So, less players will build big boring ships if the soft-cap is lowered further. No need to overhaul power to make ships smaller.The current power meta after 2M e/s is extremely boring. Place down groups of 9890 aux, dock armor over them, have little to no consequences for the aux becoming damaged on its own, and laugh when they try to target your docking point, as destroying it will crash the server, nullifying the fight.
Docked armor/crashes speak to the need for Schine to work on game optimization and bug fixes instead of power overhaul.
Aux problems verify the need for simply stat rebalancing with aux, not overhauling power.
People are making great arguments page 1 for the case against the power overhaul.
Post was good, pardon me just quoting the TL;;dr it needs to be fixed because its a fact that your computer is bad at reading "in game efficient" gigantic file structures regardless of their actual size...
Yes - the game needs actual optimization more than it needs a power overhaul. I think everyone can agree on this, and this is part of the point of some of the backlash. Schine needs to devote more effort to fixes/optimizations than a power overhaul.
Yes - turret function and performance of docked entities in terms of server/lag has been absolutely horrid since the rails update. There needs to be actual code changes on how turrets and other docked entities are handled in the game, and a large variety of fixes could be possible:
- take power/shields out of turrets entirely and make them purely weapons that draw from the parent
- fix faction inheritance bugs on entities
- change / loosen collision detection and bounding boxes for docked entities (right now they generate a LOT of checks, and lag)
- applies to planets as well - plates cause collisions, and tons of lag. If Schine can't solve it, then this is a really good argument for the return to cookie planets.
- change the file structure of entities and how the game saves them. Other 3D file formats for example, handle separate meshes, turrets, bones, etc inside the same file rather than different folders/files like starmade currently does.
...but... again, we basically see Schine needs to focus on the game code and bug fixes rather than totally changing power. A power overhaul alone, at this point, would just be further breaking a core game that's already broken for other reasons.
Last sentence is most important here: it is all fixable with a mere rebalance, not an overhaul.Two things, the first one is mostly performances issues, to what we told me, wich is something someone heard from someone else that heard from... So with a bit of salt even if it makes sense. The fact that the current power system got a lot of calculation behind, you got power for each groups and then every groups got calculation together, there is 4 formula behind multiplied for each other ships, that isn't a light system. Well, could change formulas then, that's just my opinion....
Also, if Schine would create a way to "weld" a ship by saving or shipyard, the constant calculations and changes/updates per individual block would be minimized, especially in combat at system blocks are being destroyed. This is not a new idea. Some of us have been asking Schine for +2 years for this.
With a rebalance, smaller ships perform better, and larger ships become functionally less useful, less common, and more purely aesthetic. All good stuff. Again, some of us have been asking Schine to up-balance small ships for years.