MrGrey1's Shipyard

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Taken a break from my gunship and have been detailing my carrier. Lots of work on the front end, I was always a bit apprehensive about how it'd look when done as I was experimenting with just placing random boxey shapes to see how/if I could make it work as an industrial design. Quite happy with it now.
    Also have shaped the engines a bit more though there's still a heap of work there. Lots more greebling required. And finally I got around to making a decision about the space on top of the hangars and put a turret on it.
    Inside, the layout of the rooms and passages are basically set, the hangars, cargo area and docking and cargo area for the command miner are 90% done, still yet to start filling any of the forward rooms in... getting there slowly.

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Rebuilt the lower engine and fixed a bunch of alignment issues. Have been detailing all over. The carrier now has a detailed transporter room and I've done the layout and first pass on the bridge/core room. Crew lift is in and functional and all the doors, ramps and passages are laid out and mostly detailed. Couple of RP areas to do and it'll be just about done...


    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    Rebuilt the lower engine and fixed a bunch of alignment issues. Have been detailing all over. The carrier now has a detailed transporter room and I've done the layout and first pass on the bridge/core room. Crew lift is in and functional and all the doors, ramps and passages are laid out and mostly detailed. Couple of RP areas to do and it'll be just about done...

    Amazing as usual. Keep up the awesome work.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Your "MRGS Heavy Miner" Is perfectly done, judging by exterior.

    The interior is top, for a miner, you cannot expect better and turrets are well-sized. The only thing you may want to add is one room for special equipment and a hangar for small shuttles by prolonging the build in Z-axis - like a 3rd container.
    You would had your escape vessel, a VIP-dock or dock for combat drones - when one of those is neccessary - in the upper half and some additional shield geenrator or whatever in the lower half of the 3rd "container".

    I would recommend it to all who do not possess a similar sized miner but are interested in more than just "it works".

    But I think the true masterpiece of yours is your mining carrier on this thread, just not the engines.

    The 2 main docks are perfect ... for a carrier, not a close-quarters ship type ... but it is a carrier.
    2 docks are good for fail-safe operation, which you expect on a carrier which is a main-operation of something important prestigue.

    I would still have made a third -central- one because aside your standard-equipped shuttles you may have a visitor, like an inspector, or some hobby-work or a genius-co-worker docked which doesn't fit any symmetrical pattern. Per default, I would have it host a speed-optimizes shuttle with medical and survival kit onboard. Something that is meant more for emergency cases than regular use.
    The main body looks very sturdy - perfect for a labor ship.

    The drones are added in a pleasant and still compact way.
    You can see that they are exposed and for repair-after-damage rather than protect-at-all-costs, which is nice.
    How it is done, gives the ship a rather unique shape along with other features.
    What is improvable?

    1. I'd say, mostly a missing third dock which can be smaller than others and host an emergency shuttle, because your usual ones are quite exposed. Not neccessarily game-mechanically (shield cover), but they are not very shielded either.

    My mod-choice: having an escape shuttle on a spot mostly covered by engines and a thick upper/frontal shell of it's own for vertical takeoff woulf fit. Additional it could start forward, but there would be a third dock for your experimental backyard work or a //23-15-31// cargo pod which can be filled and send to a nearby collection point.

    2. Turret position. They are better on your other miner.
    For being something exposed to combat, it looks quite fragile. For having 4 turrets, it looks quite limited in fire angle and overall spherical perimeter coverage.

    3. The lack of mining containers. That's why I have my own project running - to have it my way.
    There could be 2 big ones for lava and rocks that are dropable to escape combat easier (less mass).
    And small protected ones. Also dropable in case of a superior pirate fleet demanding it, but sticked with explosives to kill a few pirates picking them up or not giving away valuable loot when they choose to shoot you down anyway.​


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    I know its just a little detail, but I must point out that I loved your small antenna dish, the bright white one. Another thing that I love are the struts on ~30 degrees... I always did them in 90 or 45 degrees and yours look very cool. Anyways, awesome images.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    The starter miner looks awesome, but how you expect starters to gain coloured hull at start on non-yours servers? =)
    Feb 10, 2017
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    The starter miner looks awesome, but how you expect starters to gain coloured hull at start on non-yours servers? =)
    Yeah I thought about that. The plan was to leave it all grey initially but it just didn't turn out that way. I was thinking of making a variant or two and using colour to differentiate them so a yellow miner seemed like the way to go... re-colouring it in creative first is always an option. :)
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    Feb 10, 2017
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    After much faffin' about with the fans on the gunship I removed them. They were taking up too much space and just didn't look right. Need to try fans on a purpose built shell... So, I shortened the whole hull, raised the missiles into the wings and compacted and neatened everything up some. Much happier with it now though still not done with it.



    Aug 11, 2013
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    That is an impressive array of guns on your gunship. :P I dunno if you named it, but from the look from the front, I'd say Condor or Vulture.
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    Feb 10, 2017
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    Vulture does have a certain appeal to it. It's a bit cliched but I've been leaning toward the Predator Gunship as the shape of the nose makes me think of the Predator's helmet. Got some time to think on it anyways as still a fair way from christening it.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Every visible feature makes these pictures look better :2hearts::^D

    Just 3 little notes:
    1. Assymetry at front looks weird because there is just this and visible like it's a fat red flagged area.
    2. How do you enter it without a ramp? (like when parked on even ground)
    3. It looks like it can't shoot at those chasing it down if it has to run from something :thinking:
    These are not critiques, but points raise questions for answers like "that's intended because..."
    or "I have thought and decided it should be like /this/".
    If you share it in CC, that's perfect lore for filling display blocks and/or BP description.
    Feb 10, 2017
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    Every visible feature makes these pictures look better :2hearts::^D

    Just 3 little notes:
    1. Assymetry at front looks weird because there is just this and visible like it's a fat red flagged area.
    2. How do you enter it without a ramp? (like when parked on even ground)
    3. It looks like it can't shoot at those chasing it down if it has to run from something :thinking:
    These are not critiques, but points raise questions for answers like "that's intended because..."
    or "I have thought and decided it should be like /this/".
    If you share it in CC, that's perfect lore for filling display blocks and/or BP description.
    1. It's meant to. It seemed like a good spot to break up its symmetry. It's lookin'at you... or that was the idea.
    2. A universal dock on the stern. Other then that I hadn't considered landing. Only peasants and peons live on land... land is where you go to shoot things and pillage blocks.
    3. Never Turntail, Never Retreat, The Gunship Creed. It might fly backwards very fast once in a while but I call that tactile maneuvers not running. ;p

    Will think about sharing it when I've figured out what to do with its underside. Since the removal of the fans it's basically bare hull... the gunship's on hold however, because I've have station inspiration.

    The station now has two medium top side hangars and I've had an idea for adjustable dry docks on this side, where the escorts are. Have plans to start various towers and habitation blocks in the middle while I'm at it.
    Feb 10, 2017
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    Going to do a fighter half way between the two as well I think.
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