the activation bit free.
    12. ltmauve

      Custom Jet-plumes

      There is a new particle system coming in, and hopefully we won't need a bunch of blocks to get good effects
    13. ltmauve

      Recognized by Council Add XOR gates

      The extended version is better because say you have a hanger with a logic block next to each pad, and then you can wire all of them into one XOR gate, and each button can open or close the hanger door.
    14. ltmauve

      Planned Folder for Pirate, Trading Guild, etc Ships.

      Well the folder should also have a file with the behaviors of the faction as well (when it expands) So who it likes, who it hates, Any blocks types it doesn't like to see on ships (yholes), leinceny, how far from from bases they roam, etc, etc.
    15. ltmauve

      How do I increase weapon range

      Beam slave
    16. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Yeah, I know, that's a consequence of the system. But then, when the first block is destroyed, the second block will get hit first and take damage. And honestly, in the middle of combat a situation where everyone is moving aorund, you would be unlikely to notice anything, and that problem with...
    17. ltmauve

      Procedurally Generated Modular Stations

      Vertical changes as well. One section has a vertical shaft, and then other layers build off of the shaft. Distance between shafts is variable. Also, larger sections like hangers.
    18. ltmauve

      NuclearFun's Ships

      Manticore sounds best. Pyromancer sounds like a ground unit.
    19. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      The surplus is data stored on the ship to prevent weak guns from being totally pointless. Let me give an example. Global armor is 4, Ship armor is 1. I'm firing with 3-damage cannons at the ship. On my first pass, I sweep past some normal hull (armor now 4). The product of armors for that is...
    20. ltmauve

      Upgrade the weapon system to use Logic XD

      ..... what. Please allow me to enlighten you. Cannons = firing speed increase, for everything. Missiles = split, with an exception for pulsar because of the way they are generated. Beams = increased range, for everything, pulsars get expanded radius. Pulsar = more damage but slower. I have no...