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    1. J

      Auto-Gravity activation upon entering ship core

      I guess best option would be some kind of \"ship settings\" on the ship core block, to enable gravity upon entering ship (assuming a gravity block exists somewhere). That would be best, and it remembers that setting.
    2. J

      Real Punishment for dying

      Oh sweet already exists? Didn\'t know. I will definitely be activating it. To whoever thinks dropping inventory on death is bad: Play Smart. Man Up. Or go back to Minecraft creative mode.
    3. J

      Direct Navigation

      It doesn\'t seem so hard to implement either... that or the whole system needs to be changed so it can happen... the zig zag thing to me seems like nothing more than a basic nav solution just so SOMETHING existed, I cant imagine this was ever meant to be permanent... I sure hope not because it...
    4. J

      Auto-Gravity activation upon entering ship core

      Please automatically enable Gravity when you enter your ships core (assuming it has a gravity block on the ship). This is so, as in my "Real Punishment for dying" thread, if you need to flee from your capital ship to a smaller ship, the big ship could still be moving forward, and you dont want...
    5. J

      Real Punishment for dying

      Right now, die, suicide, who cares. There is no PUNISHMENT. I frequently suicide to spawn back at my base, knowing my 50k hulls and endless other materials will still remain with me without a problem. I read the first post of this suggestion: Then I...
    6. J

      Plexlifters + stores on ships

      I dont see why not hav plex lifters on ships. Seems fairly straight forward code wise?
    7. J

      Side Propulsion

      This is a good idea, except it should be based on MASS, not width/length/height, just MASS. And roughly, after 200 mass you start slowing down 300 mass you have a nasty peice of equipment. That UMC_Collector is about 350 mass to give you an idea. It should not turn as quick as a 50 mass fighter.
    8. J

      Max Speed

      Like jump drive, see other thread I made in Features
    9. J

      idea's for AI

      Yeah no...because firstly, bitch to code. Can\'t even imagine the amount of warping out of X situations.. Secondly it apperas performance intensive, the game takes out all lowly servers, imagine when everyone has 3 AI ships farming for them... Thirdly, you should be doing the farming you slack...
    10. J

      It's time to implement Chain Docking + 2 other features

      It is planned for sure, just want it sooner than later I figure its a fairly \"important\" feature of the game to have... I definitely approach that he fixes bugs...but if I had my way I\'d like chain docking to be the first big feature he gets working on... and after that warp drive :D
    11. J

      It's time to implement Chain Docking + 2 other features

      We've all been going without, I think it's time we get to enjoy keeping our mother ship docked at our home base, with its turrets and helper craft attached! Also: Implementing docking beams for plex doors with permission modules. Also: Making permission modules next to plex doors be clickable...
    12. J


      It could work if it: 1. The building was a simple count down timer to spawn the ship (no visuals during construction) 2. During that time the ship yard zone (like a docking zone) survived intact 3. The deployed ship from the ship yard, is linked to having being \"spawned\" and the game...
    13. J

      Warp Drive Summary for Devs

      No idea why you would think you had to stay in one stop to begin a warp. No sci-fi show limits ships to that. They are free to roam wherever they please via regular engines until their FTL drive / warp drive / jump drive powers up. Then boom they disapear. Also making people wait in one spot is...
    14. J

      Ship Turning

      Cant have big ships turning like fighters thats retarded. In fact big ships should turn slower without shitloads more thrusters The weak point is even medium size ships are dog slow to turn, just as slow as giant ships - this bit is well unacceptable and should be fixed... mass 1000 ship turns...
    15. J

      A Cube Planet

      Double sided is the only way to do this that won\'t take all eternity. Basically as far as I can see, like having tow stations touching each other, but seperate in reality. Gravity will be one way for top, other way for bottom. Only thing I have NFI about is what happens if you get to the...
    16. J

      Warp Drive Summary for Devs

      If there is a mass of pirates there, thats too bad! That\'s the risk you take for warping to a sector you have never been. Hell I even want the ships after warp to travel at HALF speed, now THAT is a good idea...jump into a bad spot... deal with the consequences of lower power reserves, half...
    17. J

      Warp Drive Summary for Devs

      This wasn\'t meant to be concrete or anything... also big ships only with warp is not silly at all. Who wants a bunch of noobs warping everywhere in 3x3 borg cubes. Make it something to Earn. Something Hard to achieve, Something not every shitty little ship can have. Eve\'s gate system is for a...
    18. J

      Babylon Cruiser after battle

      This ship started off as the Battleship found on the ships section here ( I spent many hours heavily modifyiing it internally to boost efficiency. I stripped most of it's internals, shrunk it's nose substantially, stripped its thruster system for a total...
    19. J

      Warp Drive Summary for Devs

      Warp Drive Technology Summary for Devs I read the entire thread at Now I will summarize, in my opinion, the solid points of it, and as a programmer myself, remove the stuff I feel is not going to happen (for programming or game reasons) so its easy for...