[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Now, it looks like a lot of people have been putting their real age. I, for one, put my character age and was accepted.

    If this means that the \'age\' part of the app is for your character, we have a bunch of teenagers galavanting around space, making spaceships etc.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Meh, doesn\'t bother me if hey want to be a teenager in space more power to them, that or they don\'t fully understand roleplaying.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I\'d prefer it be character age. For official terms, character age needs to be a limit of 18-50 from now on.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    ok. so it is carachter age. damnit

    i don\'t always do roleplay. but when i do i like to do it right

    so i made it wrong anyway. :( o well i can deal with it. i am a 15 years old buisnessman. happens :)
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Vaas Oteck

    Age: 26

    Personality: Very mature for his age, always straight forward, cunning about making a profit. Always keeps an eye open on whoever he doesn\'t trust. Some might even call him ruthless and a psychopath. (I\'ll put other in the Bio)

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):



    Inmate9606 - Vaas Oteck, Age 26, born on Kepler-62e, colony 25. Before his incarceration Inmate9606 has been detained twice. Once at the age of 14 for ownership of illegal substances and once at the age of 21 for accusations of extortion and property damage. At the age of 24, 9606 was officialy arrested and incarcerated by the Sergeant ##ERROR## for attempt on smuggling military grade ship equipment. He was then brought for questioning in a local law enforcement building. The Sergeant\'s report stated: \"The subject Oteck to some degree answers to most our questions, but he seems to avoid talking about his past and about anything that has to do with the military equipment. We suspect him being part of the rebel/terrorist group based in the Kepler System. The individual seems stable for now but he\'ll be transferred to the prison frigate Hail for further questioning\".

    ##HigherClearance## - ##Granted##

    Major ##ERROR## reports \"Inmate9606 since his arrival on prison frigate Hail, has been exposed to numerous tests both physical and mental. Each time he was questioned he refused to give any answers, so my team eventually recurred to torture on a monthly basis, also 24/7 monitoring as we moved him in a high-security cell. His last psychology tests state that his mental state is decaying, showing signs of psychopathy and sociopathy. The subject seems to have lost his free will, and thusly we\'ll be stopping our actions against him.\"

    ##LastEntry=VIDEO## ##Hail=RIOT##

    This video was collected from one of the security cameras on the hallway between the Medical Ward and the Escaping Pods the day of the great riot. *The video takes about 2 minutes. Starts roughly without sound. The allarm\'s light is ON but the doors don\'t seem to lock themselves as they should. A few individuals wearing doctor robes are spotted running towards the Escaping Pods, looking terrified. One of the doctors seems wounded, in all the confusion he stumbles down and seems that with all the strength left in him tries to get back up but fails. Shortly after a few dozen inmates run after the fleeing doctors and for the Escaping Pods, they all seem to have a facial expression posessed by rage and anger. They all run but one, he slows down as he noticed the wounded doctor. The Inmate bends down, mounting over the wounded\'s chest while faintly seems to be holding a shank or a sharp object with his right hand. Places his left hand over the doctor\'s mouth, gets closer with his head towards the victim\'s right ear and while saying something to him, the inmate slices his throat with two quick motions. A few seconds pass and the murderer gets up looking towards the security camera, revealing himself as Vaas Oteck. Raises his bloody right hand over his face and with his thumb and index finger paints a pair of fangs over his mouth. Before leaving after the others he reveals a psychotic grin to the camera.*


    All of the inmates that managed to escape off prison frigate Hail are to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. If you see any of them please report immediately to any of your local authorities!

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Meet people with the same goals as my character, make a lot of profit and create an opposition to Eternia.

    Other: Eternia, you brought the Apocalipse on yourself!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    And so I dig sometimes

    For some coal and some stone

    and I think to myself

    I\'m all alone

    and then I-I-I

    I saw a cute little piggy

    Yes it is.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I was already accepted but I\'ll clarify that my Characters age is unkown but seems to be in his late twenties.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    character name: comando07

    age: 19

    personality: builder miner and a dislike of unfair combat

    year 42052 12-6 04:25 i just graduatet from the milytairy accademy and am about to depart to the uss defiant my rank wil be first officer.

    year 42053 15-3 06:14 we just took dammage from a pirate attack we got a few casualty\'s we also lost our captin.

    year 42053 15-3 07:09 as the first officer of the deffiant i was apointet as acting captain by highcommand.

    year 42053 29-3 23:29 we just arived back at earth high command requestet i meat tham ASAP.

    year 42053 29-4 08:30 the meating just ended and i got reasined to oversee the construction of the catalist the only problme is that i have never heard about this ship.

    year 42053 1-5 5:30 i am about to depart to the construction site of the catalist. personal note: i have been looking in the database but i could not find any information about the ship of if it even is a ship.

    year 42053 19-5 16:54 after a long jearny of 18 days the catalist is almost in sight thay say it is just behind this gass giant

    year 42053 19-5 17:00 the ship is in sight the ship is massive it is at least 2x as large as a small moon

    year 42053 19-5 19:00 after ariving at the construction sight i only got 2 hours to get at my post and start my word as oversier of the construction of the catalist. personal note: after looking at the stats of the catalist i was amazed spacts locatat in file :###### removed in case of a securety breach

    year 42054 4-1 20:15 we coth someone sneaking around the command center and edditing command codes, we dont know howmuch or what has been altert so we have to reinstal the entire AI.

    year 42054 4-5 04:59 the AI has been reinstald and the man that was altering the programm has been moved to a detention center.

    year 42056 15-9 05:55 we are nearing the end of the construction of the catalist it took a damm while but it is almost finisht.

    year 42056 30-12 23:55 everything is done the catalist is ready for launge we are planing to luange it at 00:00 becals we cant shoot firework we wel do a weapons test insteat. personal note: cant wait to see the firepower of this thing.

    year 42057 1-1 00:15 the weapon is ready to fire his first shot. high command is with me at the defiant waiting for the catalist to fire. personal note: why do thay only have wine i can realy use some wisky

    year 42057 1-1 00:20 the catalist still hasent fired yet and high command just disapaird. i wonder what is going on?

    year 42057 1-1 00:25 the allarm was acctivatet, we are going to warp? personal note:something is wrong here im heading to the escape pods just in case.

    year 42057 1-1 00:27 i arived at the escape pods and it seems i am not the only one who had the same idea. thare are 3 more peaple at the escape pods edjecting tham. luckely i got the chanse to get in an escape pod befor thay ware able to eject it.

    year 42057 1-1 00:29 the defiant just went to warp. but it did so without any escape pods

    year 42057 1-1 00:33 just finisht a quick scann of the catalist it seems like the weapon system is still charghed and it is prepairing to go to warp

    year 42057 1-1 00:35 after hailing the catalist motiple times (without sucses) my scans indicate the catalist his weapon systems are overloading and its fighters are being launged. personal note: my escapepod moved to the other site of the gass giant du to the orbet around the planet.

    year 42057 1-1 00:42 just got an S.O.S. from the defiant it looks like it is under attack by pirates.

    year 42057 1-1 00:43 WARNING SHOCWAVE APPROCHING

    year 42057 1-1 00:44 the planat protectet my from the shocwave. it looks like the catalist managed to fire

    year 42057 1-1 01:04 my escape pod is closing on the catalist about 5 more minits and i should be able to hail the catalist and report the S.O.S. of the defiant

    year 42057 1-1 01:09 the catalist is under heavy attack by pirates and it looks like the shockwave came from a core overload of one of the pirate frigates. personal note: cinse when do pirates have frigates

    year 42057 1-1 01:10 GRRAY MODE ACTIVE

    year 42057 1-1 01:10 i have gone to gray mode to save power and to reduce the chanse of detection.

    year 42057 1-1 07:46 after going around the planate multiple times the battle has ended and it looks like the pirates have won.

    year 42057 1-2 00:09 the pirates have left and thare is only debry at place ware the battle has taken place.

    year 42057 1-2 00:10 i set my navigation system towards the closest neutral shipyard hoping to be able to one day return to earth

    plans once your in the server: sell my escape pod and get back to earth

    other: Eternia (srry my bet i dident understand it right i had to get google translate to figgure out what i did wrong)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Honestly it doesn\'t make a difference when we are doing something that is in a game like this. If we were going at more of a traditional go at this, you know where we write out what we are doing, then yeah age does matter quite a bit.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    So I fed you some wheat

    And you followed me

    all the way back to the factory

    and I screamed at

    the top of my lungs

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Right I might end up cutting you some slack, you said something where English is not your first language right? Still what we are doing here does require heavy writing in English, for that reason it might not be best for you to join the server,
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ok then, this is better. Still you need two things, a character name (Saw your name below.) and a character age, 18-50. Your bio could use some work, every player starts as a prisioner read the first paragraph on the main post.