[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Captain_Olimar

    Age: 46

    Personality: Opportunistic scoundrel, patient, liar

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Having grown up in a poor family among one of desolate slums on Victus, Olimar had always dreamed of escaping his home. His chance came with his enrollment as a crew member on a mining barge for the Eternia Empire. Long years of loyal service to the Eternia Empire were rewarded and Olimar came to be known as Captain Olimar, commander of his own mining barge.

    But Captain Olimar possesed a secret. Never content with his salary, Olimar planned to escape the Eternia Empire\'s confinements and become a freelancer. Selling on the black market would make him a fortune, so he thought. Captain Olimar filled his ship with like minded individuals and planned to escape. When the day finally came, things did not go according to plan. There had been a rat among his crew. Eternia millitary were waiting and his ship was shot beyond repair. Captain Olimar and what remained of his crew were taken prisoner on board the Hail.

    Now his time has come. Olimar survived the destruction of Hail and is at loose in the endless reaches of outerspace.

    Plans once your in the server: I will probably begin with asteroid mining and selling, as that was my character\'s prior occupation. After amassing a decent amount of money I will join a faction and take part in what that entails.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    NAME: My name will be Scolar Visari, that\'s who my username is based off of.

    AGE: I am 14 years old in real life, I would be 47 years old in the roleplay.

    PERSONALITY: In real life I\'m witty, respectful, and at times strict. In the roleplay I\'m secretive, witty, and blunt.

    BIO: Scolar Visari was once a wealthy man in Victus. Until Eternia decided to drop by of course. Visari had to join the Army, escaping was not one of his best talents, although manipulation was. He has two plans, the first to become a high ranking officer in the Army, and the second... Well, lets allow time to decide.

    PLANS: Well, I\'m actually new to this game, I just started today. I plan to atleast own a Fighter, and to become a high ranking officer in the Army, and to be respected by all.

    OTHER: The Resistance is irrational, and the only way to deal with irrationality, is by fear.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Age: 16

    Personality: Rational, Charismatic, One who talks his way to the top but can throw some damn heavy punches if needed. Perfers economic growth over conquest growth.

    I use maturity for my adventures. I lead through example and I bring the weakest link along for the ride, I don\'t cut my losses or the weak. It\'s not survival of the fittest with me. It\'s all about willpower, the will to become mature and powerful but stay fair.

    Bio : A Space-farer with an interest in the fallen and rising empires of the Universe. I, Freight, looks for the unkown. I want to see what\'s never been seen. I don\'t want to be a pointless person with a pointless existence. I want to expand! I know my way out of every situation usually through talking but if needed will launch a rocket right at their core. I don;t intend to threaten people but if someone threatens me, my friends or the weak I will not hesitate to eliminate them from the living world.

    As I came from Earth, I do not know much about myself. I was taught by no one but changed by everyone. Teaching myself what\'s right and what\'s wrong. I have no connections. No one knows me, and no one needs to know me. I\'ll protect the weak and poor and bring down the rich and spoiled. People have called me Robin Hood, an old folktale from Earth, I\'ve never had the chance to read it. Maybe I\'ll become my own folktale, told across the Galaxies. I\'ll be nothing but a helpful myth. Coming off \"the Hail\" I had a purpose. What the purpose was still remained unknown to me. Arrested for theft, all the money I got went to a man on a desert planet who had nothing. Am I a criminal or a hero?

    Plans once your in the server: I plan to Join a faction and create my own sort of trade or store. Grabbing a planet fro myself and selling things at incredibly low prices. I also intend to help my allies and friends and give safehaven to whoever needs it. My planet will be a hotel with a market.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You need to reread the rules, don\'t worry its nothing too major but it is very important for your application. Also when it comes to joining Eternia to escape the Hail, that\'s something you do in-game so for now you are still on the Hail.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: ssthehunter


    Personality:Laid back and friendly except when riled up.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    SS was born on a merchant ship, The Capitalist, and raised on it his whole life, setting foot on planets only to help his parents gain contracts. As he grew up, he managed to acquire enough credits to purchase a small freighter, The Slipspacian\'s Hope.

    For the longest time, he was just another spacer pulling routine cargo trips along the space lanes.... Until Eternia came into power. They decided to claim the space lanes as their own. SS, along with several other spacers decided to fight back. They armed their freighters with \"Found\" military grade weapons and fought back.

    In the first few battles SS pulled several risky stunts, destorying the majority of the enemy force, earning him the nickname of The Hunter. However, after a couple of fights, he along with the survivors were subdued and sent to the Hail. From there, he plots his escape.

    Plans once your in the server: Find a nice place to call home. Then build a big ship and blast the Eternia forces to hell. Then take a vacation. Or ten.

    Oh , its time for vacation? ehh.... Eternia can stay a bit longer.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Heh you are one of the semi-rare people who reads the rules, good job. Now your lore is a bit intresting, you are the first who brought Earth into the sever, not sure if the owner wants this or not, guess we will see. Also everyone\'s character starts off as a prisioner on the prison ship Hail, so just tweek your bio for that.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Lethal, look at all the applications that still haven\'t been reviewed. You\'re so impatient, you shouldn\'t even be trying to join an RP server. And don\'t just take names from dead island, mate. It\'s sad.

    Many people just jump on the train of \'makeshift mods\' so they can get on his good side and be accepted to beta.

    Vargulf disaproves of all of this.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Don\'t know what you are taking about, the ones who have been doing the makeshift modding, myself included, are already in the beta. I\'m just doing this because I can. Lethal, Zamorok appears to have a set time when he checks applications just wait for a bit.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    im saying im not getting accepted, is it harming you? is it harming anyone else? or is it just my thoughts on the matter? Also, i\'m not stressed/annoyed that i\'m not getting accepted and i realise there are other applications. Does that give YOU the right to call me impatient?! Does that give YOU the right to insult ME without knowing anything about me other than that I play dead island. Why does me saying i don\'t think i\'ll be accepted mean i am impatient? Maybe you should think about what goes on in other people\'s heads-oh wait sorry, you can\'t because you don\'t know them.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I don\'t know if I\'ll even review your application now. You\'ve proved to not be mature, at all. He called you impatient because yes, you said you wouldn\'t ever get accepted when you by far are not the one to wait the longest. Then as a result from that, you went on a paragraph-long tantrum. Keep in mind, I\'m a very busy person. I\'m balancing my personal life, Star-Made, and work. If you think you could handle about fourty or more applications every other hour, then do it.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I apologize for last night guys, and for today. I\'ll rescheduel todays, last minute. Unfortunitely, I\'ve had some stuff come up that messed with my scheduel.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    i\'m not \'tantrumming\' i\'m just stating that nothing gives anyone any rights to insult anyone else. You can\'t justify saying something negative about anyone else with any piece of information.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I looked over my bio and it made no sense so therefor I am re-doing it and will try to grant it a bit more of... sense/logic.

    I am a Burrito human-hybrid; for many years I lived peacfully in a parallel universe where the Burrito\'s were the superior race, for them I were a freak, a mutant. They mocked me, called me names, even sentences. I had enough so I decided to look for a new place to live. I created the Burrito Universe Transporter x59143929137 to see if I could find a universe where Burrito human-hybrids were accepted as equals of the superior race(s). The machine worked and I ventured troughout many alternative realities, but I couldn\'t seem to find one that fit me until I came upon the human universe.

    I looked alike them all, my movement and my language, but still; even the humans whom looked 90% like me didn\'t even accepted me. They started to call me names and freaking sentences! I wanted to leave the universe which I at first had fallen in love with, but I couldn\'t. A \"potato\" from a nearby planet had hit my machine and destroyed it. I was stuck; I had to find a way to survive. I started to look for a job, but no one would hire a Burrito human looking creature. I decided that I had to do whatever it takes to survive even though I had to do it all by my self; I became a villain, a thief. I created a small space ship which I used to innocent people with. Thing\'s went great for a while until I were well enough known in the galaxies that the Eternia Millitary started to look on me as a potential threat in the future.

    They sent out a tactical strike team of ships to capture me and imprisson me, I tried to fight them off, but there\'s a limit to what a Burrito human can do with a small ship.

    I remember my ship loosing all it\'s power, shortly after I fainted \'cus of some loud noises from behind my ship. I woke up at a prison-ship named \"Hail\".


    Okay; what the... I really suck at this. I am a Burrito, deal with it. I am imprissoned at Hail for some reason and I want to break free. I wanna be a champion, a hero, maybe an astronaut idk. Maybe I shall go down to the river and settle there on a safe planet?

    I can\'t really come up with a bio at all, my role-play goes trough conversations.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Right, I say its in your best interest to drop this matter right here and right now, all you\'re doing is digging yourself into a hole. Your application is for the most part at least alright from a technical standpoint, from my personal opinion it could stand a bit of work, it just seems to be missing some substance if that makes any sense. Besides even if you were to accepted you will still be waiting, until we are out of beta no one but the beta accepted five are allowed on the server or hell even know the IP. All I\'m asking is have patience, do something else to ease the wait but, complaining does not help you, it harms you.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think your bio is rather nice, and definitely creative. I would love to take down the Eternia Empire side by side with a burrito; assuming i don\'t eat you before then.