It seems I have not been clear enough...
I have read enough of your obnoxious PvP-Elitist reasoning and petty attempts to pass this off as "creative friendliness".
You just don't seem to understand reality, your point of view is only one part of the whole.
Distraction, evasion and manipulation of facts is the name of the game here:
I really have a hard time to get any clearer. Undermining Power 2.0 is the goal of this. It is a terrible system. It restricts creative building by making the ships ineffective if they don't follow obnauxious design rules and all the pvp ships don't care and just make their vertical power stick longer to retain their 100% effective stabilizer blocks. It is fundamentally flawed from the start since all effective built ships will look the same and easily kill every non stick ship that is in the same weight class without much resistance. It is so easy to see because to retain 100% stabilizer distance you have to make the stick longer and since distance doesn't add mass the length of the stick doesn't matter to their mobility. You will only find very fast vertical high powered ships with minimal ressource useage in any serious pvp fight. The distance mechanic doesn't add anything positive to the game. Get over it.
All presumptuous hearsay based on the arguement; "StarMade us do it" (forced us).
I have had no problem being "creative", I liked the powerstream (many others also*), and even integrity.
The only stupid part about it all; it took away the possibility of using system blocks as deco, and SM could use more deco...
Stuffing stabilizers all over the place is unrealistic and stupid, as was 100% regen @ 25% stability, but hey, thats just my opinion, (some might even agree with me).
Furthermore it plays a big role in being able to de-stabilize reactors, or not.
You evaded that part completely, because that is what it boils down to.
Accept it.
Also nobody or anything forces you to build bigger reactors in the quickfire configs. There is no minimum reactor size. Just build how you want I don't see your issue. Armor is lighter so the mass of interior and details will punish your less and even give you more protection. At this point armor even seem superior to shields in most ways which invites all players to build ships with % low system count and a lot of armor details around. The most changes come from the power consumption that has to increase for what you get simply because the vanilla weapons and thrusters were overpowered by a large margin. Ships get deleted in seconds and every ship moves with max thrust to mass ratio. If we wouldn't change that we could simply add the delete gun that oneshots and get rid of thrusters alltogether since nobody flys below max speed. This is not how fun and engaging gameplay looks.
More Irrelevant distraction, I'm not even talking about armor or thrusters, please try to stay "on-topic", but now that you mention it, yes, armor is superior, and shields are pointless on small ships, the "trade-off" is not worth it, armor+DPS = win.
The only reason what makes sense to me, why you fight this change is that you don't want to refit your damn ships
Are you really this pathetic, is that all you "get", Schnell?, wait no forget it, don't answer...
The only reason this "makes sense" to you, I would have to guess; because you are too blinded from your glorious self to understand anything I have posted, (as I mentioned before).
literally everything else is geared to cater to creative builders which btw most of the the quickfire people are too. We are no pvp players if you think that. You just have to compare PvP ships pre power 2.0 to newer ones and see that older ships had a lot of design options and variety while retaining their competetiveness. Just to draw the conclusionfor you on this: If pvp ships have more design options that are competetive, creative builders also have more options to build a competetive ship. I can't believe that this is so hard to see for you.
More distractions... yes I am aware of who is in "the clique", sure this is all about "creative" building...
Also the reason why nobody uploads pvp ships are easy to explain:
1. PvP players want to keep their advantages for themself if they have any.
2. There are no pvp players left to upload anything since power 2.0 killed pvp.
The relevance?
Nobody asked for reasons.
More Distraction?(+you forgot some stuff).
Fact is: look at what actual community is building, here's the link in case you don't got it
Click Here.
Bottom line is: This config will force players to build a certain way (the Elite-PvP-Quickfire way) or they will not be "viable" on MP Servers.
So, to be 100% clear, please do not quote me anymore, (Iknowitshardnottofloodtheforumwithelitepvpknowitall), as I am trying to make my "exit"... I have given my worthless 0.02€ of "feedback", I am done here, I would like to sit quietly on the sidelines.
As you stated "this is not a debate" anyway.
I do like Quotes though, famous ones are bestest...
Allow me to fix this for you... (Disclaimer, technically not DukeofRealms, posted for Quickfire*)
While the mechanical changes that can be made within configs are somewhat limited, we have done our best to correct the issues the community has been having with the current game and enhance combat gameplay. The Quickfire Initiative has also worked with Schine on refining certain game mechanics (e.g. armor stacking). We have, at the same time, made an effort to avoid undermining key design elements of the power and weapons updates (e.g. the chamber system and arrangement) when not absolutely necessary.
Really means:
We have once again convinced Schine they did it all wrong, again.
this config did bring back the dreaded perma-cloaker, and made it easy to do at max stealth strength. And simultaneously run a permanent max strength scanner. And that combo doesnt even use more than 40% reactor power on the little test ship I made, no attempt to use power reduction chambers.
"Eve Elite Voxel Edition" is on the way, don't forget your Helmet!