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    1. J

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      It is I, your solutions man, here with another epicly simple solution. Firstly Big ship > small ship. The end. The idea of one small ship taking out a big ship is retarded. Please stop. I don't see an X-wing taking out a star destroyer. Move on. It's not possible. Nerf time: So firstly there...
    2. J

      Personal computer/ something to be in so your body doesnt get lost while moving

      Gravity works but its not perfect you can still get flung out of the ship if it moves rapidly... I\'d say its a bug to fix, rather than requiring a computer to sit in...
    3. J

      Inventory management!

      Yes to both of these
    4. J

      Possible AI Improvements?

      The main improvement the AI needs (pirates etc) is not raping the CPU.
    5. J

      Turning thrusters/thruster overhaul

      Unless the developer schema makes turning thrusters require shitloads of blocks for big ships (like shields - they get less efficient the more you have)... otherwise I do not like this idea. Basically its always the same people with juggernaught ships wanting to turn like a tie fighter. It\'s...
    6. J

      Some kind of reward for people who bought SM before it was needed?

      You got the reward already (good price) stop being a whiney little kid
    7. J

      To come before the controvercy

      Probably best you cut him loose. I\'ve also learned sometimes its better to give a little more to ensure success, but I doubt it was with him.
    8. J

      Cockpit Facing = Actual Viewport direction - useful for docking

      It's clear now after the latest docking changes where you see a blue box and green box appear to indicate why your ship has failed to dock that being able to have a cockpit that faces DOWN so I can easily use it and fire the docking beam to dock would make life alot easier regarding docking...
    9. J

      Ship Sub-Systems / Something else to Aim at besides Core

      So I read this thread (mostly the first post) And it became clear (I don't really like his idea but it brings up a good point), which is combat is purely designed on killing the ship core. Thats it. What we need is SUB SYSTEMS. So when you target...
    10. J

      All these "turn rate" threads

      I made a thread or actually I posted a link to a comment I made solving the turn rate problem. Just make thruster blocks like shield blocks, require stupid amounts the more you go as they start losing efficiency. So a giant ship requires shitloads more percentage wise than a small fighter...
    11. J

      K-Boom's Hardcore-Friendly Blueprint Overhaul

      I like it, to summarize what I think I read (and what I more or less like) Firstly I like anything that makes StarMade more \"economy and risk / reward\" than the cry babies like... this idea of spawn a ship on the forum at will and fight with it, is weak. If you want to do that... well might...
    12. J

      Introducing the 'Master Switch' Block.

      Lost me further down on the on-off being unaffected with two master switches... BUT YES - EXCELLENT BLOCK IDEA. Example uses: Open docking hangar for incoming ship to dock to your ship Open lights to indicate a path for user to follow Open security doors and provide access for visitors...
    13. J

      Build Block & Ship Spawn "Exploits"

      To your first post I actually uploaded a bunch of \"BLOCK SHIPS\". BLOCKS_HARDENED_HULL_GRAY BLOCKS_SHIELDS Repeat for another 10 useful blocks or so. I do this INTENTIONALLY because the shops always being out of stock is ridiculous. No one wants to go begging for materials all the time...
    14. J

      Mineral Scanner Probes - radiospectography

      This is a sweet idea for sure. Ram the probe into the planet, get data on number of blocks of whats on the planet. Star trek style +1 for this idea. If you gotta make the probes that is. Power, probe block, thruster, and you gotta dock it to your ship, inside or out. And you require a probe...
    15. J

      New Ways To Travel: Transwarp, Particle Warp, and More!

      awesome list of stuff... Only the \"magic appearance elsewhere\" ones are possible I\'m fairly certain, so warp drive style stuff is out. THe transwarp one maybe, if schema gets a diagram drawn up and you click points on a map you want to use the transwarp network of to get there. Which is...
    16. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      I said I was done, but Im done after this post :P. EpicFailLord123 we understand you do not like the idea. OK. No need to come back every 3 posts screaming in outrage (lol). The only intelligent suggestion that came out of this thread was to add a server config server option to enable docked...
    17. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      I am the server admin. I understand and agree with the decision to make home bases immune (the structure itself so it cant be taken over etc), what I dont like is passing the immunity to docked ships giving them permanent god mode. You should have to fully cover your ships. Get it right...
    18. J

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      I think you are missing the point, this is about game balance, not real life. Small fighters should be able to outmanuver and out accelerate a giant ship with ease unless that giant ship has significantly more thruster blocks (% wise). The player with the big ship can still make his capital...
    19. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Yeah you spawned another. Meaning fighting is all sweet as long as you can spawn another... sounds like you are 8-9 and would cry yourself to sleep if you lost your ship you couldn\'t spawn it back... I think this is the real argument against lessening immunity of home bases. You play on servers...
    20. J

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      z1967: Playing as a trader really? How long do you think doing that can keep someone entertained? Not too long. No game out there lets you be entertained by this for too long. Conflict is the final entertainment. DracoNB: Fight the AI? Yeah thats the worst concept ever. Attack a human base with...