Old Newb
I like pretty much all of this update and am very much looking forward to where things go from here. Unfortunately IRL has been eating my time lately so I haven't been able to muck about in SM nearly as much as I'd care for.
Completely empty can be checked easily IF but only IF the status change was made by a pull out of the chest.What an update! Love the sensor blocks. Curiously is there a way of turning there true condition to be Less Than X as opposed to Equal/More Than X? Only then we'd also be able to create systems that keep values between a set of predefined values. Equally someone might remind me about an alternative method of indicating a crate is completely empty instead of not full!
Cheers Schine!
Of course there's forces you have to -for lack of an extremely lesser word- fight against in space. However, not only couldn't I see them being significant enough that the thrusters would be strained enough to light up brightly but also small correctional thrusters on the sides of the vessel would likely be used over the rear ones.You act as though space is a complete void. It isn't. There are also gravitational pulls in every which way direction that would require thrust being added to stay on the correct path.
Finally, I can make my sci-fi flashy-light wall things without 11,000,000 blocks of logic.RANDOMIZER:
In real life? A sun might extend a gravitational field for billions of km before it becomes insignificant, but the distance between stars is trillions of km, so for the vast majority of space there aren't any gravitational pulls to worry about.You act as though space is a complete void. It isn't. There are also gravitational pulls in every which way direction that would require thrust being added to stay on the correct path.
You're joking, but if there's good stuff to copy in other games I hope they do copy it. Taking existing ideas from others and building on them is how innovation happens.schine are such copy cats putting thruster ignition in the game ... DSY Inc. Type-D Scimitar JK, great changes the logic and display copy thing is awesome!
the abbveriation "JK" actually stands for just KIDDING but yes it was not meant serious... it just happened that i released a ship which simulated the thruster effects schine added into the game now about two weeks ago...You're joking, but if there's good stuff to copy in other games I hope they do copy it. Taking existing ideas from others and building on them is how innovation happens.
I must be doing something wrong. i cant make any plumes appear at all. Odd.
...And because I'm an idiot I then enabled bloom.
- Don't put any blocks directly behind thrusters.
- Hit 'W'.
- Watch plume.
F1 and G. F1 replaces all previous Tab keybinds.Is there a new key to hiding the GUI?
Have you tried using the randomizer to make a faster logic clock?been meaning to use rail drives but with the recent nerf to shootout rail drives as well as schine's on the fence stance on chain drives in general the only reliable method I can think of is pure logic drives. im more concerned about trying to future proof my designs. the less refits I gotta do the better.
Thanks for the new tutorial vids Bench! Much appreciated. Keep up the excellent work Sir. Your vids make it all so much easier to understand.
I've set aside all of today to record a whole lot, covering everything you might want to know and doso yep, it's coming.
No, it's been replaced with F1. Use F1-F8 to hop into uh, broke the tab function commands with the radial menu, i now cant teleport into ship cores.