[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Oh there\'s no point now damian. the hole ive apparently dug is far too deep to crawl out of now lol
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 15

    Personality: Lone-Wolf. Don\'t like to be bother (Too much), Very smart with technology.

    Bio My name is Delightfully Asteroid Verditech Enholement, or D-A-Ve, for short. I was abandoned on a old Destroyer class ship, and being there a prototype Android body mean\'t for me, i used it to commander-it into a large asteroid near a shop. From there, i began constructing a space station of sorts.

    Plans once your in the server: Find a asteroid near a shop, buy supplies, and begin making my future RP station. Oh, and i\'ll trade with players.. If, they\'re not bandits. And i don\'t like bandit. Do the math, please.

    Other: Error-3O3Y. Looking in Databanks for code word \'Eternia\'. Searching....
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Eli Stardust

    Age: 24

    Personality: Irritable in the mornings, genial most of the time. Slightly eccentric and very tech-savvy.



    I\'m Eli. I\'m a cyborg, as the right half of my body - ear, eye, face, leg, arm, chest - are all robotic. (I tell you, it\'s coming in useful right now, else I wouldn\'t be able to record this log.) The only organ that\'s original in my body is my brain and my heart, and even then, oxygen isn\'t a need anymore - they replaced most everything after the explosion. I don\'t even need a spacesuit anymore. All I need is energy, and the robotics generate the oxygen for me as well as getting rid of the waste. Though it only makes it when there\'s no oxygen around (Like in space!)

    Well, enough about that. I used to live on Victus with my soon-to-be-wife Sky Light, working for Eternia as an engineer. Before, I had been running a small business based on designing and testing space technology, which fit in perfectly with Eternia\'s needs. So I worked there for about six years, to the present day. However, apparently I did something to piss somebody off, and now I\'ve been put aboard an Eternian prison shuttle, the Hail. (Funny enough, I remember this design.) So now I\'m aboard this thing, and the draft has come in. Maybe I\'ll apply and hopefully get a job again building things. I mean, I\'m a competent pilot, but I\'m far better when it comes to building the darned things.

    In any case, I think I can hear footsteps down the hall. I\'d better shut this thing off or the guards will try and rip my arm off to stop me from communicating.


    Plans once your in the server: Offer services to military, get a ship construction gantry going, avoid war for the most part unless absolutely neccessary. Probably build some sort of megaproject on the side.

    Other: Eternia, we hardly knew ye. Also, don\'t be too harsh on me if I blanch or freeze up at some of the more in-depth roleplaying stuff. I seldom go onto roleplay servers, but this game just feels perfect for it. So being a slightly-long-running RPer that\'s out of practice, give me some slack. I know the rules, though.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m back. Groovy, baby!

    Hopefully should be able to attend the beta session tommorow. That\'d be good, looking forward to continuing my RPing.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Missed a lot today, turns out the pirates have access to the Juggernaught, one of them is pretty dangerous, the pirates had a group of seven Juggernaughts... Good thing is I got my stealth ship up so I literally sat in the middle of the group. As of right now its easy enough just to strafe around the thing and hammer away at its sheild until you can get to the core, Zamorak says they are not ready yet.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks :P

    Well, I\'ll see you all tommorow. I have plans to start my faction. Something great.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I don\'t see anything wrong with it. I\'m beta accepted and I want to help the guy it. You\'re all clamouring to jump on the train with these apps and it\'s better if some point those who blatantly haven\'t read the rules in the right direction rather than Zam having to do everything.

    If they prove to be dedicated to the server then perhaps they should be accepted.

    You diapprove? Well, good for you.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    ###Dossier CPT-XB243###

    Name: Jagen

    Age: 26

    Personality: Cunning, Tactful, Descisive, Caring

    Biography: After a disagreement with pirates on his colony homeworld turned bloody, Jagen, only 7 years of age at the time, watched as his world was burned, himself and many other survivors were then sold into servitude aboard the pirates vessels. Jagen being so young could only do the minimialist of duties, but as he grew older he begun to appreciate the vastness of space. Even if it was only to wish he could fly away from his current occupation.

    At 17 years old, Jagen had been watching a crusty old salt named, Iron Boot Hal, with his foot missing from a navigation error he had a metal prothesis in its place. Iron Boot Hal took a shine to the lad, and taught him everything he knew about flying. Jagen was a natural and the freedom he felt while flying made him regret that he was still a slave.

    At 21 years of age, Hal died of unknown causes, Jagen knew better though. Hal had been trying the last year to get him out of his servitude and to join the pirates as a full fledged pilot. The Pirate Leader would never allow a slave to join his ranks and killed Hal for his insolance. In tears for the only person to show an interest in him since his homeworld. Jagen armed with the knowledge of every security code for everyship on base; courtesy of Hal, set them all systemattically to self destruct taking Hals starfighter for himself. He kicked in the hovermode set shields to full and fired a single missle against the hanger door, instantly the hanger was sucked into hard vacuum and Jagen plotted a course for anywhere but here. Stars elongated as he went to hyperspace just as the space station detonated.

    In the last 5 years Jagen has been in command of the Heavy Cruiser, Horus and has wiped out dozens of pirates and their bases of operations.

    ###End Dossier###

    --###Eternia Transmission Decoded###--

    His current whereabouts are not unknown to us, He was recently picked up outside an unihabitable system, his ship in critical state, most of the crew survived thanks to their captain. Last reports that came in say it was the Hail that picked him up.....

    I see, we have need of men such as him, we have two few captial captains as it is. Put an Op together ensign, I want this man out by daybreak.

    Yes Sir!

    --###End Transmission###--

    Plans once your in the server: Establish a Anti Piracy Faction, secure a base, destroy pirates.

    Other: For the glory of the Eternia Empire
    Jun 22, 2013
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    The way things are going, I\'m considering just joining up with you, a invisable ship might be useful right?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Cool, well made I have to say although you are missing a part, go and reread the rules.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Certainly. You can get a feel of what I want to set up by reading my app.

    Considering your profile picture is a Terran Republic symbol, I\'m sure you\'ll like it.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I leave applications that don\'t have any problems alone, what I do is point people in the right direction if they need to fix some parts. If we were to be given actual moderator powers in this thread by the owner then yeah we would be accepting or dening people.