The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

    Dec 14, 2014
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    I will agree that chamber RC and stabilizer distance-penalty-removal were much needed improvements, as well as the end of the notorious "death-beam"...

    but new QF values are even more arbitrary then the original default values.
    New weight distribution is all over the place + power consumption and shield levels result in poor performance across the board.
    The new armor system is even more "abnoxious" than power 2.0 ever was (purple sausage included*).
    The already low player-base has clearly dwindled even more since the release of the QF-Config.
    I don't understand how anyone could consider such extreme changes "good for the game", it has not improved the game in any way.

    Edit: just for the record: I had no problems with the "purple space sausage" (as it was coined by others), it was cool, just needed some optimization and better colors :giggle:, (I'm just not a fan of purple* pink panthers are way cooler).
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    Reactions: Celotown777
    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
    Making crystal armor and forcefields as brittle as advanced armor has dissuaded me from using them in any of my builds.
    Making them as heavy as advanced armor just adds insult to injury. Is this going to change or are thick forcefields the future now? I think they'd be better off as on par with standard armor if they're going to fall into either of the current armor stacking tiers.
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    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
    Is a single cannon block supposed to be able to do this? OneCannonDidThis.png
    This is over 50 blocks of penetration through basic hull on the long end.
    For comparison it takes 9 shots from a single cannon block to destroy a single system block, and the QF notes mentioned that cannons are supposed to deal more damage to system blocks now or something. This is 202.87 by the way. Though I was getting the same behavior on the latest dev build too.
    Standard armor took 26 shots at one layer, and I gave up at 40 shots against two layers with no visible damage. So, at least that seems to be working as intended.

    Is damage not absorbed from cannon shots by blocks destroyed?