StarMade v0.199.646 - Build Mode


    Gone but not forgotten
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    Please clear client cache in tools first. Then for older builds let the sector load and unload. That seems to clear most of the issues as we look into it deeper.
    this has been done countless times, and the station i'm using has been showing no sign of repair, i'm just glad the server i'm on has storage bleed turned off or we would have lost about 8 million volume of cargo due to this bug


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
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    this has been done countless times, and the station i'm using has been showing no sign of repair, i'm just glad the server i'm on has storage bleed turned off or we would have lost about 8 million volume of cargo due to this bug
    Does the issue persist if you blueprint it and spawn it again?


    Gone but not forgotten
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    Does the issue persist if you blueprint it and spawn it again?
    Yes it has, Benevolent27 and I have been trying very hard to figure out how to fix it but we've been hitting a wall. Any solution we do, including spawning a new blueprint gets the same results, sometimes it will link properly then completely corrupt on the next load.
    Dec 19, 2015
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    Looking good so far. though with the new copy selection system I have to ask, are we going to get a free-placement paste sometime in the future?
    Jan 17, 2017
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    ...and the major one is the occasional inability to set the symmetry planes on any given block, which means building without symmetry planes...
    I noticed that I couldn't seem to set symmetry planes without having a block in an active hotbar slot. Have you noted the same with your issue?
    this has been done countless times, and the station i'm using has been showing no sign of repair, i'm just glad the server i'm on has storage bleed turned off or we would have lost about 8 million volume of cargo due to this bug
    Do you have other members in your faction that can check the storage? A friend in faction was at our main station (which spends most its time unloaded) after the update, and tried to access storage's. He found the storage unlinked to the cargo space (which I had reconnected earlier in the day, along with trigger area, activation and warp gates), and was giving the warning: over capacity 12600.1%. He then tried to reconnect the storage to the 3 separate groups of cargo space we have set up, but it fixed nothing. I then went back to check it (was working on another station), and I was seeing only 67% full, no warning, everything connected as it should be. Clearing his cliant cache/ reloading the sector/ another relinking of storage-cargo didn't resolve the issue. Seemed the problem was limited to him. I put a single cargo & storage pair on the station with hull in it, he had no problems with accessing/ using that one.
    Aug 25, 2016
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    It is possible to make most of the build mode panel transparent, although we were undecided whether to do it or not.
    Example picture (edit, forgot to link the picture ^^):

    Note: The empty space in between is still unusable, you can't click/build through it.

    The info box at the left of the screen can be hidden:
    - If you're talking about the structure info, look for that toggle in the Display menu of the build mode panel on the right.
    - If you're looking to hide more information of your FPS and memory usage at the bottom left, look for the setting "Tech Info" in Options menu -
    Settings - Genera

    As for the menu names when minimized, I don't think we can easily adjust the amount of space they take, especially if some translations for them could be longer than the English one.
    The option to completely minimize the build mode menu seems unnecessary though, as at least 2 or 3 of its sub menus get used frequently in building.

    Personally, I don't see the need for a reset button when you can simply left click to set each slider to 1. But if we do some form of quick resetting, it needs to apply on all sliders or else you get inconsistent behavior for sliders that look exactly the same.
    Adding a button for each group of sliders would result in quite a lot more vertical spaces needed.

    Perhaps right clicking a slider resets it? You still need to do it multiple times if there are more than one slider, but it's something extremely quick as you barely have to aim your mouse.

    Interesting idea, giving some extra hud functionality only when wearing a helmet would be neat and also makes sense. Not entirely sure if we'll do the exact same thing you're suggesting but it's something to consider for sure.


    Good find. Not all linking right now has this outline effect on purpose, as logic to logic/rails doesn't really benefit from it.
    In this case, it's an inconsistency to be ironed out. Will make a bug report for that.

    We noticed something similar on the test server for a few sectors that weren't loaded for a while (most likely not loaded since last release). Unloading and loading that sector again got rid of any of those issues though. We were unable to reproduce this afterwards as even a direct conversion of previous release to latest Dev build didn't trigger anything out of the ordinary.

    Going to check it out again, maybe I get lucky this time.

    Thanks! We'll add it to the list.

    Can you tell me how to make the build mode panel transparent? I cant seem to find it in the menus


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Ya that advanced build mode panel needs to have a clear On/Off switch somewhere easier to find.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    I noticed that I couldn't seem to set symmetry planes without having a block in an active hotbar slot. Have you noted the same with your issue?
    I checked this after reading your comment, and it's exactly how you described the problem/solution. The symmetry planes can't be fixed on any given block of a structure until you scroll the active slot on the hotbar to a position containing a block (i.e. we remain in the "click on block" step of setting a symmetry plane if the selected hotbar slot is empty).

    As for the other problem mentioned in my previous post, making a copy of the "windowPositionAndSizeConfig" file after the desired changes are made, and replacing the reset file before starting the game/loading a world doesn't seem to solve the issue, unfortunately - which suggests that the reset to default happens upon starting the game.
    Last edited:
    Oct 22, 2014
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    I checked this after reading your comment, and it's exactly how you described the problem/solution. The symmetry planes can't be fixed on any given block of a structure until you scroll the active slot on the hotbar to a position containing a block (i.e. we remain in the "click on block" step of setting a symmetry plane if the selected hotbar slot is empty).
    It was actually like that before this update for me, with every previous version of the game. I have always been unable to set a symmetry plane without having a block in my active slot.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    It was actually like that before this update for me, with every previous version of the game. I have always been unable to set a symmetry plane without having a block in my active slot.
    I've had this problem since I joined, couldn't tell if bug or feature. >.>
    Sep 29, 2013
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    • You place blocks if you are clicking in the build menu and there is a service behind it you can place blocks on. (Arrows to increase fill size for example.)
    • The copy paste option is still not that intuitive. Selecting two points does not seem to work? Can only seem to select the first point and copy the blocks of my brush size. Wasn’t this changed? Why not use the same method as the line tool to select a box?
    • Remove blocks option is gone?

    • Would love to see an option to immediately fill a line or other selection with the build helper.
    • Continue from that. Some additional shapes to be immediately filled like cubes or spheres as well. Or have this as a brush shape option. Would make landscaping actually possible in Star Made without tearing your hair out.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    • The copy paste option is still not that intuitive. Selecting two points does not seem to work? Can only seem to select the first point and copy the blocks of my brush size. Wasn’t this changed? Why not use the same method as the line tool to select a box?
    Wrong button. "Copy Selection" is what you're looking for.
    Mar 11, 2015
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    Yeah so it looks like this patch broke pretty much everything. My storage is disconnecting from cargo. No thrust on my ships. Transporters not working. Choppy performance. I'm not the only one... all of GenX Nova is having the same problems.

    Honestly this seems like par for the course -- an update is released with "cool new features" and something critical is broken. But this time the bugs are so bad that the game is 100% unplayable. I'm so close to giving up on StarMade, no matter how much I love it.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    Yeah so it looks like this patch broke pretty much everything. My storage is disconnecting from cargo. No thrust on my ships. Transporters not working. Choppy performance. I'm not the only one... all of GenX Nova is having the same problems.

    Honestly this seems like par for the course -- an update is released with "cool new features" and something critical is broken. But this time the bugs are so bad that the game is 100% unplayable. I'm so close to giving up on StarMade, no matter how much I love it.
    Hey vindicator,

    That is incredibly frustrating, we have a fix for this particular issue in pre-build right now. Feel free to test that to see if its fixed the issue. It'll make it to release soon.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Since there have only been bugfix updates in the meantime, I'd like to leave some late feedback.
    • highlight function: IMHO when targeting an entity, it should be highlighted (highlit?) with all docked entities, so you get an outline of the entity and its turrets/doors/containers/landing legs/whatever, or just a turret and its barrel, or the barrel only, depending on how high up in the docking chain hierarchy the targeted entity is.
    • advanced build mode, middle mouse button: swap the "pick block" and "control entity" functions; rationale: it's (subjectively?) more common to need to pick another block than it is to switch to another entity; also, pressing <space>-something seems more natural to... space... into something.
    • advanced build mode, UI: closed and expanded state of groups *does not* persist between game sessions for me. Might be related to the window positions not sticking that somebody reported earlier in the thread.