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    1. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      To Wade: Small ships cant go toe to toe even if big ships get nerfed in terms of thrust/speed/turning. Have you tried to fight a big ship, a really big ship, with a small fighter? You will be there for the next 10 minutes trying to break its shields. This makes your point moot. Put some turrets...
    2. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Actually I only bring up minecraft because others try to treat this game like its minecraft creative mode with infinite health and no mobs and everything is a rainbow and the thought of non-immunity in any shape or form is unbearable. Whereas its clear to me as a minecraft raidcraft mod player...
    3. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      Not sure where you pulled this small ships should not be able to go toe to toe with big ships... they don\'t. lol In fact, small ships would get an advantage by big ships requiring more thrusters % wise than small ships require.
    4. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Griefers are minecraft.. this is a nice toned down version of war! Also you could build far away. If anyone has some suggestions on how not to make a home base totally immune feel free to share. I just came up with the docked items not being immune idea. Might be better ones. I just know full...
    5. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      Inertia. Once the object is going then sure its size makes no difference. We are talking about acceleration, not the fact it can go forever. A small ship will require less thrust to go forward than a big ship. I\'m not a pyhicist (however you spell it) but I think thats pretty common sense...
    6. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Server setting is workable solution. To BDLS and Wade, I am aware of its original purpose, but you should have to factor in survivability of your ship. Not just dock it, clock off for the night knowing with 100% certaintly no harm will come. Also with hangar doors but non immune docked...
    7. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Cover your ships with plex doors, or no doors, and hack up a wall around after docking... Glitching IS part of the game theres no way to avoid it. Right now due to immunity of docked items glitching is not required. I do not like glitching. But I accept its not going away unless schema is a...
    8. J

      Docking Positions

      I think making it way easier to dock would be the best thing right now. It\'s madness having to spend 3 minutes (literally) trying to dock my big ship, \"not compatible\" \"not compatible\" \"not compatible\" *rage quit*
    9. J

      Plexlifters + stores on ships

      Need plex lifters! Gravity / ship core direction of the ship should take care of plex lifter woes. Shops on ships I think not! Way too much freedom like that. You should have to drag your ass down to your nearest walmart starmade shop and buy from there. Not have walmart on wheels.
    10. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Nootau if you\'ve played Minecraft factions/raidcraft mod you would realise how close starmade mimics that mod, and glitching is basically part of that mod, whether its desired or not, its reality. If the Minecraft developers can\'t stop glitching, what makes you think schema can? Hence it...
    11. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      So I figure, ALLOW docked ships and docked turrets to be breakable! Why? Because right now you dock your giant ass ship (that is border line impossibel to dock) on TOP of your station, and happy days, its now immune. You should always be at RISK in this game. Your station's docked ship and...
    12. J

      Planet Defense Grid

      Who cares, home bases are immune from attack. No need for a defence grid. Although the fact big ships cant get near your planet is pretty good defence enough without 50000 pings :D
    13. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      Because they arent F1 cars. Tahts why big ships should be punished in terms of reducing their ability to behave like one without abnormally powerful engines. I don\'t recall seeing the Star Destroyer in Star Wars doing barrel rolls or accelerate like a pod racer, so hows it OK for this to...
    14. J

      Auto-Gravity activation upon entering ship core

      I like the plex door idea. But instead it can be like a docking module box, you enter the zone, gravity enables. So you would set it up so the zone is on the way to your ship core. Maybe only works for astronauts to stop crazy bugs / horrible performance trying to drag in a giant carrier...
    15. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      So right now, if you want, you can make your star destroyer accelerate faster than a drag car. Which is ridiculous. All that needs to be done (and it may already be done just needs heavier "punishment" for big ships) is this: The bigger the mass of the ship, the more thrusters you need on an...
    16. J

      Ship Size vs. Turning Speed

      You guys are complicating this too much. Just focus turning speed on total ship MASS. No need for calculating its length or width, just mass. And schema can then put in a basic function as others he has used, to scale the speed reduction based on the mass and some fancy formula. Giant mass...
    17. J

      Gravity and big objects = Horrible performance

      Interesting about the core having to be in range of the planets gravity for the pull to take affect. Wierd but fair enough, keeps things crisp in the performance department regarding initiating gravity on the ship. The problem then appears to be the After. Yeah you are right, something has to...
    18. J

      Gravity and big objects = Horrible performance

      Only your core is affected by gravity? You are the one that is VERY wrong. I noticed with 100% reliability bring a big object near a planet\'s gravity, watch the cpu max out. Bring 50 small objects near a planets gravity, no problem.
    19. J

      Gravity and big objects = Horrible performance

      So it's become clear to me, its not big objects near big objects that cause horrible CPU usage giving 50000 pings to everyone. The problem is GRAVITY being placed upon a big object (150,000 block ship etc). E.g. big object enters gravity of a planet = doom. This has to be fixed. On my server I...
    20. J

      Making Planets Relevant.

      I dont understand what the purpose of this post is. I agree planets have no real relevance. I agree theres too many of them. I agree they\'re too small. Whats this whole thing about factions and control and wahtever? I think it will take more than making them harder to mine to make planets...