The Sentinel Alliance's Public Server - All Welcome

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    Sep 4, 2013
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    Yes, you have a 4 year badge. However you have a total of 18 posts, and pretty much all of them were advertising this server. Your impact on the community is virtually zilch, and you certainly do not have it's trust. Who do you typically trust, they guy who's been hanging on the fringes for awhile but never talks, or the friend you made last year that's proven themselves?
    Dont you know submarines lurk the depths?

    This guy is a true master, unlike us peasants that bob above the water, he did silent running for a solid 4 years to maximise his impact!


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    Dont you know submarines lurk the depths?

    This guy is a true master, unlike us peasants that bob above the water, he did silent running for a solid 4 years to maximise his impact!
    Submarines are also mostly useless when they've surfaced. Makes you thonk.
    Aug 9, 2013
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    Yes, you have a 4 year badge. However you have a total of 18 posts, and pretty much all of them were advertising this server. Your impact on the community is virtually zilch, and you certainly do not have it's trust. Who do you typically trust, they guy who's been hanging on the fringes for awhile but never talks, or the friend you made last year that's proven themselves?
    As I said, we stayed away from public servers aswell as the fact that Starmade is not the only game we play, we are a community and we have stakes in multiple other games such as Planetside 2, killing floor and Warframe for an example. As I said before, its pointless for us to go out of our way to make you trust us as its a waste of time.

    Edit: If you have a claim that you wish to dispute then we shall provide all evidence that we can to help you but other than that neither side has any proof to the contrary.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    As I said before, its pointless for us to go out of our way to make you trust us as its a waste of time.
    This is laughable. You don't have to go out of your way, All it takes is for you to be seen adding to the community. We don't need to trust you with our wives and children for christs sake.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Hi SentinelX 101,

    A few questions about your server...
    1) Do you have challenging/upgraded pirates?
    2) Do you allow building on planets?
    3) What modifications (if any) do you have in place in contrast to a vanilla version of the game?

    GDPR 302420

    Hi SentinelX 101,

    A few questions about your server...
    1) Do you have challenging/upgraded pirates?
    2) Do you allow building on planets?
    3) What modifications (if any) do you have in place in contrast to a vanilla version of the game?
    Answeres based on personal experience

    1. No, the pirates do not even have weapons, they have salvagers
    2. Its not listed as being against the rules so nah
    3. No blueprint uploads, higher then default max speed, slightly higher jump distance, very low AI accuracy


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    The current settings especially cater to the players who:
    - Want no challenge whatsoever (no PvP without consent, extremely weak pirates)
    - Want to waste time (no blueprint uploads allowed, but no creative mode either so you have to spend all that time in survival if you want to build anything half-decent)
    - Have either low standards (willing to use poorly detailed brickships) or large amounts of free time (to build well-detailed ships and stations from scratch without creative mode, since no blueprint uploads)

    Overall, Sentinel Alliance is a very safe but very boring server for players who are just "meh" and want to pass time OR they are completely new to the game and want to familiarize with it in a safe space, but want to do everything on their own from the ground up so they won't need any blueprints other than the ones they gonna create.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    The current settings especially cater to the players who:
    - Want no challenge whatsoever (no PvP without consent, extremely weak pirates)
    - Want to waste time (no blueprint uploads allowed, but no creative mode either so you have to spend all that time in survival if you want to build anything half-decent)
    - Have either low standards (willing to use poorly detailed brickships) or large amounts of free time (to build well-detailed ships and stations from scratch without creative mode, since no blueprint uploads)

    Overall, Sentinel Alliance is a very safe but very boring server for players who are just "meh" and want to pass time OR they are completely new to the game and want to familiarize with it in a safe space, but want to do everything on their own from the ground up so they won't need any blueprints other than the ones they gonna create.
    So it is basically single player with restrictions... Lovely...

    Thanks for the info. I'll keep looking.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    So it is basically single player with restrictions... Lovely...

    Thanks for the info. I'll keep looking.
    Chat is highly entertaining if you start shit posting.

    Most players on TSA thinks they know how to play, then mistake a logic drive for an anti missile turret )))


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Been on it a couple of days, don't think its for me.

    1) Blueprints disabled.
    I like my theme ships. I have a ship I've been working on for ages that is just an empty hull. It is nothing but "damn that looks cool", but can't upload it to finish it, and its too much to restart from scratch. Seriously, no blueprints at all is just a crime in my book.

    2) Accuracy is Zero.
    And I mean freaking ZERO. It took me 40 minutes to fight two pirates, because the AI accuracy was so low that even my lock on torpedoes couldn't hit anything. My turrets were useless. I literally had to unhook the damage beam computer from the missiles and use that while dumb firing the missiles. The dumb fires hit more often than the lock ons, which were swarming around the target in endless orbits because they couldn't hit something a kilometer away.

    3) Relatively small advanced build area.
    30x instead of 10x default. This was small, but I was willing to work with it, but with all the other problems its just one more straw on the camel's back.

    4) If there is an admin that actually joins the server, I never saw it in the 2-3 days I was there. Not once.

    I wanted to like this server, as its the only PvE server around that I've seen. But I just can't. I can't bring in my RP ships I've worked hard on in single player to finish off there, I can't fight pirates because nothing hits, and anything bigger than a personal fighter is ineffective due again to the fact that only hand aimed weapons stand the slightest chance of hitting anything.

    So yeah, three strikes for me. Can't effectively build anything there due to small limits, can't import anything I build in SP where I can drop stuff at a reasonable rate, and even the weak ass pirates are next to impossible to kill simply because you gotta be 10 feet away from one to hit it.

    I'm honestly at a bit of a loss as to what the purpose of the server is. PvP is restricted (which I like), so its not that. Its not PvE because most of the pirates are weaker than Isanths and nothing can hit anything, so there's no NPC fighting. And the build limits are small enough that it can't be a serious build server either.

    Guess its back to SP for me.
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    Jul 21, 2017
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    I'm not on this server but I read the whole thread with interest because I am considering it. As an outsider looking in I kind of feel sorry for how much crap the hosts are expected to field. Such entitlement. It's like inviting people to a party you put together and then needing to listen to them complain about the food and drinks and the way you decorated. Jeez. . . just go home already. It's a private house. They're not the Starmade developers who need to listen to you and smile and nod. Do you get paid when more people come to your party? No. If anything they're another mouth to feed not a payday. Kudos to them that they actually do seem to smile and nod when people are whiny jerks. That says a lot more than hurt players ranting about vague rules and admin factions when their lame rampage got rejected.

    It looks like this game has at least one typical feature: Bored "elite" players who know everything strong-arming the forum saying so and so doesn't know how to play the game and that's the problem with everything. . . . complaining that the rules on a privately run server only favor new inexperienced people who just won't learn anything if an expert like them can't come in and kick their asses for personal amusement. It's kind of a cliche and as a new player I reject their idea of what I should want from the game. In fact, it's sometimes people like THEM that ruin games not the noobs. . .because developers try to stop their "expert" abuses and shenanigans.

    I think lots of people would actually like the idea of a server where people can just do stuff together at their own pace without self styled super awesome amazing players flying in and "proving to them" how much they have to learn. Who decided there's no place for anything but Darwinism in these games? I reject that premise completely. Many people, even experienced people, just want to have fun on their own terms. . . and those terms may be about NOT getting their ass kicked for a mistake. . . or NOT feeling like they are always looking over their shoulder for the next "expert player" who needs to teach them a lesson about not having AMS turrets or leaving their ship over there unguarded. . . or just punish them mercilessly whenever they meet "so they will get good". They're such philanthropists aren't they? Their personal amusement is for the greater good and it's the RULES that are actually breaking Wheaton's law not them. . . don't we get it?
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    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    It looks like this game is typical: Bored "elite" players who know everything strong-arming the forum saying so and so doesn't know how to play the game and that's the problem with everything. . . . complaining that the rules on a privately run server only favor new inexperienced people who just won't learn anything if an expert like them can't come in and kick their asses for personal amusement. It's kind of a cliche and as a new player I reject their idea of what I should want from the game.

    I think lots of people would actually like the idea of a server where people can just do stuff together at their own pace without self styled super awesome amazing players flying in and "proving to them" how weak and foolish they are. Who decided there's no place for anything but Darwinism in these games? I reject that premise completely. Many people, even experienced people, just want to have fun on their own terms. . . and those terms may be about NOT feeling like they are barely holding on and looking over their shoulder for the next "amazing player" who needs to punish them mercilessly "so they will get good". They're such philanthropists aren't they? Their personal amusement is for the greater good and it's the RULES that are actually breaking Wheaton's law not them. . . don't we get it?
    The very reason the server won't really work for those inexperienced players is that they cannot access or properly use core features of StarMade, such as the blueprint system (because it's disabled) or the AI turrets/fleets (because the terrible inaccuracy of AI). I learned an awful lot of how to build not only efficient, but also good-looking designs by taking apart those others made. And quality work, especially well-detailed ships (systems don't take nearly as long for the same ship as making a nice, well-detailed hull, a well thought out, feasible and well detailed interior, and maybe even some logic features like working airlocks and sliding doors) take long to build, very long. I don't think it is heresy to ask not to be forced to rebuild them block by block on a new server, the blueprint system was created exactly to allow the works of art you worked often over a month to build, to be carried to another server. The players who really want to kick your ass will do so in a doombrick they spent less than an hour to build, because they only need good systems. Disabling the blueprint uploads will chase away the players who could actually teach the most to the new inexperienced player, because they are the enthusiastic builders, they are those who take pride in their creations and they are the ones usually willing to share their experience, not the doombrick jockeys.

    I for one, am always ready to jump in and mentor new players, and usually the first to answer any question regarding gameplay or building in the chat, but being unable to do pretty much anything (PvE too easy, building too troublesome, PvP not much allowed at all on TSA) doesn't only take my motivation, but I think also doesn't create an environment where inexperienced players can actually test their builds. I still remember myself being a newbie in this game. I thought my ships are big and strong just because they could beat the Isanths and conquer space stations. Then I went to a multiplayer server and got schooled. Not only by the griefers or the random dude that gave me my first multiplayer experience by stealing the very first ship I spawned in, but also great players like DrTarDIS on GenXNova, or Leanson on NASS and TwoNiner on EE, and even Chckn Wildstyle who pretty much taught me how to build efficient (sometimes through handing my a$$ to me when I thought my latest build was the bee's knees)

    Taking all danger and competition out of the equation creates an environment where your only drive to improve is to meet your own standards, and there's nothing to improve on those standards so you can keep getting better and better.
    Jul 21, 2017
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    The very reason the server won't really work for those inexperienced players is that they cannot access or properly use core features of StarMade, such as the blueprint system (because it's disabled) or the AI turrets/fleets (because the terrible inaccuracy of AI). I learned an awful lot of how to build not only efficient, but also good-looking designs by taking apart those others made. And quality work, especially well-detailed ships (systems don't take nearly as long for the same ship as making a nice, well-detailed hull, a well thought out, feasible and well detailed interior, and maybe even some logic features like working airlocks and sliding doors) take long to build, very long. I don't think it is heresy to ask not to be forced to rebuild them block by block on a new server, the blueprint system was created exactly to allow the works of art you worked often over a month to build, to be carried to another server. The players who really want to kick your ass will do so in a doombrick they spent less than an hour to build, because they only need good systems. Disabling the blueprint uploads will chase away the players who could actually teach the most to the new inexperienced player, because they are the enthusiastic builders, they are those who take pride in their creations and they are the ones usually willing to share their experience, not the doombrick jockeys.

    I for one, am always ready to jump in and mentor new players, and usually the first to answer any question regarding gameplay or building in the chat, but being unable to do pretty much anything (PvE too easy, building too troublesome, PvP not much allowed at all on TSA) doesn't only take my motivation, but I think also doesn't create an environment where inexperienced players can actually test their builds. I still remember myself being a newbie in this game. I thought my ships are big and strong just because they could beat the Isanths and conquer space stations. Then I went to a multiplayer server and got schooled. Not only by the griefers or the random dude that gave me my first multiplayer experience by stealing the very first ship I spawned in, but also great players like DrTarDIS on GenXNova, or Leanson on NASS and TwoNiner on EE, and even Chckn Wildstyle who pretty much taught me how to build efficient (sometimes through handing my a$$ to me when I thought my latest build was the bee's knees)

    Taking all danger and competition out of the equation creates an environment where your only drive to improve is to meet your own standards, and there's nothing to improve on those standards so you can keep getting better and better.
    That's fine. I can agree with all your points. The thing is, it's not up to us. It's up to the hosts and everyone who chooses to join them. Some might join for that very reason. Who are we to say they shouldn't? They have said about a hundred times that this is how it's going to be. We either accept that challenge or we don't. Sitting here debating the philosophical merits is pointless.

    Who says this is the server people stay on forever? People play for a while and get what they need. If they never want more they are happy. If they want more. . . they can ask. If they don't get it they can move on. It's not a business. . . it's a party. Not everyone parties the same and not everyone is interested in being schooled right away.
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    We either accept that challenge or we don't. Sitting here debating the philosophical merits is pointless.

    Who says this is the server people stay on forever? If people play for a while and get what they need and want more. . . they can move on.
    I like this one. They get it. Plisko, You have earned one WarSong Point. It expires immediately and has no value or exchange rate.
    But for that fleeting moment... it was yours.

    Not every server is for every one. That's not possible. You can't please everyone and you end up pissing them all off. No one is pleased. No one is entertained. There is no game. There's no point in attempting to brow beat others into your way of thought. Don't like it? Run your own server. Add blackjack and hookers to taste. If you walk away with less than 50 percent of your feedback being pure salt then I'll be the first in line to applaud the effort.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    I'm not on this server but I read the whole thread with interest because I am considering it. As an outsider looking in I kind of feel sorry for how much crap the hosts are expected to field. Such entitlement. It's like inviting people to a party you put together and then needing to listen to them complain about the food and drinks and the way you decorated. Jeez. . . just go home already. It's a private house. They're not the Starmade developers who need to listen to you and smile and nod. Do you get paid when more people come to your party? No. If anything they're another mouth to feed not a payday. Kudos to them that they actually do seem to smile and nod when people are whiny jerks. That says a lot more than hurt players ranting about vague rules and admin factions when their lame rampage got rejected.

    It looks like this game has at least one typical feature: Bored "elite" players who know everything strong-arming the forum saying so and so doesn't know how to play the game and that's the problem with everything. . . . complaining that the rules on a privately run server only favor new inexperienced people who just won't learn anything if an expert like them can't come in and kick their asses for personal amusement. It's kind of a cliche and as a new player I reject their idea of what I should want from the game. In fact, it's sometimes people like THEM that ruin games not the noobs. . .because developers try to stop their "expert" abuses and shenanigans.

    I think lots of people would actually like the idea of a server where people can just do stuff together at their own pace without self styled super awesome amazing players flying in and "proving to them" how much they have to learn. Who decided there's no place for anything but Darwinism in these games? I reject that premise completely. Many people, even experienced people, just want to have fun on their own terms. . . and those terms may be about NOT getting their ass kicked for a mistake. . . or NOT feeling like they are always looking over their shoulder for the next "expert player" who needs to teach them a lesson about not having AMS turrets or leaving their ship over there unguarded. . . or just punish them mercilessly whenever they meet "so they will get good". They're such philanthropists aren't they? Their personal amusement is for the greater good and it's the RULES that are actually breaking Wheaton's law not them. . . don't we get it?
    Well Captain Keyboard Warrior, your analogy isn't quite correct.

    It's more invited to a party, told there was booze and music, and then turning up to find it's just a bunch of old people sitting around. Oh and you can't bring in your own booze because someone did once and they didn't like that.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    So, instead of bashing the server staff, I'm gonna be actually constructive here, and propose a server environment that's focused on PvE yet keeps challenging new players to actually learn to build efficient, learn which weapon/system combo works best for a certain purpose, and to cooperate:

    - Enable blueprint uploads, but set a mass cap. Say, 50K, but 100K max for ships and 10x that (including docked) for stations.
    I have seen servers that set up an automatic system that disabled any ship over the mass cap that didn't have a -1 faction ID (Pirate) until it had enough mass removed to fall below that threshold, where it became functioning again.
    What this achieves: I never learned as much about building efficient or balancing function and form as on mass capped servers. It becomes a necessity, as you arrive at a point where you can't just throw in a couple thousand more blocks and win by sheer size difference. You gonna have to think about where and what to place, and balance out your build. This also keeps the server load relatively low, but the mass range has plenty of beautiful ships on the community content to browse, small enough to be relatively fun to fly, also large enough to allow full roleplay quality interiors, as well still offering the option to dock your fleet to your homebase or set up large, well defended bases that are big enough to be hard to siege so you're not forced to just sit at your invulnerable homebase.
    Possible drawbacks: This would also allow veteran PvP players to upload their "broken OP" designs to the server. However, if you retain that PvP must be consensual, this can be managed.

    - Deploy correctly set up pirate waves and amp up the AI accuracy. 6 easy (Isanths and similar ships under 500 mass), 3 medium (1K-3K size ships, up to 3-4 per wave maybe with some small fighters), and 1 epic wave (the last containing a single capital ship that's twice or more over the mass cap, and small fighter escort). This'll guarantee that there's only a 10% chance (at most) for the Big Bad to spawn so it will be a rare sight.
    What this achieves: Not only does this make the PvE aspect of the game more challenging, but the unique pirate roster makes the server unique as well. We have seen enough of the defaults. Every single one of us. Especially that they haven't been updated since forever.
    Also, the chance to drop the Big Bad will create more incentive to get better at building, learn to pilot better, and to cooperate with other players to take it down, as it cannot be beaten by sheer size. This'll boost player-to-player interaction OTHER than PvP, and also gives a source of useful blocks that is way more entertaining to obtain than asteroid and planet mining.
    Possible drawbacks: Some careless players could run into the better pirates and die. It's part of the game. Man best learns from mistakes. A child won't believe that the pot on the stove is hot until their hand gets burnt by it. If they can't handle losing a ship, I recommend a build server instead of a survival one.
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    Jul 21, 2017
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    Well Captain Keyboard Warrior, your analogy isn't quite correct.

    It's more invited to a party, told there was booze and music, and then turning up to find it's just a bunch of old people sitting around. Oh and you can't bring in your own booze because someone did once and they didn't like that.
    Ok captain video game. Your analogy is also kind of off. I seem to remember a very clear post about what kind of party this is and what you can and can't bring to it.

    Plus. . . who's that guy right now standing outside yelling "your party sucks" but also not going home for some reason?
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