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    1. J

      Making a bigger difference between big and small ships

      Correct. It would be hard for a tiny ship to hurt a big ship - as is how it should be... it won\'t be impossible even small ships can hit hard enough to damage them with persistence......but the hull is the least of their concern getting the shields down is a harder challenge as a tie fighter...
    2. J

      My take on a new AMC system

      GREAT IDEA ABOUT individual AMC \"bullets\" doing \"penetrating damage\" so if it was a 400 bullet, it punctures the first hull and the second hull too, and damages the third (or whatever the stats are on hulls I forgot). This really solves the problem of pounding a ship with your 20 cannons...
    3. J

      Stealth Platting (hull) and Shield Systems

      I dont agree with the stealth plating but the idea to switch off your shields to allow more power elsewhere is nice... although not sure how much power shields take, not much last check? What would make this feature more plausible is if regening shields requires power, and requires power for...
    4. J

      SRV Records

      Better idea, make the starmade client default to port 4242 if no port specified.
    5. J

      Making a bigger difference between big and small ships

      I love this post (first one). Yes sure like me you can layer up teh hulls and have a 3 hull thick cruiser, but thats not the point. The point is its too easy to damage your carrier if the shields go down and it\'s a BITCH to repair. Seriously, I got into a fight, there was SO MUCH SHIT TO...
    6. J

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      The solution to this thread is make AMC\'s not pinpoint, but instead, reduce their allowable \"pointing angle\" to be say 25 degrees, so your entire cannon armada does not precisely pinpoint on your recticle, but if your ship is wide/tall enough, fires around it due to inability for the outer...
    7. J

      Demystifying new Turn Rates feature

      I would like to clarify for others, that before this update mass was a very simple \"brackets system\", but had very minimal brackets of mass. Example (I dont know what it was, this is just an example) If Mass > 100 Then Turn this Fast If Mass > 500 Then Turn that Fast And so few of them even...
    8. J

      Demystifying new Turn Rates feature

      Very wierd... Long stick = great turning speed. Long stick with 30% of length added into width on top = slow turning. Something wrong with this turning situation...
    9. J

      Demystifying new Turn Rates feature

      Thanks. Know what the \"small degree\" is? I guess I will test a long stick vs my battle cruiser and compare and report back I am hoping the long stick turns a LOT quicker.
    10. J

      Demystifying new Turn Rates feature

      So a 1000m long stick turns as slow as a 100000mass 1000m long battle cruiser? You are kidding right...
    11. J

      Demystifying new Turn Rates feature

      This isn't me desmystifying, it's me asking for demystification :P I can't say I am a total fan of this change but want to give it a fair go. My "long" battleship now turns significantly slower. I can deal with that. 1. What I want to know is, if you make a giant one cube 200m stick...
    12. J

      Gravity boarding weapon

      I like the main post above. Also you cant dock enemy factioned ships so thats a nice idea about sharing gravity so to speak, but not possible I also like having small charges you can carry. I also like the idea of being able to directly shoot cores without worrying about shields.
    13. J

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      I don\'t think there IS a problem with the current setup. I think schema chose to make missles useless against shields, inline with Star Trek\'s Photon torpedoes generally doing not much against shields, but doing severe damage against unshielded hull. Same thing here. Whats the problem? Also...
    14. J

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      Don\'t know how this went off on a tangent but yeah these people claiming small fighers should be able to take out a capital ship solo are retarded. The only way this sould be possible is if: a) The capital ship has no defences OR b) You find a blind spot and are an awesome pilot that manages...
    15. J

      Confinement Block - More than just a Jail!

      Hell no this isnt counter strike
    16. J

      HardCore Blueprint System

      We badly needed this option HUZZAH it arrived. I suggested \"max block limit\" on blueprint imports, but this is even better, gives you peice of mind you can get your ship back if its destroyed, but also forces you to attempt to make your own capital ship. I think leaving it as \"credits only\"...
    17. J

      4 Easy Changes to improve game balance greatly IMO

      I dont agree with point 4, nor with the disagreeance (lol word?) of the second poster. Both are wronnngggggggggg Someone delete this thread
    18. J

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      Yep thats it. And if you want a giant ship that turns/accelerates fast, put on stupid amounts of thrusters (the efficiency degrade in affect of course)
    19. J

      SD KB script

      Missles are useless unless they target stations or planets. Way too slow to be useful ship to ship, unless the enemy has no shields and is afk.
    20. J

      Personal computer/ something to be in so your body doesnt get lost while moving

      Congrats you win the laziest poster award...66% of posts before yours stated gravity does the job and a computer is not required...epic