kiddan , Thanks!
I didn't keep detailed changelog because almost every non-organic block was altered. If only very slightly, most blocks would of been broken down and rebuilt to ensure they met a new standard. (A few are still missing their final specular map details, but these will get added in very soon.) I think the only blocks that haven't been completed are some of the recently deprecated blocks, terrain, sprites (capsules etc).
Not sure if the following is any use to the question, but consider it a visual changelog. It's basically what i described in the previous post.
- Rebuilt the basic texture with newly made templates / size guides for shapes. ie; no bevel is over X pixels or under Y pixels wide. Rounded corners used X radius.
- Follow a specific colour palette for metals / plastics / lights / decals. (almost paint by numbers for this part).
It was quite uplifting to see it work across all blocks. Block consistency is something i've wanted to fix for a long time. ^^
This is the "clean" result, before any dirt or damage is added.
- Add in / scale up block identifiers, making sure blocks in a set are like one another. Docking blocks received the most changes here to make it obvious they were part of a set with specific purpose. Green = docking / Red = turret / Yellow = Rail function, and so on.
- Ensure all tiling is correct in multiple orientations. (docking and rails were practically rebuilt from scratch for this part).
- Make sure normal maps for cylinders and block frames are correct by re-baking from 3D.
- Generate new specular maps from the accurate normal maps.
- Create purpose made detail / damage / material textures. ie; plastic scratch, metal scratch, anisotropic metal, galvanised sheet, grease spots etc. I think there were only around 8 overlays used in the end... a massive reduction from the previous mess of random photo plates and custom brushes. This was one of the major reasons i looked forward to replacing them. Consistency across blocks improves massively from this change alone. There is a time and place for uniquely weathered blocks, and a voxel game where you commonly see hundreds together... is probably not it. Ha.
(again, a paint by numbers approach

- certain colours and materials always get the same detail texture)
A lot of this is obvious stuff... it has previously happened on some blocks, but not others depending on how old they were. Over perhaps a 2(?!) year period we slowly added in blocks that were being textured differently as i learned new things or simply changed my mind on how things should look. For consistency sake, everything was stripped and rebuilt to conform to one another.