Well then, I have a plenty of questions and some propably new bugs.
My last dev build is .223 so some bugs could be already fixed:
- placing ellipsoid in advanced build tools sometimes frozes my movement or ability to build anything, I can't turn or zoom. When clear ellipsoid placement sometimes helps and sometimes not. Maybe it is only performance issue r=18 ellipsoid needs little bit more calculations

- Weapons list in ship stats does not show any weapons
- Also when building a big gun sometimes the power consumption is calculated wrong, like weapon blocks aren't adjanced. Didn't tested if it is only "stats" bug or the weapon really has such a great power need when operated. When restarting the game weapon power consumption is already calculated well. Does not happend when placing secondary or terciary systems
it is nice to see that developers already fixed previously noted glitches, thanks
- how shielding of docked entity is working now? The same system of 50% shield sharing with the closest base the entity is docked in? Or all docked entities count as a part of ship with 100% shield sharing through entire docked chain? If the second option is true, do we need turret base for any purpose than docking point?
- How the HP are calculated for docked entity? Should we add turret reactors(which are natively turned off when docked) so for adding more duriability of our turrets?
- Does AI using active chamber effects or scans?