Introducing... USD type 1 *updated*

    Feb 26, 2014
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    So you suggest that each ship should have an arm to the boundary box if it wants to support others docking to it?
    Or have a dock at the boundary box? (Limits ship building freedom)

    Perhaps you can build one such a dock at your wing/nose/tip, but it's always nice if gravity remains the same direction on both structures, thus top is a bit as it requests a dock to support bottom docking at the boundary box border.
    To have an arm extend beyound boundaries shurely would help, especially, if it becomes possiple to dock from your arm, since this would cut the range for each ship's arm in half.
    But many designs will have problems with building in long arms.
    And if you can fit a dock on the very edge of the ship it probably can still dock to some ships, but not all.
    And rectangle style designs will definitely have it easier than ones with wings, extended engines or whatever.

    So, in my opinion:
    There are ways to increase the amount of possiple docking partners but no allround solution.
    You have to decide between creative freedom and universal docking compatibility.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    So, in my opinion:
    There are ways to increase the amount of possiple docking partners but no allround solution.
    You have to decide between creative freedom and universal docking compatibility.
    I will build all my ships so that they can either provide a dock at the boundary box edge (with rails) or dock to one at a boundary edge.

    All other ships of mine will be able to dock, if the docking area is free in at least "3x 3y dock area" at an angle of 45° away from the dock with one side obeying these rules in 2x distance horizontally and maybe vertically in both directions for more complex ships which don't want to end upside down.
    \. | ./ .SSSS/ <below 45/360 slope toward the dock.
    .\ | / . SSS/. <below 45/360 slope
    .– D – . S D . <exact 0/360 slope
    ./ | \ . SSS\. <below 45/360 slope
    S = ship which has the dock.
    Most likely at the tip of a wing, the nose or back side.

    Thus, what others will do is trivial to me. Peoples not building like that may find themselves not being able to dock anywhere anyway.

    "The dock size" (D) is the max supported flat area above the rail dockers, perhaps with adjustable size (like doors closing in a 3/4-closed-ring pattern)
    I will build my docks not with a slope obstructing it, if it is intended for public use, it will have a 45° slope away, not toward the dock like shown above.
    Last edited:
    Feb 26, 2014
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    I guess it's not a bad idea to worry first about one's own ships.
    I don't have a plan yet that works well on my style, but i will probably still not be able to dock anything bigger to most old ships of mine. (At least not without more or less drastic changes)

    Well, at least i can still install shuttle ports on those. That's better than nothing.
    Apr 30, 2014
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    I have finally come up with the perfect design for the Type-A...unfortunately, many other people have already used it. -sighs- Well, At least I came up with the name (unless someone has come up with a different name by this point!)

    USD-Type-A Blueprint:
    O=Hull Block
    X=Doorway(My preference has it indented one


    All Rails point into the center, as does the docker. Yes, as I said previously, I know this design has been mentioned before, but it is simply the most reasonable and realistic design. Also, I don't want to hear any more complaints about "this won't fit on my fighter that worked with the old system" nonsense. If it's a small craft, I don't usually expect it to have a clamp on it. That's just...reasonable.

    Finally, I'd like to thank all of you who work on these designs. I will personally be adding the type-A to any ships/stations I design. Thank you all again.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    While adapting my airlocks to the USD Type 1 standard I came across a little problem. Not all my ships have full clearance of the full circle and needed a slight redesign

    I'm currently just calling it Type 2. It can of course accept all ships with a Type 1 but some ships have a type 2 restriction.
    Mar 1, 2015
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    I must suggest something real quick regarding docking problems: Isn't it logical to have go-between adapters for the most common types? Like a smaller ship purely to dock onto the clamp you intend to park your ship at, that you can then dock your main ship at? Pardon me if this was already suggested.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I must suggest something real quick regarding docking problems: Isn't it logical to have go-between adapters for the most common types? Like a smaller ship purely to dock onto the clamp you intend to park your ship at, that you can then dock your main ship at? Pardon me if this was already suggested.
    Oh yeah docking adapters were talked about. It would be a simple matter for me to slap an adapter on before docking my ships that have restrictions.

    I know though when I build my stations my USDs are going to have a specific set of requirements like being made in that shape and sticking out a certain amount from the station to allow ships that do not have the USDs on the outer edge to dock.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    An adapter is shown in the updated video. It isn't hard to make and is a good utility to keep for people who aren't using the USD 1, but a different docking collar design on their larger ships.

    On a side note, USD 1 are on the new official default spawn shops/stations. How cool is that?