That design is actualy SAME design that I
posted except that docks are facing opposite direction. Only difference is he has stuffed 4 USDs orientated differently in to one entrance instead of puting only 1 USD.
Each of those 4 USDs would dock a ship in different orientation, but USD ports would still always fit with each other. This allows him to CHOSE in which direction docking would be done each time he docks or someone docks to him(but he has to know which rail docking beam he is using in weapons pannel).
Sence you only want 1 orientation, only 1 USD(1 rail basic and 1 rail docker) will be enough for you. By orientating them you will chose in which direction you want to dock.
This is 1 of 2 orientations which will dock your ship from bottom to side of other ship in same axis. But the problem is if someone else rotates their USD your single rotation will also be rotated by their rotation. Thats why he has put 4 USDs.
IMHO best solution is to use first standard that I
That way people like Sven_The_Slayer and me who care about looks can hide it by using rails to make it look like
this. People like NeonSturm who want to be 100% sure their ship will dock in same axis can have that by building it like
this, no matter on which of 4 sides of ship they built it(front and back docking to 1 of other 4 sides wont be on same axis unles you built vertical ship, that is NOT possible to fix and therefor not a flaw of standard). People like Skairekrough who want to always be able to dock their ship in any of 4 orientations of their choice can build it like
this, no matter on which of 6 sides of ship they built it. People who want USDs on front or back or have vertical ships this logic applies to you too, just use your brain. Finaly people like Valiant70 can build their logic on head height.
YES! ALL OF THIS IS COMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER!!! Point is that there is 1 simple minimal standard which works for everything. Standard is:
You just have to have
these 2 blocks on your main ship with arrows pointing down and
this frame made out of any blocks above them, aligned with your ship OR extended outwards. With "down" and "above" being relative to rest of USD design, NOT your ship, meaning you can rotate whole USD as you wish.
If I didn't cover someone's needs say so
