The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Why, what is it all about, has anyone outside of Quickfire even tested this?
    We've been trying to get some outside feedback for a while, and really nobody outside of the core members of our team have given it more than a cursory look-over before this announcement was released.

    Several people in this thread said:
    I don't want to refit my ships!
    When designing the Quickfire configs (or at least, their current state, which can still change), we had a choice. We could either:
    1. Attempt to minimize the need for refits, and accommodate current systems proportions as much as possible.
      This would result in strange and awkward proportions of systems that don't make sense for newly-built ships going forward without stabilizer constraints, and un-refitted ships would still not work as well because they were designed with original power 2/weapons 3 balance in mind.


    2. Design the configs as a unified whole. Accept the consequences that people will have to refit their ships (which will happen either way) and create something that will (ideally) hold up better under all conditions.
    are shields weaker to em and system kinetic etc in quickfire or old vanilla?
    QF only. In vanilla, shields are stronger against EM and other defenses/blocks have no special strengths or vulnerabilities.
    The problem with the clique.
    It is demonstrably a better way to do something but it's offhandedly disregarded because everyone's doing it another way...everyone in the circle is following the ass in front of them and they refuse to change for fear of falling out of the clique... round and round you go.
    That's not even the issue. I personally never understood using mass to compare ships because of the variations in mass between blocks, though I was willing to concede that there wasn't really a better method of comparison at the time. I suppose that's changed in power 2.0 with reactors working differently.

    The thing is, there is nothing stopping you from using the linear reactor levels as ship classes! If your entire argument is that you need some sort of classification for "fair competition" there's no reason why you couldn't for instance set up a tournament and say that the reactor level must be between 100 and 110 in linear levels or whatever. It's not hard to understand.
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    This is exactly what I was referring to in my previous post, why bother suggesting anything.
    It is disgarded, distracted from, and replaced with the correct opinion:
    The change was necessary.
    a month or 2 ago.. l o l

    Edit: the actual date was 24 days ago, not hard to find... not even a month.
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    Sep 10, 2014
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    I was referring to this:

    View attachment 54418

    I was confused, forcing them to do this... make it even heavier?

    Yes I understand the RHP thing, thank you, but it doesn't change this fact: it only seems to be a Quickfire problem, I have seen no complaints about it anywhere before, nor does it Justify breaking everything all over again.

    This stuff is all highly "presumptous, situational, and subjective to me".

    Feels like sticking your finger ina aquarium full of piranhas here :D
    We aren't piranhas, we simply dealt with a lot of these problems for some time now. We (mostly Ith because he's a boss) even made a whole big document about the problems of the current systems (with a lot of pvp player input) and why the pvp meta is that terrible to show Schine what is wrong with it.

    Let's just break down this armor thing:

    In vanilla armor is very high mass. This means that even a thin layers of armor have a significant impact on the whole mass of the ship. If you have high mass you need more thrust to be fast (speed is most of the time very important in fights especially on high levels). To get this thrust you obviously need power which in return reduces the power you have left for weapons and shields.

    So: high armor mass -> need more thrust -> needs more power -> less power for weapons

    In conclusion you try to save mass on armor since it highly impacts the ship performance which means you definitly want to fill your ships to the brim to use all the armored space you've created.

    Now that the mass shifted from armor to systems a few more armor blocks don't make much of a difference. You can extend your shell over your systems without getting too much additional mass that would cripple your ship. In conclusion it gives your more opportunities to add interior (interior is low mass anyways since it's mostly empty space and even works as spaced armor vs missiles) or spaces in your ship without harming it's combat capabilities too much.

    About the RHP thing... combat in vanilla highly optimised ships takes about 2 seconds and one of the ships is dead. In some cases the other ship dies too after that because of the still spreading acid dmg. So vanilla combat data is worthless since the pvp meta or in general the combat focused ships are just sticks with tons of beams that melt everything instantly. So no it's not a quickfire problem. If it was possible instead of blowing up the reactor size we would've reenabled system hp (every system contributes hp to the hp bar and so you lose hp with every system destroyed) but it apparently doesn't work anymore.

    We also don't want to pretend that everything we have in this config is great or final or the solution to everything but most decisions were made with a reasoning behind. What we need is a lot of feedback to get some reliable data on how the current QF configs perform. Since feedback is not happening much with the 10 currently active starmade players :catcry: the only option is to push for the feedback so we know if we have to adjust values or if something is completely broken. We don't want to push any hidden agendas or anything we just want to make combat and building enjoyable again. So if you have any reliable data to contribute that something is fundamentaly wrong with the config just show us and we will change it. The initial idea of quickfire is to make fast and unbureaucratic config changes to find values that work and are fun. If your feedback has a solid reasoning we can simply throw them onto the server and try them.

    Will people need to refit ships? Yes. Will the combat improve? Definitly. Is it necessary? YES.

    There is no way to get around this terrible config issue without refiting ships.
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    Feb 15, 2017
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    I'd really like to test my existing suite of ships against the new settings in an effort to give informed feedback, but one glaring issue stands out to me as it seems to have done so for others, though it might seem to be for an unusual reason: Thrust nerfing.

    Larger ships should accelerate more slowly. Not simply be slower, with drastically rising power costs for any attempt to compensate. This is very, very important. Not just for the sake of realism, but because of the necessities of cooperative survival gameplay.

    I get why you're doing it from a pure building and combat point of view, but in my reading of the summary of the recent interview/stream with Schine, cooperative gameplay for things like raiding the Void for resources, or defending against incursions is intended to become much more beneficial and even necessary. Which honestly, I had hoped for all along.

    Specifically, I'm talking about being able to make ships like my Uktena Industrial Support Carrier. It is designed to function as a rapid-response logistical support platform for deep-range industrial/combat recovery activities (which will be perfect for supporting operations in the Void) and most importantly to the discussion here, do things like function as a tow-truck for the recovery of even large-ish crippled combat vessels, which conserves resources and allows for a quick turnaround on that vessel's return to service. It can also dock with a crippled station and provide power for manufacturing, shielding for the structure along with vessels for players to use in repair and defense.
    It carries 100k of cargo, 4 mining vessels, 2 respectable fighters as well as 2 rescue/repair vehicles, all of which can be crewed and have their own respective cargo holds. With black hole slingshot travel, it can carry all of this while moving and steering at speeds in excess of 700 m/s on vanilla settings, thusly the 'rapid-response' qualifier I added earlier.

    As you might imagine, this pretty much requires an overpowered, undifferentiated thrust package to make viable.

    I strongly feel that with things like real cooperative survival gameplay on servers being an intended end result of the changes made for the universe update, the ability to design ships for the role I've described will be increasingly important. In fact the whole reason I started designing this kind of ship is because when I was playing on the public test server in survival some years back, it was simply necessary to have for helping out the occasional player in distress, or new players who would like help getting themselves established, or for building a station, gate, etc., in deep space, far from where rapid travel may otherwise be available.

    Particularly when viewed through the paradigm of cooperative survival gameplay, with random attacks occurring at random places, against random players, being able to field rapid-response vessels that have both power and speed will be necessary. Helping someone out who has just suffered a catastrophic attack against their stations, etc. pretty much requires the mobilization of a flying mountain that can essentially function as a temporary replacement station/large work platform for use by players engaged in repairs.

    And it has to get there yesterday. If it takes 2 hours to get where the help is needed, with the help that is needed, then it is no help at all, is it?

    Like I said, I don't mind if you want to make large ships difficult to accelerate for combat balancing purposes, but they should still be allowed to achieve solid top speeds after acceleration without gobbling up their entire power supply. This will also be necessary for large cargo and combat vessels, which often need to be able to haul ass under load in normal space to get where they need to go, not just hopping in FTL. So excuses about FTL chambering are simply inadequate. If you intend FTL to be the primary method of locomotion in the game, why have thrusters at all?

    I apologize for the length of this post, but I'm seeing a definite bias in the discussions among the people who are deciding these things toward PvP, min-maxing and fantasy builds, rather than deciding these things on what the actual game will be like for the average player (which this game very, very much needs to attract) or what that will likely necessitate in ship design and capability. I get that you want to make it harder for large ships to dodge your weapons fire or whatever, but just nerfing the s**t out of thrusters seems like a ham-fisted, lazy, myopic answer to a very specific problem, experienced by a very specific kind of player that will nevertheless by decree, apply across the board to include all players and play-styles.

    But hey, it's not like this kind of insular thinking has been a problem for the development of the game or anything, right?

    P.S. As a direct example of the thinking I'm talking about, I'd like to point out that you are releasing these files for people to try in what I would hope is the effort to solicit feedback from as many different kinds of player possible, but have included no specific instructions as to which files on the list are needed, or where specifically we should be putting them. You just assume people know.
    Then, judging by much of what I've seen, you'll likely assume that anyone who doesn't already know isn't worth listening to anyway.

    Just sayin'.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    I'd really like to test my existing suite of ships against the new settings in an effort to give informed feedback, but one glaring issue stands out to me as it seems to have done so for others, though it might seem to be for an unusual reason: Thrust nerfing.

    Larger ships should accelerate more slowly. Not simply be slower, with drastically rising power costs for any attempt to compensate. This is very, very important. Not just for the sake of realism, but because of the necessities of cooperative survival gameplay.

    I get why you're doing it from a pure building and combat point of view, but in my reading of the summary of the recent interview/stream with Schine, cooperative gameplay for things like raiding the Void for resources, or defending against incursions is intended to become much more beneficial and even necessary. Which honestly, I had hoped for all along.

    Specifically, I'm talking about being able to make ships like my Uktena Industrial Support Carrier. It is designed to function as a rapid-response logistical support platform for deep-range industrial/combat recovery activities (which will be perfect for supporting operations in the Void) and most importantly to the discussion here, do things like function as a tow-truck for the recovery of even large-ish crippled combat vessels, which conserves resources and allows for a quick turnaround on that vessel's return to service. It can also dock with a crippled station and provide power for manufacturing, shielding for the structure along with vessels for players to use in repair and defense.
    It carries 100k of cargo, 4 mining vessels, 2 respectable fighters as well as 2 rescue/repair vehicles, all of which can be crewed and have their own respective cargo holds. With black hole slingshot travel, it can carry all of this while moving and steering at speeds in excess of 700 m/s on vanilla settings, thusly the 'rapid-response' qualifier I added earlier.

    As you might imagine, this pretty much requires an overpowered, undifferentiated thrust package to make viable.

    I strongly feel that with things like real cooperative survival gameplay on servers being an intended end result of the changes made for the universe update, the ability to design ships for the role I've described will be increasingly important. In fact the whole reason I started designing this kind of ship is because when I was playing on the public test server in survival some years back, it was simply necessary to have for helping out the occasional player in distress, or new players who would like help getting themselves established, or for building a station, gate, etc., in deep space, far from where rapid travel may otherwise be available.

    Particularly when viewed through the paradigm of cooperative survival gameplay, with random attacks occurring at random places, against random players, being able to field rapid-response vessels that have both power and speed will be necessary. Helping someone out who has just suffered a catastrophic attack against their stations, etc. pretty much requires the mobilization of a flying mountain that can essentially function as a temporary replacement station/large work platform for use by players engaged in repairs.

    And it has to get there yesterday. If it takes 2 hours to get where the help is needed, with the help that is needed, then it is no help at all, is it?

    Like I said, I don't mind if you want to make large ships difficult to accelerate for combat balancing purposes, but they should still be allowed to achieve solid top speeds after acceleration without gobbling up their entire power supply. This will also be necessary for large cargo and combat vessels, which often need to be able to haul ass under load in normal space to get where they need to go, not just hopping in FTL. So excuses about FTL chambering are simply inadequate. If you intend FTL to be the primary method of locomotion in the game, why have thrusters at all?

    I apologize for the length of this post, but I'm seeing a definite bias in the discussions among the people who are deciding these things toward PvP, min-maxing and fantasy builds, rather than deciding these things on what the actual game will be like for the average player (which this game very, very much needs to attract) or what that will likely necessitate in ship design and capability. I get that you want to make it harder for large ships to dodge your weapons fire or whatever, but just nerfing the s**t out of thrusters seems like a ham-fisted, lazy, myopic answer to a very specific problem, experienced by a very specific kind of player that will nevertheless by decree, apply across the board to include all players and play-styles.

    But hey, it's not like this kind of insular thinking has been a problem for the development of the game or anything, right?
    nah slow big ships is good
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    Jul 19, 2014
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    The changes so far are interesting and like I said before there are a lot of things that have been changed the I really do like.

    For example, I made a little ship that is supposed to be a pirate interceptor and called it a bandit, small fast and slapped together with old and rusted parts. Pre QF it was a cannon fodder background ship with a 5-5 cannon/cannon that did less damage than the standard handgun. After QF and a quick refit the little bugger is actually a threat. In a fight against itself it can shred through its 2 block shields and takes about 5 seconds to reduce basic Armour blocks to slag and overload it.

    And that was after I had to ditch the homing missile and reduce the amount of cannons to 3-3 c/c just so that It wouldn't overload the reactor. But when I put it against my bigger fighter which is slower but is covered in advanced armour, I was able to cut down the shields after a good amount of sustained fire, but the 3/3 cannon took a very long time to get through a single block of advanced armour.

    I've even gotten creative with the reactor of my colony ship, instead of a big lumpy square with the stabilisers located on the other side of the ship I've made a cylinder reactor that has a ring of stabilisers that go around it... which now that I thing about it, looks a lot like the default shop after I copied and pasted in a row of them.

    I'll play around a little more, and see what else I can do.

    Edit: Big ships should certainly be slow, and I for one don't mind that my biggest ship can only lumber towards a battle, it makes players in smaller faster fighters want to stick around it for the covering fire it can lay down.

    I don't even bother with FTL on my fighters, I have them dock up and then use the bigger ships FTL drive to jump to where I need to be. Ideally I would also like to field a few gunboats to help secure a wider field.
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    Aug 14, 2017
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    But when I put it against my bigger fighter which is slower but is covered in advanced armour, I was able to cut down the shields after a good amount of sustained fire, but the 3/3 cannon took a very long time to get through a single block of advanced armour.
    That's the point? Quickfire armour supposed to work like this. High RoF, low damage weapons are bad against armour. If you want to shoot someone out of your weight class use Cannon-Missile.
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    Let's just break down this armor thing...
    About the RHP thing...
    Currently neither Armor nor the "RHP" thing are the "center" of concern.
    It would be nice to stay on topic... and save the mass / armor / shield / thrust stuff for another time.

    Both MrGrey1 and I have other concerns regarding reactors / stabilzation... not even 100% identical concerns for clarity.
    That is a statement in itself, and we are 2 of the "10 currently active starmade players". :D

    I don't even want to think about what this will mean for my station which I work on in my spare time when I am not working on server stuff.
    It may be 1km tall, but it is not very wide, so what, am I going to be force filling it 2/3 of the way with reactors and stabs just for shields factories and docked turrets and ships?
    I sure hope not, but aproximating it off my small pirate ship the WidowRaider, which I refit on the Quickfire server, it is leaning towards 2/3 or maybe more? This will not make Johny happy.

    Yes and then theres small ships... this config also brings other changes, which have not even been mentioned so far or been "extensively tested" it seems. This is not only feeling bad just looking at the configs and reactor graph, it is sounding like it is not even "ready" for implementation.

    Generally I am just not biting on the "picture being painted".
    I may not be a programmer, nor a hardcore meta-exploiting PVPer, but I am not totally ignorant to the configs and believe balancing is possible in a much less invassive maner than what is being proposed here. Personally I don't see forcing huge reactor /stab combos fixing or balancing anything aside from the RHP thing, which also has nothing todo with the other; armor / shield / thruster / weapon stuff.
    There will surely be other problems, another Meta, can of worms, or whatever...
    It is a simple rule of war, and game configs.

    I guess with the move to RTS, its all about the pvp anyway.
    Clearly what you need is people jumping on the bandwagon, instead of non-conformists like us.
    This whole "Debate" today displayed the same pattern as usual, unless something changes with that (iassumeitwont) Thats all I got.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    These changes are going into a dev build for testing and public feedback... if you're not going to give feedback because we're putting them into a vanilla dev build, that seems counter-intuitive no?
    Any idea when that dev build will be released?
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    Feb 15, 2017
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    Currently neither Armor nor the "RHP" thing are the "center" of concern.
    It would be nice to stay on topic... and save the mass / armor / shield / thrust stuff for another time.

    Both MrGrey1 and I have other concerns regarding reactors / stabilzation... not even 100% identical concerns for clarity.
    That is a statement in itself, and we are 2 of the "10 currently active starmade players". :D

    I don't even want to think about what this will mean for my station which I work on in my spare time when I am not working on server stuff.
    It may be 1km tall, but it is not very wide, so what, am I going to be force filling it 2/3 of the way with reactors and stabs just for shields factories and docked turrets and ships?
    I sure hope not, but aproximating it off my small pirate ship the WidowRaider, which I refit on the Quickfire server, it is leaning towards 2/3 or maybe more? This will not make Johny happy.

    Yes and then theres small ships... this config also brings other changes, which have not even been mentioned so far or been "extensively tested" it seems. This is not only feeling bad just looking at the configs and reactor graph, it is sounding like it is not even "ready" for implementation.

    Generally I am just not biting on the "picture being painted".
    I may not be a programmer, nor a hardcore meta-exploiting PVPer, but I am not totally ignorant to the configs and believe balancing is possible in a much less invassive maner than what is being proposed here. Personally I don't see forcing huge reactor /stab combos fixing or balancing anything aside from the RHP thing, which also has nothing todo with the other; armor / shield / thruster / weapon stuff.
    There will surely be other problems, another Meta, can of worms, or whatever...
    It is a simple rule of war, and game configs.

    I guess with the move to RTS, its all about the pvp anyway.
    Clearly what you need is people jumping on the bandwagon, instead of non-conformists like us.
    This whole "Debate" today displayed the same pattern as usual, unless something changes with that (iassumeitwont) Thats all I got.
    Quite frankly, I've always felt that Power 2.0 has been an over-engineered mess that is largely incomprehensible and unworkable without watching like at least a couple of hours of meandering Youtube videos to even grasp the essential operating principles for the purposes of building. Eve Online has a shallower learning curve than Starmade at this point for entry level, or even returning players.

    Power 2.0 was billed as a way to remedy the supposed problem of lack of variety in ship shapes, etc. and make power easier for entry-level players to understand and use, but instead has accomplished exactly the opposite result. Then they changed all the weapons and cranked the NPCs to eleven, making survival gameplay in-survivable and simply removing the game from this game to suit a very small minority. We've been waiting for what? 2 years now almost for that to be remedied with the much-storied 'Universe Update'?

    But the damage has been done. That previously very small, hardcore, min-maxing minority are now the only ones left and worse, the lunatics have been given run of the asylum.

    The typical response to voiced concerns or suggestions here essentially boils down to: "You're too stupid to play this game. You should go back where you came from." Which from the general public's point of view is essentially Schine saying by proxy that he hates making money and doesn't want anyone to buy or play his game.
    I have a tested 140 IQ, with over 1100 hours logged in this game. The problem isn't that I'm too stupid to play this game, or don't have enough experience with it. The problem is that unless things drastically improve and quickly, this game is simply too stupid to bother with playing.

    But hey, what can the players do, right? It's not like there's any other games on the market that do the same things and sometimes do them better, right? When you have a monopoly like they do, acting like a big bag of dicks who register at the extreme end of the Autistic spectrum to your existing and potential customers is perfectly ok, right? After all, it's not like that 'Mostly Negative' rating on Steam is something any prospective buyer actually pays attention to, right? And certainly they never read the reviews before buying either.

    I returned here to the forums after seeing the news about this initiative pop on Steam in the very faint hopes that they'd pulled their heads out of their asses and were seeking to actually improve things in a way that is tailored to what the game is really supposed to be when completed. Instead, they appear to want to tailor it to their already existing very rigid, very specific preferences, playstyles and habits within the current non-game that is Starmade, with no regard whatsoever for the suggestions, concerns, or desires of anyone outside their little bubble.

    Sadly, from here, it looks just like a continuance of already-failed thinking informing and compelling a repetition of already-failed actions. Because you know, fiddling with the system values and settings in the effort to satisfy an extreme minority that cannot be statisfied hasn't ever been tried before with this game.

    Doesn't anyone left here know what the colloquial definition for insanity is?
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Swiftstone In response to your concerns about cooperative MP and mobile bases:

    Long-range transportation is intended to be accomplished using jump drives, not engines. Jump drive balance is definitely an area where I - and hopefully the rest of the team - are open to discussion and adjustment. The current numbers in Quickfire are very much tentative.

    As for "satisfying an extreme minority" that was neither the goal of power 2.0, nor weapons 3.0, nor Quickfire. Power 2.0 was intended to bring the "majority" and "minority's" ships in line with standardization of power output per ship size, streamlining the somewhat cobbled-together spaghetti+aux blocks power mechanics that were there, and generally creating a more even playing field. If it worked, it would have been good for all players.

    Weapons 3.0 was supposed to bring more diversity for weapons, introduce more intuitive and reasonable mechanics (bigger weapons make bigger holes, wider cannons make wider shots, etc.), and finally introduce the long-delayed and much-asked-for mines. This would've been good for all players, again, if it worked. Not just the "extreme minority that cannot be satisfied".

    Quickfire seeks to finally make good on some of these goals, correct some of the major shortcomings of those updates, restore lost diversity and player freedom, and - wherever possible - make things make more sense. I'm not sure how this is only good for some extreme minority.
    Feb 15, 2017
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    Swiftstone In response to your concerns about cooperative MP and mobile bases:

    Long-range transportation is intended to be accomplished using jump drives, not engines. Jump drive balance is definitely an area where I - and hopefully the rest of the team - are open to discussion and adjustment. The current numbers in Quickfire are very much tentative.

    As for "satisfying an extreme minority" that was neither the goal of power 2.0, nor weapons 3.0, nor Quickfire. Power 2.0 was intended to bring the "majority" and "minority's" ships in line with standardization of power output per ship size, streamlining the somewhat cobbled-together spaghetti+aux blocks power mechanics that were there, and generally creating a more even playing field. If it worked, it would have been good for all players.

    Weapons 3.0 was supposed to bring more diversity for weapons, introduce more intuitive and reasonable mechanics (bigger weapons make bigger holes, wider cannons make wider shots, etc.), and finally introduce the long-delayed and much-asked-for mines. This would've been good for all players, again, if it worked. Not just the "extreme minority that cannot be satisfied".

    Quickfire seeks to finally make good on some of these goals, correct some of the major shortcomings of those updates, restore lost diversity and player freedom, and - wherever possible - make things make more sense. I'm not sure how this is only good for some extreme minority.
    Then perhaps you can explain how reducing top speed and increasing already stringent power requirements for thrust on larger vessels, rather than simply doing something like making acceleration and maneuvering profiles change as dictated by mass and any reasonable facsimile of physics in this, a space game, "makes sense"?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Honestly armor needs to be split into two block types. Hull and Armor. Hull: Looks pretty and is good for showing off and super light. Take it into battle and you'll die horribly unless running away. Armor: Ugly as sin but lets you live through weapons fire unlike Hull and is super heavy. You aren't running away but at least you aren't dying either. :)

    This should solve the whole, "Fill the ship with armor while trying to make a pretty exterior", issue.


    Lord of Lawnmowers
    Sep 18, 2017
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    Then perhaps you can explain how reducing top speed and increasing already stringent power requirements for thrust on larger vessels, rather than simply doing something like making acceleration and maneuvering profiles change as dictated by mass and any reasonable facsimile of physics in this, a space game, "makes sense"?
    When you imagine space battleship fights do you imagine 2 large ships surrounded by smaller ships firing into eachother broadside and commanding fleets of bombers strategically or do you imaine 2 300ks facing eachother going max speed shooting into eachother crossing 5 sectors a second which in turn creates massive desync problems for the entire server. The latter is what starmade's combat is right now. The quickfire changes make it so that big battleships cant move like fighters, that way smaller craft are viable in a fight (combined with other quickfire changes and fleet updates coming soon(tm)). When you have massive titans moving through sectors like a drunk driver in LA things don't tend to go well for the server. Power 2.0 and Weapons 3.0 was supposed to finally fix combat and turn it into that glorious space ship combat we all wanted, quickfire is actually making good on those promises.
    Quite frankly, I've always felt that Power 2.0 has been an over-engineered mess that is largely incomprehensible and unworkable without watching like at least a couple of hours of meandering Youtube videos to even grasp the essential operating principles for the purposes of building. Eve Online has a shallower learning curve than Starmade at this point for entry level, or even returning players.

    Power 2.0 was billed as a way to remedy the supposed problem of lack of variety in ship shapes, etc. and make power easier for entry-level players to understand and use, but instead has accomplished exactly the opposite result. Then they changed all the weapons and cranked the NPCs to eleven, making survival gameplay in-survivable and simply removing the game from this game to suit a very small minority. We've been waiting for what? 2 years now almost for that to be remedied with the much-storied 'Universe Update'?

    But the damage has been done. That previously very small, hardcore, min-maxing minority are now the only ones left and worse, the lunatics have been given run of the asylum.

    The typical response to voiced concerns or suggestions here essentially boils down to: "You're too stupid to play this game. You should go back where you came from." Which from the general public's point of view is essentially Schine saying by proxy that he hates making money and doesn't want anyone to buy or play his game.
    I have a tested 140 IQ, with over 1100 hours logged in this game. The problem isn't that I'm too stupid to play this game, or don't have enough experience with it. The problem is that unless things drastically improve and quickly, this game is simply too stupid to bother with playing.

    But hey, what can the players do, right? It's not like there's any other games on the market that do the same things and sometimes do them better, right? When you have a monopoly like they do, acting like a big bag of dicks who register at the extreme end of the Autistic spectrum to your existing and potential customers is perfectly ok, right? After all, it's not like that 'Mostly Negative' rating on Steam is something any prospective buyer actually pays attention to, right? And certainly they never read the reviews before buying either.

    I returned here to the forums after seeing the news about this initiative pop on Steam in the very faint hopes that they'd pulled their heads out of their asses and were seeking to actually improve things in a way that is tailored to what the game is really supposed to be when completed. Instead, they appear to want to tailor it to their already existing very rigid, very specific preferences, playstyles and habits within the current non-game that is Starmade, with no regard whatsoever for the suggestions, concerns, or desires of anyone outside their little bubble.

    Sadly, from here, it looks just like a continuance of already-failed thinking informing and compelling a repetition of already-failed actions. Because you know, fiddling with the system values and settings in the effort to satisfy an extreme minority that cannot be statisfied hasn't ever been tried before with this game.

    Doesn't anyone left here know what the colloquial definition for insanity is?
    Also, lemme just make it clear I agree fully with you on how bad P2.0 sucked and the disaster that followed its release mass banning of players who had different opinions on balance shitshow. However, I also realized part of the way that it doesn't really matter in the long run. People keep saying starmade is dead, but I believe it wont stay dead forever as it's not like Schema is going to just stop development considering how long hes worked on it. I feel like Schema intended well for p2.0, he just didnt get the community input on balance before it was released which was a big fuckup. He's shown a lot of interest in a modding community for Starmade, and I feel like the "vision" is finally coming together.

    A lot of people have said that Starmade's alpha being 6+ years is a joke, and for other games it would be. I think the point a lot of people are forgetting is that other games have had dev teams, wheras for Starmade its almost entirely Schema coding it. These things take time, especially because it's a custom engine too. Schemas gotten a lot of shit for stuff that is more understandable once you look back at it. Starmades gotten WAY less updates than minecraft, so of course its gonna be buggier. When Minecraft was in it's early stages it was a near completely different game than it is now. I feel like if Schine were to interact with the community more and get advice when it comes to balance, testing, and features, development would go a lot smoother and quicker. If quickfire turns out well schema won't need to spend months trying to balance systems, itll already be done.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Quite frankly, I've always felt that Power 2.0 has been an over-engineered mess that is largely incomprehensible and unworkable without watching like at least a couple of hours of meandering Youtube videos to even grasp the essential operating principles for the purposes of building. Eve Online has a shallower learning curve than Starmade at this point for entry level, or even returning players.

    Power 2.0 was billed as a way to remedy the supposed problem of lack of variety in ship shapes, etc. and make power easier for entry-level players to understand and use, but instead has accomplished exactly the opposite result. Then they changed all the weapons and cranked the NPCs to eleven, making survival gameplay in-survivable and simply removing the game from this game to suit a very small minority. We've been waiting for what? 2 years now almost for that to be remedied with the much-storied 'Universe Update'?

    But the damage has been done. That previously very small, hardcore, min-maxing minority are now the only ones left and worse, the lunatics have been given run of the asylum.

    The typical response to voiced concerns or suggestions here essentially boils down to: "You're too stupid to play this game. You should go back where you came from." Which from the general public's point of view is essentially Schine saying by proxy that he hates making money and doesn't want anyone to buy or play his game.
    I have a tested 140 IQ, with over 1100 hours logged in this game. The problem isn't that I'm too stupid to play this game, or don't have enough experience with it. The problem is that unless things drastically improve and quickly, this game is simply too stupid to bother with playing.

    But hey, what can the players do, right? It's not like there's any other games on the market that do the same things and sometimes do them better, right? When you have a monopoly like they do, acting like a big bag of dicks who register at the extreme end of the Autistic spectrum to your existing and potential customers is perfectly ok, right? After all, it's not like that 'Mostly Negative' rating on Steam is something any prospective buyer actually pays attention to, right? And certainly they never read the reviews before buying either.

    I returned here to the forums after seeing the news about this initiative pop on Steam in the very faint hopes that they'd pulled their heads out of their asses and were seeking to actually improve things in a way that is tailored to what the game is really supposed to be when completed. Instead, they appear to want to tailor it to their already existing very rigid, very specific preferences, playstyles and habits within the current non-game that is Starmade, with no regard whatsoever for the suggestions, concerns, or desires of anyone outside their little bubble.

    Sadly, from here, it looks just like a continuance of already-failed thinking informing and compelling a repetition of already-failed actions. Because you know, fiddling with the system values and settings in the effort to satisfy an extreme minority that cannot be statisfied hasn't ever been tried before with this game.

    Doesn't anyone left here know what the colloquial definition for insanity is?
    History seems to always repeat itself, natural phenomena, the whole world just going in circles, business as usual, it is.

    **Answer: Listening to the same people and expecting a different outcome? :LOL:

    ... "you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it."

    ~ E ~
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    When you imagine space battleship fights do you imagine 2 large ships surrounded by smaller ships firing into eachother broadside and commanding fleets of bombers strategically or do you imaine 2 300ks facing eachother going max speed shooting into eachother crossing 5 sectors a second which in turn creates massive desync problems for the entire server. The latter is what starmade's combat is right now. The quickfire changes make it so that big battleships cant move like fighters, that way smaller craft are viable in a fight (combined with other quickfire changes and fleet updates coming soon(tm)).
    exactly. + quickfire buffs tractor beams so those can be used for his "toe truck" concept
    Dec 14, 2014
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    exactly. + quickfire buffs tractor beams so those can be used for his "toe truck" concept
    Yes, a much needed change, We use [Distance] 0.8 [/Distance]<!-- 1 is equal to 100% sector radius --> on LK custom config.
    A simple non invasive balance problem fixed... Now if it only worked on player ships...
    Unfortunately Quickfire cannot make that happen.

    Also, some will love this... pvp camping "Eve-Voxel Edition" is coming...

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