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    Wolf Spider Long Range Stealth Bomber 2020-02-26

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    Having trouble with a station or ginormous battlewagon? Do your assault teams need a way through that armored hull, NOW? No problem! Neo Echota Drive Yards is proud to present the Wolf Spider Long-Range Stealth Bomber as your new personal can-opener!

    A single cyclopean pulse-laser is available for normal combat, but the real value in this vessel lies in it's ability to jump into a combat theater, find a target, cloak long enough for a run that delivers 8 plasma bombs doing nearly 900,000 damage each in our patented 'Gravedigger' configuration and then immediately jump back out again.
    Though only sporting 200,000 shield capacity, it's recharge rate allows for quick recovery between runs and the ship has ample power for the addition of AMS or anti-fighter turrets should you desire them. There are forward and rear-facing armored cameras, but should the forward camera be destroyed, a double-paned crystal armored viewport ensures target visibility for the pilot.

    If the operation of additional weapons or turrets should ever begin to collapse your power system, a power boost has been made available on your hotbar to ensure all systems remain at full power for a short time, with all chambers in the aft section of the ship for protection of capability.
    The Wolf Spider is chambered for power, defense, FTL, recon and full cloaking stealth.
    With a conventional sub-light flight speed of 200.7 m/s and more than enough maneuverability to pull away from it's bombs at speed on a run, it's fast enough to make the bombs hard to avoid or kill before impact. This is what a Beta Derelict looks like after a single run:

    The truly special thing about it, however, is that like all my new ships, it is designed for survival mode multi-player, when the new Universe Update comes out. Simple, effective, powerful and doesn't require a laundry-list of block types to fill out a blueprint for. Even more importantly, it is designed for rapid response to calls for assistance anywhere in the galaxy or beyond using the Black Hole Slingshot maneuver. Simply reconfigure the FTL for long-jump capability and not only will you achieve pan-galactic cruising speeds upward of 700 m/s, you will also be eating distance in 100 km gulps with the jump drive.
    Then reconfigure the FTL for a multi-jump bombing run when nearing the target sector and you're set to go! It's built with seating for a pilot and bombardier, should a friend wish to come along and has been 'dry-walled with basic armor, but has otherwise been left blank for people to flesh out the limited interior space as they personally wish.
    I hope you enjoy it, and encourage everyone to try it just to see what it does to a planet, or pretty much any ship you'd care to try it on. The bombs hit in a raking, staggered sequence that means your bombs don't just hit. They...burrow, digging deep into the heart of the mass they hit. Have fun!

    Edit: Forgot to mention that the forward face of the ship has been deliberately left flat, so that if you are in need of extra armor for attack runs, a disposable block of ablative armor can be mounted on rails facing forward which will essentially eject itself when no longer useful.
    Further weapons tests conducted against a couple of the larger ships recently posted here on the forums have made it possible to illustrate the effectiveness of the Wolf Spider in it's given role.

    This is what a single volley does against the side of a Centurion-Class Sniper ship and it's turret:

    This is what happens if you land a hit in the drive section:

    Testing against the seemingly much more heavily armored Kyoto Class Guided Missile Frigate was even more revealing. After one volley:

    As you can see, finding a way for assault teams to board this ship before the turrets get them will no longer be an issue.
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