Prerelease v0.200.250

    Jul 22, 2013
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    unpowered docking is a necessity of the chamber as fixed percentage system (and it also comes with the ship/reactor configuration menu getting confused as hell when docked to a station)
    Aug 10, 2015
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    Blog post coming up...

    I've been loosely following this game for years, I remember being enamored with it and downloading it after watching the first Yogscast video. Since then I've dropped the game repeatedly, sometimes for months on end, as I burn out on working on projects or just prefer playing other styles of games. I've always come back to check in on the game, to work on old projects and start new ones. Even versus AI this game scratched my space battle itch and though I never fully jumped into it, I dabbled with PVP. I particularly enjoyed how I could recreate ships from fiction and battle using them. I just poked my head back into here a couple days ago after another hiatus and I have to say, this might be the last time I come back to Starmade.

    Schine, you've lost a player. I don't know why you're so invested in this new system, but if I can't fulfill my largest fantasy of having my favorite ships from fiction be efficient and viable, I won't stick around. I'll play another game to scratch my space battle itch.

    If things change I may come back, but I doubt it'll happen with your new direction. Goodbye.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    well, drama aside stable is quite good. if there was a way to remove shop outside of faction stations and have the universe economy rely on npc/player faction mining/production/trading it'd be already great


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Huh, it's happening. The game is finally changing shape again. Wonder who'll be left afterwards and who'll return. Haven't played around with this, probably won't in the future either, but seeing some of the criticisms makes me wonder why we don't have a system in place that makes every arrangement "functional", with some just being less functional than others (perhaps oftentimes dangerously so, like jury-rigged parts in a homebuilt pirate raider or whatever)
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    Mar 3, 2015
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    Huh, it's happening. The game is finally changing shape again. Wonder who'll be left afterwards and who'll return. Haven't played around with this, probably won't in the future either, but seeing some of the criticisms makes me wonder why we don't have a system in place that makes every arrangement "functional", with some just being less functional than others (perhaps oftentimes dangerously so, like jury-rigged parts in a homebuilt pirate raider or whatever)
    Well currently my ships seem to spontaneously explode when i over tax the new power it's kind of like that now lol
    Jan 17, 2015
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    I was refitting Xoza's Falcata NX with new power last night. The hull is big enough to accomodate 10k e/s with power chamber boost, but the twin fuselage kept giving me purple worm issues. Up to 7-8k I could keep the stabilizers in the widest part of the wings and got twin purple worms going off to the sides - perfect. But if I go higher than that and try to also put stabilizers in the front wingtips, the two worms merge into one and protrude out between in front. Nodes don't help, because it changes the path not the end-point.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I was refitting Xoza's Falcata NX with new power last night. The hull is big enough to accomodate 10k e/s with power chamber boost, but the twin fuselage kept giving me purple worm issues. Up to 7-8k I could keep the stabilizers in the widest part of the wings and got twin purple worms going off to the sides - perfect. But if I go higher than that and try to also put stabilizers in the front wingtips, the two worms merge into one and protrude out between in front. Nodes don't help, because it changes the path not the end-point.
    Yeah, the weird merge thing needs to be either massively toned down or removed entirely. As it stands, this breaks effectively any and all split-hull designs unless you want to cut your power in half.
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    Mar 3, 2015
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    Honestly, even though i hate stabilizers, the node streams arent too bad of an idea. I just don't inderstand why we need the streams, instead of just using conduits to connect the stabilizers to the reactor. That gives you much more control over the size and placement of the "power path" without having a giant purple dog turd squeezing through the center of your ship. Would likely be easier on ppl's computers too
    Jan 17, 2015
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    Honestly, even though i hate stabilizers, the node streams arent too bad of an idea. I just don't inderstand why we need the streams, instead of just using conduits to connect the stabilizers to the reactor. That gives you much more control over the size and placement of the "power path" without having a giant purple dog turd squeezing through the center of your ship. Would likely be easier on ppl's computers too
    The conduit has to be "indestructible" without adding hp to the ship. Maybe it could be a non-physical block like a launch rail?
    Mar 3, 2015
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    The conduit has to be "indestructible" without adding hp to the ship. Maybe it could be a non-physical block like a launch rail?
    But why though? Why does it have to be indestructible? That doesn't make sense. "Lets have an indestructible, non physical line that connects our power system together? Why does it need to be a thing that exists? If i put it into my ship, YOU should be able to shoot it out.

    Also, why cant i simply place exploity docked blast door armor where that beam sits? The beam takes damage when a block touching it gets hit, right? What if that area is filled with a docked entity?
    Jan 31, 2014
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    But why though? Why does it have to be indestructible? That doesn't make sense. "Lets have an indestructible, non physical line that connects our power system together? Why does it need to be a thing that exists? If i put it into my ship, YOU should be able to shoot it out.

    Also, why cant i simply place exploity docked blast door armor where that beam sits? The beam takes damage when a block touching it gets hit, right? What if that area is filled with a docked entity?
    Here is a better question, why have these beams at all?
    They still take alot of performance, they look horrible and the beam nodes can't redirect specific beams.

    No one asked for them why should we support them?
    The important thing in development should be testing what works and what doesn't.

    It seems whatever is added to the current dev build is seen as a must have feature that the game cannot be without.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    there's very little to save in this power 2.0 system. the only interesting thing I saw out of it was this suggestion

    Brainstorm This: Crew Chambers (no crew)

    and that could have been done completely without the power 2.0 rework, and would actually have been load better under the old system where chamber size determined how powerful a subsystem were without having to chain size constrained chambers and work trough a ship 'skill tree' which is as immersive as it sounds.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    If we can hold out without a dev blog until april they could still pass off all of 2.0 as an april fools joke.

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    Nov 14, 2013
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    But why though? Why does it have to be indestructible? That doesn't make sense. "Lets have an indestructible, non physical line that connects our power system together? Why does it need to be a thing that exists? If i put it into my ship, YOU should be able to shoot it out.
    That's not the point. What he's saying is that having the game repeatedly check to see if there is still a conduit connecting the reactor and stabilizer apparently isn't feasible, which has been mentioned by the devs before. The current conduits, when broken in combat, will not disconnect their chambers, and any physical block conduits would apparently have to work similarly.

    With these conduits, checking for a hit is as simple as a collision test with point projectiles and raycast beams.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    I will admit that I have yet to even play the dev build as I have been without a laptop since about June/July. I have however been watching from afar, reading the forums and watching a number YouTubers playing around with the dev build.

    This "power sausage" thingy is an utterly pointless addition and as Matt_Braddock says, the open flexibility that we once enjoyed in the game has been lost. Seriously, what is the point of this? Get rid, ASAP. Part of the power upgrade was apparently to improve RP by allowing more space for interiors...not if you have to play a whole new take on the old game of "hide the sausage"!

    I agree, some things needed to be rebalanced but half of what I used in game for a dual purpose of decoration and practical use ( jump drive modules for example) have been dumped.

    Ship and even space station design could be fluid and organic and my biggest concern is this is being removed.

    Most of my ships are under 50m in length and I am dreading converting them into the new power. Many of them are too big to work with a basic, "stabilisation not required" set up but ultimately too small to be able hide all of the bits and bobs you now need for even basic ships and the dreaded power sausage!

    I have a new laptop turning up in a day or two and I ordered one specifically to play StarMade. Once I get to grips with the new system first hand maybe I will feel differently, but what I have seen so far, and I'm sure other players of 2+ years like me may well agree, I feel a bit cheated.
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    Mar 3, 2015
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    That's not the point. What he's saying is that having the game repeatedly check to see if there is still a conduit connecting the reactor and stabilizer apparently isn't feasible, which has been mentioned by the devs before. The current conduits, when broken in combat, will not disconnect their chambers, and any physical block conduits would apparently have to work similarly.

    With these conduits, checking for a hit is as simple as a collision test with point projectiles and raycast beams.
    Thanks. I must have missed that detail when it came out.

    schema, I think that stabilizers in their current form are fundamentally flawed. If you have to add such things as "node streams" such as you have, simply to have some semblance of balance, then perhaps what you have on your hands is a garbage game mechanic. I know I'm not the first person to say this, but please find another way. Listen to your playtesters, the people who actively go about pushing and abusing your mechanics to their absolute potential. Above all, You want starmade to be a fun game right? Bad mechanics do not contriubte to that.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    So many informed and heart felt posts here. Thank you all for your feedback and I dearly hope the devs read it.

    How long will it take before something changes? How many months will the dev team waste building a system that only a minnority of players will use? I hardly ever come back to the forums anymore, there hasn't been any change in the development direction at all since power 2.0 nor any offcial announcment.

    It's like a parent trying to force their child to eat a peanut butter sandwhich even though their kid is allergic to nuts. They are ignoring the kids cries and assuring themselves that they know best and their kid will appreciate them after them have eaten it (and gotten sick, stuck in hospital and then moved to a foster family).

    The kids the one who has to eat the food, not you Schema. If you make it disguisting and refuse to take your earbuds out then we will sadly leave you.

    Thank goodness you can download any version of Starmade from the archive.
    At least we can still revel in the old glory that was Starmade :3
    Jul 22, 2013
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    The current conduits, when broken in combat, will not disconnect their chambers, and any physical block conduits would apparently have to work similarly.

    LOL what's the point of them then? "We have to connect chambers but only to annoy builders because they mean nothing in combat, give no additional depth and only represent link on an imaginary skill tree"

    Good thing this was done to add 'depth', I'd be confused otherwise.