Kupu's thread


    Join the Dark Side
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    kupu Hey, any way we can get those pre-mentioned bar textures restored? Been waiting a bit of time. I figure it slipped your mind. But we do use these bars for players on our server and we'd appreciate if the textures could be restored, since right now the "TEX" texture is kind of meh. lol


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    kupu Hey, any way we can get those pre-mentioned bar textures restored? Been waiting a bit of time. I figure it slipped your mind. But we do use these bars for players on our server and we'd appreciate if the textures could be restored, since right now the "TEX" texture is kind of meh. lol
    Apologies to both you and your server.

    I had amended the files but not actually added them to go live, yet again...

    With the new release cycle these probably won't get to you "officially" as fast as you (or i) would like... but i'll attach a zip file here with the corrected icon sheets to alleviate the issue for now. Simply drag and drop this PNG file into the directory: StarMade/data/image-resource/

    Sorry again.



    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Kupu! You've been quiet for an unnerving amount of time! How's life?


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Kupu! You've been quiet for an unnerving amount of time! How's life?
    I'm good thanks mate. Hope you're all keeping well too. :)

    Sorry, it has been pretty quiet in here recently. A quick update then; I've been busy working away on all the terrain blocks... I'll be honest, these have been kicking my ass for a while.
    New mechanics have helped allow more interesting textures (the 4x4 texture size), but they're taking longer to create. Additionally terrain now also has to sit inline with the quality and style of the new pack. This is simply taking more time than anticipated (as you may of all guessed :D ).
    Jul 7, 2013
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    I'm good thanks mate. Hope you're all keeping well too. :)

    Sorry, it has been pretty quiet in here recently. A quick update then; I've been busy working away on all the terrain blocks... I'll be honest, these have been kicking my ass for a while.
    New mechanics have helped allow more interesting textures (the 4x4 texture size), but they're taking longer to create. Additionally terrain now also has to sit inline with the quality and style of the new pack. This is simply taking more time than anticipated (as you may of all guessed :D ).
    Thanks for the update. Keep up the excellent work, good sir :)


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm good thanks mate. Hope you're all keeping well too. :)

    Sorry, it has been pretty quiet in here recently. A quick update then; I've been busy working away on all the terrain blocks... I'll be honest, these have been kicking my ass for a while.
    New mechanics have helped allow more interesting textures (the 4x4 texture size), but they're taking longer to create. Additionally terrain now also has to sit inline with the quality and style of the new pack. This is simply taking more time than anticipated (as you may of all guessed :D ).
    Keep up the great work, man. There's something I should point out (though you've probably noticed it by now). Current and previous builds have really shiny and metal-surface-like grass and dirt and stuff. That's not a texture issue, but it is something that should be addressed since it sounds like y'all are getting things ready for upcoming new planets. (You know, the one block ones? :ROFLMAO: )
    Mar 3, 2015
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    I was told to upload this here to fix it.
    Do also have a toddler that enjoys ambushing your keyboard when you aren't looking? Lol

    Thats happened to me several times, and I don't know which key or combination of keys causes it, but I usually just do a forced download and reinstall. It's fixed it every time so far. Have you tried that yet?


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I was told to upload this here to fix it.
    Yes, sorry your experiencing this. The debug hotkey you accidentally hit was F1 + 1 / F1 + 2. We need to reassign these to avoid further accidents.

    I would recommened trying the Repair tool in the launcher first.

    1 - Click the build version option cog.
    2 - Click "Select Last Used". This syncs the repair to your current version.
    3 - Click "Download Selected Build Version". This will check for any files that don't match a vanilla install and replace them.

    This should of fixed the issue. Hit Launch and check the game.

    3B - Please back up your installation before doing this, just incase.
    If the above method doesn't find the problem, you can "Force Download ALL & Overwrite". This won't remove blueprints, but if you have custom textures, configs, skins and settings it will remove them and replace with defaults.

    More indepth answers are provided here in this thread if required.
    Textures Issue

    Hope that helps.
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    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Koopoop! What do?
    Kooooopoooooop?! Are you ded?

    Nope! Business as usual, although i wouldn't blame you for thinking otherwise considering how quiet i've left this thread recently.
    "So what the bleddy 'ell 'ave you been doin?"

    Let's recap quickly on what i've been working on and give some broad stroke insight to the coming projects i have currently got assigned.
    Firstly, as you're mostly all aware we've been improving some aspects of our UI/UX. The brand new Adv.Buildmode UI landed recently, making use of some new menu structure ideas and incorporating quite a lot of community feedback and tool suggestions. The current pre-release shows another UX improvement, contextual hotkey helpers to show current options available to the player and how to access them. Efforts are still being made to ensure these are looking and working well.

    There have been some new textures, albeit nothing to write home about (or here apparently... :3 )
    Cargo Load and Cargo Unload blocks of course are relatively straight forward and Motherboards have been brought more inline with the general aesthetic of the current texture set. Quite a few emissive or normal map "mistakes" were fixed on gravity modules, ice crystal, lava and decorative blocks. Additionally small quality improvements were made on a number of blocks . Lights, decorative blocks, power blocks, shield caps and all docking blocks from the top of my head. Couple of "bugs".

    Minor changes like this rarely make the patch notes or this thread, but recently they've certainly stacked up and (arguably) if I've done a good enough job, nobody c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶a̶i̶n̶s̶ notices.

    This all of course takes place on top of my current over arching project; To replace all terrain / organic blocks that were delayed from the Default texture set overhaul. No ETA on implementation is being given for this yet as a few bugs are present in the 4x4 system working with terrain and i believe power features should of course take priority.

    I will be working on a couple more UI/UX improvements. As outlined in Dev Blogs, some new mechanics or changes to existing ones are required to help expand our gameplay in meaningful ways. Many aspects of the UI, such as the Galactic Map will need revisions to facilitate these adequately. The "Power Update" requires both UI and texture work for it's new blocks, pretty excited for those, first new block textures in a good while!


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    On the topic of UI, are there any plans to change the selections wheels from a plain grey to something more in-line with the advanced build mode panels?

    Thanks for the update, I look forwards to seeing what you do for new power blocks. =)
    Jul 7, 2013
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    Any more teaser pics for your terrain work? Or are you keeping stuff secret for a "big reveal"?


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    On the topic of UI, are there any plans to change the selections wheels from a plain grey to something more in-line with the advanced build mode panels?
    Yes it's possible. Or vice versa even.

    Any more teaser pics for your terrain work? Or are you keeping stuff secret for a "big reveal"?
    It's not so much "secret". But i'm cautious of showing things that i can't confirm going in soon, or at all. Historically, that's done nothing but disappoint (understandably so). In more definitive circumstances, i will definitely show things in here as i always have. :)


    Builder of Very Small Ships
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    Yes, sorry your experiencing this. The debug hotkey you accidentally hit was F1 + 1 / F1 + 2. We need to reassign these to avoid further accidents.

    I would recommened trying the Repair tool in the launcher first.

    1 - Click the build version option cog.
    2 - Click "Select Last Used". This syncs the repair to your current version.
    3 - Click "Download Selected Build Version". This will check for any files that don't match a vanilla install and replace them.

    This should of fixed the issue. Hit Launch and check the game.

    3B - Please back up your installation before doing this, just incase.
    If the above method doesn't find the problem, you can "Force Download ALL & Overwrite". This won't remove blueprints, but if you have custom textures, configs, skins and settings it will remove them and replace with defaults.

    More indepth answers are provided here in this thread if required.
    Textures Issue

    Hope that helps.
    Thank you! I just had this develop on my system. I was wondering what happened to my ships.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Kuppppu... what's gonna happen with our much beloved scanner and jump drive textures if the blocks don't exist anymore D:


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Kuppppu... what's gonna happen with our much beloved scanner and jump drive textures if the blocks don't exist anymore D:
    Good question.

    It's been discussed internally a bit recently. Here's my personal take, anything getting deprecated yet still usable in a transition period should not become decorative (as is) to minimise confusion. Anything removed and integrated into chamber systems ie; warp modules, should be reinterpreted as decorative options or alternatives provided.

    One thing is certain, we are aware players make huge use out of system blocks for decorative options. Culling system blocks and not providing a visual equivalent / alternative could leave ships relatively barren.
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    Mar 10, 2016
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    It's been discussed internally a bit recently. Here's my personal take, anything getting deprecated yet still usable in a transition period should not become decorative (as is) to minimise confusion. Anything removed and integrated into chamber systems ie; warp modules, should be reinterpreted as decorative options or alternatives provided.

    One thing is certain, we are aware players make huge use out of system blocks for decorative options. Culling system blocks and not providing a visual equivalent / alternative could leave ships relatively barren.

    I think the optimal course of action after the transition period will end and certain system block types will loose their functionality, would be to preserve those block types as decoration and somehow simply mitigate the confusion you mentioned.

    I'm not aware of the programming background of how the different block types are embedded into the game, but if there's a possible easy way to remove the functionality of the decommissioned blocks, change some of their values like mass and HP, and change how they're crafted and presented in inventories, than I believe these would be the only steps you guys should take. It would seem to be the most economic route, and you wouldn't have to bother to make replacement blocks that differ only slightly in appearance from the Power Reactor, Power Capacitor, Aux Power, Jumpdrive and Scanner blocks (the last two have computers too, jumpdrive computers are especially nice).

    I imagine that any confusion about the usability of these blocks could be resolved by a simple notification in an update change-log, in the case of old players at least... And to help future players, there should be a few simple changes in the names, descriptions and grouping of those blocks within inventories, for example put the old Power Reactor block among the decorative blocks with the new label "Decorative Reactor (Blue)".

    I'm concerned about this because I know that many hardcore aesthetic/roleplay builders (including me) have a few projects that almost qualify as fine art and are "pathologically detailed" in both exterior and interior decoration. It would be a shame to have to refit all of these creations.

    EDIT: Or am I misunderstanding this? - is there a way to have the replacement blocks just pop up where the decommissioned blocks used to be?
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