The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
Schine is still here, development continues in earnest. I'll ask about the wiki for you.
Mini Update: A good deal of (perhaps) unremarkable changes have been made to help remove the "annoying" bits on textures. If you have any that constantly annoy you, please let me know, chances are they annoy me too and a solution needs to be drawn up. I've also tried to to reduce artefacts and errors or discrepancies between blocks of the same type. I'll show one or two examples of this tomorrow to explain in more detail.
Power update textures happened. No secrets here, they're all in dev builds barring an incomplete power node block.
As previously mentioned in this thread i'm continuously playing with Hull variants... i've been quite open about being a little unhappy with their current iteration. Recently i have enjoyed the idea of making the patterns more subtle and the colours a little (little!) more colourful. I will show a simple work in progress tomorrow, but the general idea is to have hull blocks visually fall into the "background" and let player builds dictate the tone more than the surface patterns of the block. Advanced blocks were often avoided due to being ugly or blocky, i'd like to change this if i can.
A few slabs that i had previously written off as "impossible" are now possible. Warp modules and inhibitor module textures will be offered as a decorative block. A couple of new blocks that were requested and tagged as planned are being worked on. I'll check back in tomorrow morning to go over all this.
Awesome! Awesome! Any chance the Motherboard/Circuit textures could be made better? Maybe less detail/bigger lines. And make tree leaves opaque? they don't show up through glass cause transparency bugs.
More subtle textures would be nice, I always found the lines between basic hull to be too thick, not that it really matters from a distance though, since the textures fade and blend into plain colors. It's a shame that hull color still has to be block based though
Also, while a lot of us enjoy the darker shades they provide, people avoid adv. armor because it's so heavy (and doesn't actually help much). 'Ever thought of reducing the weight of armor by 5x?
(A few of us have just gone using girders and motherboard as hull, because armor is so detrimental)
P.S. We're still desperately wanting that dark red/blue/green, and beige hull. It would help you even out the colors, and even let you go all out where you want to. I mean, it's not like we're getting any decorative blocks any time soon ever again anyways. (pls more decorative blocks)
It's good to see you, kyupu-sempai