[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Character name: Sicarus
    Age: 18

    Personality: Easy going and a tendency to be a bit shy

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): After being raised on a earthlike planet for 18 years and then having my loved ones slaughtered by the Eternians and i was taken onboard a prison frigate. After sometime i managed to get in a escape pod and make my escape I decided to Eternian controoled space and bide my time and strike back at the Eternian corporeation for taking everything i care about but for now i have a measly 25000 credits to my name.

    Plans once your in the server: To start out as a small scavenger earning petty scraps. And then maybe one day earn my place as a fighter pilot fora powerful faction and fight the Eternian corporation.

    Other :Eternia will suffer for their crimes, No matter how long it takes!
    Jun 28, 2013
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    *application nixxed* Missed the flavor text about everyone being on a prison ship. I\'ll update.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You need to go back and reread the rules, its something that\'s very important for your application.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    How does the beta schedule work? Will we be sent the IP at these times specifically? I can\'t say I really understand.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Two things, first you need to reread the rules, it is very important for your application to pass. Second you need to modify your bio a bit, every player starts off as a prisioner aboard the prision ship Hail.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Character Name: PacotheFriendlyTaco

    Age : 19

    Personality: Bad temper, thoughtful, ambiguous morals

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):
    I am an outlaw who was born within a rogue group of adventurers in Victus\' Star System. I grew up in a very hostile environment and left as soon as I had a ship of my own. Since then I have been gaining money and notoriety by doing various less-than-legal jobs throughout the local sectors.

    After smuggling goods for a small, rag-tag band of pirates, I was caught and imprisoned on Victus during a major transaction right in the capital. While still on Victus, the pirates contacted me to tell me that they wanted me dead for botching their trade. I know that the pirates will attack when I am moved to the Hail, so I must escape as soon as possible.

    Plans once your in the server: Lone wolf it. Scavenge, mine, scout sectors. Will lay low and make money, possibly establish a base in an asteroid or under a planet\'s surface. Will create a fast, powerful ship with radar jammers and cloaking as the focus.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    It is a closed beta, only six of us, including the owner, are allowed on the server, or even have the IP in the first place. During these session we all play as normally as if the server is open to the public. I think of it as a time to get a world organically established before the server becomes open. It is also a great time to figure out problems with the server itself, although that falls mostly to the server owner. Like today we found that the pirates have access to Eternia\'s most powerful ship, while there is suppost to be one on the server the pirates had seven.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Its up to the owner, what I\'m doing is trying to answer questions and help people get a passing application by pointing out problems. Remember no one but the owner can accept or deny. Besides until the server is out of beta, again that\'s up to the owner when we get out of beta, very few people can get on the server.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Lü Buwei

    Age: 37

    Personality: Conscientious, Adaptability, Confident, greedy, Ambitious and Capable

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    I was Born in the Capital of the Xion sector my grandfather was a powerfull merchant who had everything the average man could ever dream of at the age of 7 my grandfather started teaching me the basic\'s of merchantile to 1 day take over his vast merchant empire that he has created. At the age of 13 i was already a chariman of his merchant empire. At age 22 the empire was handed over to me my grandfather believed i was ready to take over i was ready long ago but making him believe that was another story. I have worked long and hard to gain this postion so early but im not like my grandfather he was happy with what he had created but i have far greater ambitions.

    On my journey towards the distant planet Klek in unkown space i made a detour to the planet Victus after seeing a potential company for take over but what i did not forsee is what was about to come. During my dealings the planet Victus was over run with Eternia soldiers, on my way back to the spaceport i was arrested on no grounds i simply have thought it to be a mistake so i kindly explained to them who i was and what i came here for either they did not understand my language or they simply didint care after all this was a new planet to me and i was not a citizen of this planet. I know i was in a bad postion for if i do not reach planet klek at all or at least contact them they will immediately think i have died on the way and begin siezing my fortunes after all they are greedy to and would take any oppertunity to take over my empire.

    But who would have ever thought i would be cought up in a rise of dictatorship i never in my wildest imaginations could have forseen this. I now find myself on a prison frigate Hail and we were given our options either to continue to stay in prison and become slaves or join the military the choice was obvious i joined the military for now waiting for an oppertunity to contact my brokers i wont be staying here for long. Mercernaries will almost do anything aslong as the big bucks are involved i may not have my assests but i still have my personal wealth which will be more then enough to hire a bunch of mercenaries to get me out of here. This was a great Humiliation but i will make them see their mistake, i will take over Eternia.

    I am Greedy my Greed knows no bounds i want power, woman, money and imortality, and i will cross all boundries to get what i want either you give me what i want or you oppose me and i shall take it by force.

    Plans once your in the server:

    Make Allies, Friends and grow my merchant empire to the edges of space.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Character Name: mmetully
    Age: 26
    Personality: Commercial owner. Quiet and focused.

    Eternians. I\'ve been selling you the damn guns you\'ve been shooting yourselves with for years. Helping you load the missiles that scream silently through the nothingness that is space to... destroy the other people who bought from me. Whether I\'m here or out there, I am watching you try to squeeze a bit more out of your ships only to find crawling back to me looking for more of what I\'ve got.

    So, at this point, you must be thinking I\'m pretty high and mighty in my big shop with my big guards. Till The Eternian\'s found out I was selling guns to... all sides. Honeslty, I don\'t know what took them so long to figure it out, I had a showroom with Eternian military mingling with civilians buying military hardware. In the back room I was selling to pirates. If your bills were green it didnt matter what color your outfit was.

    So here I am traveling on some god forsaken prison ship destined for a public execution. Some of the other inmates told me the name of the ship but I summarily forgot. Memory is funny like that. Ask me the market price on antimatter weaponry and my mind will run through average prices and projections from the last time I had a glance at a holo trader. Factor in for local supply and demand on the fly and I can tell you what they are worth. This prison scow? Doesn\'t deserve a second thought. Although it appears to be bringing me to...

    An explosion rocks the ship. At first the prisoners in my cell shrug it off nervously as bad engineering. Then another explosion sounds. Much louder this time. Klaxons start blaring and a pre-recorded voice announces coolly \"Emergency! Hull breach detected. Please make your way to the nearest escape pod\"

    We could already hear the sound of the air in our compartment draining out as the cell doors opened automatically and automated lights on the floor guided us like herd animals to safetly. The Eternians were a lot of horrible things, but they weren\'t the type to make unsafe ships, not even for prisoners on death row.

    This was my turning point. This is when I got out of prison and could effect revenge on the Eternian\'s for appropriating my livlihood when they decided to make an example of me. This was... Yesterday actually. I managed to escape getting picked up by the Eternian military after my pod jettisoned. Honestly, I don\'t think they were looking for us. They were fighting for their lives. No idea who or why they were attacked. Another one of those unimpoirtant things.

    I\'m not selling to the Eternians anymore. Long live the Free Traders!

    Plans: I am going to build bastions in the dark and hold out against the Eternian thugs.

    Other: I\'m new to starmadeand Eternia, but I am a technical person. I am focusing on learning game mechanics
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Firstly do we have an eta on when the server will go live and secondly the pirates have access to the catalog aswell so you can get them to be well...very mean if you guys didnt figure it out
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Bio is written pretty well, honestly didn\'t expect you to write a few more paragraphs like that, so very good job on that. You do need to reread the rules still, rule number four is the most important in this case.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    For the first part, I got no idea I\'m just a makeshift mod and beta tester, I don\'t have the full plan on how things are going to progress. For the second part could you explain that a bit better? I\'m assuming you are wondering if the pirates have access to all the high-powered ships in the catalog. Last session we ran into a situation where the pirates had the strongest Eternia ship. I know that wasen\'t suppost to happen although I believe its simple as limiting those ships to admins, that should prevent the AI from using them.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    the second part isnt a question is a statement pirates have access to certain catalogs that they can pull from
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Damiann: Yeah, I edited my post. Tried to do it immediately when I posted but I appear to be having internet issues.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Hey guys, been a little bit dead for a week or so, holidays, more coming. How is the beta-testing going?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    We\'re doing it together simply in the fact that both or neither us join the server.


    Username: Larsdude

    (Real) Age: 17

    Personality: Laid back, calm, tactical.

    -------Character Bio-------

    Character Name: Lars McNamara

    Character Age: 43

    I was born a normal child, a civilian on a world ruled by the Templar Order. When I was of age, I volunteered for the Templar Guardsmen, a police branch of the Order. The Templars went into a ten year period of warfare with the corrupt and weak government of Bastillia. I was selected alongside many others like myself to join the Templar Knights. As the war raged on, i quickly rose through the ranks. My cold tacticial mind led to me coming out of many battles the great hero. After the battle of Sjinden I met Cornelus Valiance, an Ex-BNF Admiral who wanted to diffect to the Templars. With him, i co-ordinated a coup d\'etat that led to the defeat of the Bastillian government. The Order rewarded me with the highest combat title in the Templar Order, assigning me as the Grand Knight, leader of the Templar Navy. I then chose Cornelus Vallaiance as my best friend and right hand man in light of his contribution to ourvictory.

    {Three Years Later}

    We were in transit between assignments when my ship veered off course and got caught in the gravity well of a dying star. My escape pod was small enough to escape it\'s pull, but my ship and most of my crew were not as fortunate. The next time i was conscious, I was somewhere else... a containment unit of some kind. I dont know where i am, who has me, or if my crew is here too, but nothing can contain a Templar Knight...

    Other: Eternia


    ((Please note that the Templar theme is merely a fascination we have with them. we promise we\'re not some religious nuts, nor will we preach religion in the server. Just a well known midieval theme to our faction.))


    Username: Uhhoh

    (Real) Age: 17

    Personality: Comical, dedicated, helpful.

    -------Character Bio-------

    Character Name: Cornelus Valliance

    Character Age: 42

    orn on Bastillia, Capital of the Great Bastillian Republic, Admiral Cornelus Valliance was the Supreme Commander of the BNF (Bastillian Naval Forces) during the first Intersolar-war. Overseeing the defeat of the insurection, Cornelus became a hero, and quickly rose as an icon to his people, a posistion he would hold with great pride...until the Fall of Sjinden.

    Not much is known about what really happened, but reports were everywhere blaming him for the massacare. Cornelus was stripped of his comission and forced back into the low class life of the sprawling colony world Aegis 17. It was there that he met Lars Mcnamara, a ship captain of the Templar Order. Convinced by their goals and seeking to regain his title, Cornelus joined the Order and, using his connections within the BNF, launched a coup d\'etat against the Bastillian government.

    Today, the Templar flag flies over Bastillia with he, Cornelus Valliance Highlord of the Order and Supreme Commander, at its helm. After securing peace on Bastillia He went on to be the second in command to Grand Knight Lars McNamara. What remained of the Bastilian Naval Forces after the Coup were assimilated into the Templar Order and are now under Cornelus\' direct command.

    {Three years Later}

    Seven days, nine hours, eighteen minutes and fifty-four seconds.... That\'s how long we were drifting... Our main fleet was in transit between missions when a dying star pulled us into it\'s gravity well... Being the second in command, my pod is the last to put me to sleep. I\'ve been able to gather as much detail as i could from the event. Over eighty percent of the ship\'s crew did not escape... the rest drifted in different directions. By some miracle, my pod and the Grand Knight\'s are headed in the same direction. I awake from my much needed slumber to find myself in an unfamiliar place. I don\'t know where I am, but somehow I know the Grand Knight is near.... Our brotherly bond can not be seperated by rock or metal or time. We will escape... we will rebuild... we are Templar...

    Other: Eternia

    Jun 20, 2013
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    (both of us) Plans:

    1. Gather resources

    2. Build a good ship

    3. Survive and expand
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Damian what i meant to say to was i\'m not gonna keep digging, but the owner already thinks i\'m about 12 and I can\'t prove to him i\'m not in any way :L