Taken a break from my gunship and have been detailing my carrier. Lots of work on the front end, I was always a bit apprehensive about how it'd look when done as I was experimenting with just placing random boxey shapes to see how/if I could make it work as an industrial design. Quite happy with it now.
Also have shaped the engines a bit more though there's still a heap of work there. Lots more greebling required. And finally I got around to making a decision about the space on top of the hangars and put a turret on it.
Inside, the layout of the rooms and passages are basically set, the hangars, cargo area and docking and cargo area for the command miner are 90% done, still yet to start filling any of the forward rooms in... getting there slowly.
Also have shaped the engines a bit more though there's still a heap of work there. Lots more greebling required. And finally I got around to making a decision about the space on top of the hangars and put a turret on it.
Inside, the layout of the rooms and passages are basically set, the hangars, cargo area and docking and cargo area for the command miner are 90% done, still yet to start filling any of the forward rooms in... getting there slowly.