Introducing The United Star Axis

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    My obligatory plandemic isolation/lock-down, build.

    Guess this is my way of hoping we'll get some kind of update before I reach retirement age...

    Guardian Class
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc.
    - Type: Heavy Escort
    - Role: System Defense, Fleet Escort
    - Armament: Guided Missiles, Point Defense, High Energy Laser (Prototype)
    - Special equipment: Inertial Stabilizers (Prototype)
    - Length 147 m
    - Mass: 19,000

    New destroyer 2.JPG New destroyer 4.JPG New destroyer 3.JPG New destroyer 5.JPG New destroyer.JPG
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    The Whammy is still alive and still "mildly" addicted to Starmade. However, I find that my style of building no longer fits the direction this game is headed. As a result, I've taken this time to begin my own mod to allow for greater creative freedom and more realistic builds and play scenarios than what is currently possible in the current version of the game. As always, my focus is on creative freedom with emphasis on PVE content, geared toward small-medium builds but will allow for the capacity for PVP or RP as desired. It should be noted that this is in no way meant to compete with vanilla Starmade or Quickfire or to anticipate Schine's undisclosed future development path. This is an individual alternative path for the game based on my most enjoyable survival and multiplayer experiences. If anyone is interested in my research into these configs, whether you're Schine, QF or a just someone trying to get into basic modding, PM me and we can discuss what I've learned so far.

    From this point forward, all my builds will be constructed under and operate within the following modified configs...

    1) No more stabilizers: Last year, I downloaded a QuickFire config in which stabilizers were not needed for full reactor power. I mentioned this to the team and didn't get an explanation. I've since discovered the cause but decided that with the distance requirements gone, they really don't serve a purpose. So they are to be permanently excluded from this mod and all related builds.

    2) Weapon sizes are more realistic: Both weapon damage and their energy consumption have been substantially increased. I left the mass of all blocks and the power generation of reactor blocks alone. This allows for more smaller, more realistic sized weapons and turrets. On this mod, it will no longer take repeated hits from a missile launcher the size of an apartment building to shoot down something the size of an F-15. Likewise, your F-15 will be able to carry ordnance that can noticeably affect shields and armor (within reason). I've also made some speed and tracking modifications for missiles to make them more effective against fighters and lowered their HP (for now). I've increased AI turret tracking/acquisition speeds. This speed increase combined with the increase in firepower allows for smaller turrets builds; helping to negate that bug where they start to fire off center and lose their target lock.

    3) Buffed defenses: In the main stream game builds, basic hull has no armor value despite having 400 HP. As a result, even very low damage weapons like a small C/C gun can shred basic hull with near-unlimited penetration. I've fixed this error by giving all unarmored blocks an armor value of "1" rather than "0". Now weapons must deplete a block's HP before it is destroyed and a very slight armor bonus is applied as the hull thickens. This affects terrain and decorative blocks as well, incentivising decoration. I've restored shields to their previous recharge/capacity ratio of 1:5 to better allow for either regen-tanking (good vs high DPS weapons) or capacity buffers (good vs alpha weapons). Given the general increase in damage for all weapons, it is more difficult to defeat both DPS and Alpha weapons in the same build without a significant size advantage or sacrifice in mobility or firepower.

    4) (In progress) I intend to fix beams: there was an oversight (not sure if they addressed it) where B/C was incredibly overpowered due to an improper cooldown value. This oversight allows you to use the damage of a standard beam with the full value of a B/C (nearly instantaneous) cooldown by adding only a cannon computer. Likewise; B/M has a similar issue but in reverse. It requires a full 30 second cooldown, regardless of how many (or how few) missile secondary blocks you add.

    5 (Under Consideration) I'm looking at changing the reactor HP settings. My changes would add HP to virtually all ship blocks with more being given to reactor and chamber components. This is intended to eliminate the abuse of thick armor as well as the ability of a ship to continue to fight with the front 3/4 missing. When this change is complete, a ship will lose reactor HP when it takes damage, regardless of where it's hit. Striking reactor-related components will serve as "critical hits"; dealing bigger blows to the ship's overall reactor HP pool, while reducing power generation. The effect will be similar to the old "system HP" system from previous versions of StarMade.

    6) Most ships I build under this new format will have areas designated for crew and cargo. This is for my own personal aesthetics, PVE/RP value and to support the previously announced crew update from Schine. It will not be a hard requirement for other players; should they try out this mod at some point.

    There's more to come and this entry will be updated as the project progresses.

    With that out of the way, it's time to give you what you came here for...

    Pathfinder Class
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc. Fairborne Naval Systems.
    - Type: Multipurpose
    - Role: Medium Transport, System Defense, Fleet Escort
    - Armament: Plasma Torpedoes, Phalanx Turrets, High Energy Gauss Cannon (Prototype)
    - Special equipment: Long range Jump Drive (Prototype), Enhanced Deflectors, Sensor Pulse, Fighter Bay.
    - Length 107 meters
    - Mass: 5,000

    The Pathfinder is back; rebuilt from scratch to fit this new config. Being originally based on a transport ship, I've given the unit a decent sized cargo bay; capable of holding a single fighter or dropship. This model's primary weapons are AI controlled to allow for player use but can be easily reconfigured for use as an AI fleet craft.
    Current Pathfinder 1.JPG Current Pathfinder 2.JPG
    Deploying the dropship. This version of the Pathfinder has a transponder that allows the crew of the dropship to activate its docking system to allow it to return to the bay. Alternately, the crew of the pathfinder can recall the dropship via the fleet command; "carrier recall". I've minimized the amount of logic on this craft to prevent chunk-draw errors when multiple pathfinders are nearby.

    Current dropship1.jpg
    Close up of the dropship. Inspired by the MV-22 Osprey, the UD-4 Cheyenne dropship (Aliens) and the DR-4 Viking (Starship Troopers),
    this unit has tilting VTOL thrusters that pivot when when the craft lands. It also has a pickup point to collect or deploy an external cargo pod. Both the craft and the pod can carry additional personnel, supplies or small ground vehicles.

    Excalibur Class (WIP)
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc. Fairborne Naval Systems
    - Type: Light Aircraft Carrier
    - Role: Command and control, Aircraft Staging Complex, Mobile HQ
    - Armament: Guided Missile Batteries
    - Aircraft Carried: 5 internal, 6 Close Formation Defensive Fighters, (external magnetic suspension docking points)
    - Length 225 meters
    - Mass: 10,000
    New Carrier 3.JPG New Carrier 1.JPG New Carrier 2.JPG
    Fighter Launch Sequence. All air/space craft have a small amount of logic installed that activates their thruster lighting on launch and deactivates them upon landing/docking.

    Fairborne Station (WIP)
    - Builder: Fairborne Naval Systems
    - Type: Spaceport
    - Length 301 meters
    - Mass: 17,000
    Space Port New 1.jpg
    This station was specifically built for the Excalibur Class. In this configuration, it can dock 2 of them as well as 22 additional air/spacecraft. In this picture, you get 2, 3 cameos; a modified Customized Star Destroyer (WIP), our buddy "Opa Opa" from the classic Sega game "Fantasy Zone" and an R-Gray 1 from the top-down PS1 shooter Raystorm.

    - Manufacturer: Unknown
    - Type: Unknown; possible warship
    - Role: Unknown
    - Observed Armament: High Energy Neutron Beam Weapon, Guided Plasma/Energy Weapons, Small Particle Beam Turrets (point defense?)
    - Special Ability: Invisible to radar.
    - Length: Approximately 110 meters
    - Mass: Approximately 5,000
    Alien Med Ship 1.JPG
    Alien Med Ship 3.JPG Alien Med Ship 2.JPG
    Observed near the outer rim of the galaxy, this unidentified craft and others like it are responsible for the destruction of several Axis fighter craft and transport ships. It has an extremely powerful beam weapon which can neutralize the shields of a Pathfinder class ship in a single burst, as well as the means to deal with missiles, drones and fighters. The craft's origin is unknown and all attempts at communication have been met with hostility. Avoid contact and immediately report all sightings to the Star Axis department of system defense.
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Are the "edges" of your ships intentional? Because there are methods to smooth those angles out and create a more cohesive armored plating.


    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Type 48
    - Manufacturer: Volcov Industrial/Fairborne Naval Systems
    - Affiliation: Public
    - Type: Light Duty Commercial Transport
    - Length 62 meters
    - Mass: 626

    The Type 48 is a short/medium range cargo transport designed for the civilian market.

    This craft has 6 integral bays which are set up for individual crew accommodations; making it an ideal choice for extended duration supply runs. These bays can be retrofitted for additional cargo space or ship systems, at the expense of crew living space.

    The base model is unarmed but with the proper licensing and modifications, it can mount light armaments.

    Transport Gen1A.jpg Transport Gen1D.jpg Transport Gen1B.jpg Transport Gen1C.jpg

    Under the main bays, there is a cargo rack system that can retrieve and store up to 4 light cargo modules. There are 2 "pickup-cams" installed on the racks and centered with the pickup points to assist with cargo retrieval. Line up the targeting sight with the rail docker of the pod and fly forward slowly to pick it up. There is also a mechanism to limit pickups to 2 pods per side to prevent overloading. The Factory installed pods are 9x9x5 and have doors that are lined up with the doors on the lower deck of the ship. The ship-side doors open automatically when a pod is docked. Due to space constraints, the pod-side doors must be operated manually.

    Inner-ship remotes allow for the release of any specific pod or all four of them at once. To prevent the pods from being pushed away once released, it is recommended to fire your ventral thrusters (fly upward) after releasing a pod.
    Transport Collector.jpg

    The Type 48 is Universal Serial Dock Compatible and comes equipped with 2 airlocks with rail dockers. The ship will automatically open both the interior and exterior doors of the airlock on the side it docks with. Upon docking, the ship's engines and exterior lights will power down. The engines and lights will re-activate when undocking.
    Transport Docking.jpg

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Epsilon Transport
    - Manufacturer: Fairborne Naval Systems (commerce division)
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis (civilian)
    - Type: Light Transport
    - Length: 64 meters
    - Mass: 617

    I decided to try a ship with a less rugged/militaristic look; nothing too fancy or too utilitarian. This was the result.

    Basic RP interior; including living quarters for 6 individual crew members.

    Like the rest of my modern designs, the ship is USD compatible and its lights/engines shutdown when docked.

    Transport Gen2A.jpg Transport Gen2D.jpg Transport Gen2B.jpg Transport Gen2C.jpg

    Poseidon Class

    - Manufacturer: Volcov Industrial
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Type: Mobile Logistics Craft
    - Length: 65 meters
    - Mass: 743
    - Special equipment: 3 Tractor Beams (1 fixed mount, 2 turret mount)

    Sooo... I had a little too much fun with rails on the Type 48 and ended up making another modular cargo ship. This one is fitted with 6 detachable shipping containers as well as tractor beams to make (re)collecting the containers simpler; should they accidentally get bumped away.

    Basic RP interior; including living quarters for 10 individual crew members. USD compatible and its lights/engines shutdown when docked.

    I wasn't able to complete these in time for the contest (missed it by about 3 hours) so this will be used as a base chassis for what will eventually become a mobile space construction facility. The Epsilon will be a general purpose civilian craft.
    Cargo Ship 01.JPG Cargo Ship 03.JPG Cargo Ship 05.JPG Cargo Ship 04.JPG Cargo Ship 02.JPG

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    So, I missed out on the refinery contest due to IRL nonsense, so I started messing around with my custom mod/configs on a fresh install.

    The weapon resizing project worked like a charm and I got rid of a few flaws relating to reload speeds and damage scaling on the stock configs. I also fixed basic hull so it's no longer made of tissue paper and brought back heatseakers. ...because I can.

    Like any other instance of screwing around in StarMade, I got stuck in a building vortex and had a hard time getting out. Here are the results of that.

    - Manufacturer: Mockheed Lartin
    - Affiliation: Multiple (via export licensing)
    - Type: Air/Space Superiority Fighter
    - Observed Armament: Medium Range Guided Missiles
    This is a former generation air/space fightercraft designed for United Earth's Air/Space-Force. The ASF-17 is the first man-made traditional airframe style craft with the ability to transition between atmospheric flight and space without the use of external booster rockets. Once one of the world's top of the line fighters, Earth's continued economic issues have resulted in difficulties developing and producing more modern designs. As a result, these dated craft (some of which are now more than 50 years old) are still in widespread frontline military service.

    ASF-19 C
    - Manufacturer: McDouglas Donnell
    - Affiliation: United Earth
    - Type: Interceptor, Air/Space Superiority Fighter
    - Observed Armament: Medium Range Guided Missiles
    - Observed Special Equipment: High-Output Thrusters
    ASF-19 C.JPG
    This is one of United Earth's newest air/space fightercraft. The ASF-19 is one of the fastest and most maneuverable man-made fightercraft ever designed; making it an effective all-environement interceptor.

    - Manufacturer: Mockheed Lartin
    - Affiliation: Multiple (via export licensing)
    - Type: Remote/AI-controlled strike/surveillance craft
    - Armament: Guided Missiles
    UEG Drone.jpg
    Nicknamed "Murder Hornet"; this UCASV (Unmanned Combat Air-Space Vehicle) is a low-cost strike craft which carries heavy ordnance to assault large, slow or immobile targets. Despite being unmanned, the UAS-2 has a basic life support rig and enough space for one occupant; allowing it to serve as a "poor man's fighter" or covert insertion craft.


    - Manufacturer: Gruthrop Norman
    - Affiliation: United Earth
    - Type: (obvious)
    - Armaments: Guided Missiles - High Yield Warheads
    - Special equipment: Wide Spectrum jammer (invisible to radar)
    Stealth Bomber 01.JPG Stealth Bomber 02.JPG Stealth Bomber 04.JPG
    Codenamed "Spectre", This massive flying wing slides into enemy territory undetected and lets loose a payload of 8 medium yield fusion warheads. The ASB-4 is considered a priority one threat by Star Axis Military Command.

    - Manufacturer: Fairborne Naval Systems (commerce division)
    - Affiliation: Civilian
    - Armaments: Unarmed (can mount small caliber hardpoints)
    - Type: Shuttle, Runabout, light hauler
    Civilian Shuttle 01.JPG Civilian Shuttle 02.JPG
    This is a no-frills private sector workhorse vehicle. While only lightly armored, the dakota is faster and more manuverable than its bulky appearance might suggest. This coupled with its ability to carry passengers/cargo, operate in both space and atmopheric environments and mount (often illegally) small caliber weaponry makes it a popular choice for ferrymen, traders, outlaws alike.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    EDIT: Screwing around with the aesthetics of my Axis fighters, since I can never make up my mind on their appearance or loadouts.

    SF-37 Series (Refit)
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc.
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Type: Interceptor, Air/Space Superiority Fighter
    - Armaments: Guided Missiles, Burst Laser, Automated Threat-Intercept System (Prototype Stage)
    - Special Equipment: Augmented Thrusters, Multispectral Sensors, High Energy Deflector,

    The SF-37 is the main starfighter of the United Star Axis. It is a jack of all trades; sacrificing some firepower in exchange for agility, durability and the ability to counter a wide variety of threats in prolonged engagements. Its modular quad-nacelled design favors an omnidirectional newtonian flight model over atmospheric flight. However, recent advances in directed anti-grav-thrust and inertial stabilizers have improved the craft's handling in atmospheric environments, while negating most of the physiological stress on Axis pilots caused by inertia, increased gravity and zero gravity.

    X37 A 01.JPG X37 A 03.JPG X37 A 02.JPG

    SF-37 with prototype Missile-Intercept system installed (right). This system provides near-360 degree threat intercept coverage and can be configured (prior to launch) for offensive or defensive (AMS) use. The system is automatically activated upon launch and can be switched off or on via the pilot's control interface.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    - Manufacturer: Fairborne Naval Systems (commerce division)
    - Affiliation: Civilian/United Star Axis
    - Type: Exploration Shuttle
    - Armaments: Mining Lance (Modified)
    - Special Equipment: Planetary approach Suite, Multispectral Sensors, High Energy Deflector, Class 4 Jump Drive
    The Corsair is a jump-capable shuttle with a multistage drive capacitor; allowing it to make multiple short jumps in rapid succession.
    It has very powerful sensors for a ship in its size class, advanced deflectors and a mining lance which can be overcharged to serve as a powerful makeshift laser cannon. The craft can operate effectively in planetary gravity and comes standard with dual basic airlocks (non-USD), emergency medical equipment, passenger seating, and small cargo racks. Although originally designed for exploration, the Corsair is often used as a light patrol craft by some Axis security divisions for its ability to spot smugglers.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    8-N Lightning Bolt III
    - Manufacturer: Republic of Farchild
    - Affiliation: Multiple
    - Type: Light Strike Craft
    - Armament: Gauss Cannon, Guided Missiles (alternate configuration)

    The 8-N is based on a late 20th century combat aircraft from the former United States. Like its antiquated predecessor, it is noticeably durable for a fighter and carries a fixed-mount large caliber gun that is designed to pierce armor. Though somewhat slower than modern fightercraft, the 8-N is capable of both atmospheric and space flight and can be equipped with guided missiles to counter enemy fighters.
    8N Lightning Bolt.JPG 8N Lightning Bolt1.JPG 8N Lightning Bolt 2.JPG

    - Manufacturer: Mockheed/Kisaragi Robotics
    - Affiliation: Multiple
    - Type: Gunship/Heavy Strike Platform
    - Armament: Heavy Gauss Cannon, Guided Missiles, Cruise Missiles, Gauss Autocannons

    Based on a VERY old transport craft; the GS-140 has a large reactor filling most of its cargo bay and has been given heavier armor and multidirectional thruster arrays for better handling in space at the cost of speed and maneuverability in atmospheric environments. The craft carries an impressive amount of firepower; allowing it to serve as a bomber or heavy fire support platform.
    GS-140.JPG GS-140 01.JPG GS-140 02.JPG
    GS-140 04.JPG GS-140 03.JPG
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    - Manufacturer: Multiple
    - Affiliation: Multiple
    - Type: Cargo Transport
    - Armament: Unarmed (Point Defense Turrets on later models)

    In the midst of a wide-spread economic collapse, Earth's governments began retrofitting mothballed former generation aircraft for space flight in order to expand their industrial and military capabilities in space. The first "air-space" craft were little more than 20th-21st century airplanes with basic life support and composite heat shielding, propelled into orbit via large booster rockets,

    Utilizing propulsion and shield technologies designed by Star Axis subsidiary; Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences, the CS-140 is the earliest transport craft capable of vertical takeoff/landing and transitioning between atmospheric flight and spaceflight without booster rockets. Its near flawless operational record led to it being adopted and modified by most space-capable Earth goverments and many private sector entities.

    Over time, the design was licensed to other manufacturers; each of which have created their own modified variants; including gunships (See previous article), reconaisance craft, medivacs, salvagers, and various utility craft.
    CS-140 04.JPG CS-140 01.JPG
    CS-140 03.JPG CS-140 02.JPG
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    So, I was screwing around in StarMade and redid my old Titan Mobile Armor. I made this one somewhat smaller and not quite as blocky-looking as the old one. Kinda digging the newer look. This is basically resized to compete with the recent fighters I made; bigger, slower target but with more armor and fire power.

    Titan Mobile Armor
    Affiliation: United Star Axis
    Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics
    Height: 19 meters
    Armament: Plasma rifle, Pulse Rifle. Guided missiles,
    Special Equipment: Shield Booster, Cryolite Alloy Armor, Reactor Enhancements.

    Mech 2022 01.JPG Mech 2022 02.JPG Mech 2022 03.jpg Mech 2022 04.jpg

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Zweihander (Variable Formation Defensive Fighter)
    Affiliation: United Star Axis
    Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics/Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences
    Role: Escort Fighter
    Armament: Pulse Laser, Two Turret-Mount Hardpoints; each able to accomodate one of the following: Vulcan, Cannon, Beam Laser, Guided Missiles, Rail Gun
    Special Equipment: Reactor Enhancements.

    The Zweihander is the product of a joint venture between Star Axis Subsidiaries; Kisaragi Robotics and Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences.
    Based on the SR-38 Recon unit, this craft has been redesigned to serve as a close escort craft. It carries two hardpoints, arranged in such a way that the craft can maintain weapons lock on a single target with at least one hardpoint; regardless of the craft's heading or facing. This gives it a near-360-degree firing arc as well as the ability to engage up to 3 targets simultaneously.

    Behaving more like a flying, dual-wielding omni-directional turret than an actual fighter, the Zweihander can use our former generation "close formation defensive link" found on Axis Starships or follow them via formation fleet commands; making it an excellent escort/wingman for fighers and fleet craft alike.

    Several "Models" of the Zweihander have been selected for dedicated combat and fleet support roles.
    Type-V: (Vulcan) Suppressive Fire/Point Defense --- Type-C: (Cannon) Mobile Artillery

    Type-B: (Laser) Shield Suppression ------------------------ Type-R: (Rail Gun) Sniper

    VFDF 02.JPG
    Type-M: (Guided Missiles) Anti-Armor/Bombardment

    Units still in development: Construction and Repair, Search and Rescue, Mining...

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Zweihander MARC-V (Maintenance Auxilliary Repair Construction Vehicle)
    Affiliation: United Star Axis
    Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics/Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences
    Role: Light Utility Craft
    Armament: "Unarmed"
    Special Equipment: Reactor Enhancements, Anti-Grav Stabilizer, Tractor Beam, Salvage Unit, Remote Repair System, Mining Lance, Onboard Starage Banks, Thermite Charge Launcher

    Ultra Light Utility 01.jpg Ultra Light Utility 02.jpg
    The Success of the Zweihander VFDV as a supporting combat craft has led to the development of a utility variant that can serve in a wide variety of non-combatant support roles. Despite, the MARC-V being officially considered "unarmed", the craft is equipped with two utility systems that with skillful piloting, can serve as makeshift armaments, should one of our engineering teams come under fire. These systems include...
    - Mining Laser: Short ranged and ineffective against armor, but can (slowly) overload enemy shields with sustained fire.
    - Thermite Charge Launcher: A powerful incendiary explosive commonly used for demolition projects and fragmenting larger asteroids. When ignited, produces extreme heat in excess of 2500 degrees C. Deployed via a low-velocity ferromagnetic canister and guided with the ship's onboard gravity system.

    Medivac Unit (Zweihander Refit)
    Affiliation: United Star Axis
    Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics
    Role: Light Medical Transport
    Armament: Unarmed
    Special Equipment: Onboard Medical Facilies, Anti-Grav Stabilizer, Tractor Beam, USD Compatible Airlocks, Emergency Flashers

    An even further development of the Zweihander series; this amulatory model has an enclosed medical care facility which can hold a small medical team, 4 critical patients and 12 non-critical patients. The craft is unarmed but has a tractor beam to aid in the rescue of drifting ships and two USD-style airlocks which allow direct transfer of medics, patients and/or evacuees to or from any other USD-compatible station or space craft.

    Standard flashers have been added with a remote toggle switch to identify it as a non-combatant carrying emergency personel.
    Einhander Medivac 01.jpg Einhander Medivac 02.jpg starmade-gif-0001.gif Einhander Medivac Int.jpg

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Zweihander MK2 (Prototype)
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics
    - Type: Variable Formation Defender (V.F.D.)
    - Role: Close Escort Fighter
    - Armament: 2X High Energy Particle Beam Units (Logic Activated/AI-Targeting), Light Homing Rocket Launcher.
    - Special equipment: Augmented Shield Matrix, Multi-spectral Sensor Array.
    - Dimensions: L.20m, W.19m, H.9m, Mass: 126
    - Thrust to mass ratio: 5.0
    - Export Licensing: Public

    This is an experimental QF-compliant evolution of the original Zweihander series. It was designed with player use in mind but can also be configured to serve as AI-controlled close fire support.
    Zweihander MK2 B.jpg Zweihander MK2 A.jpg
    Its primary weapons are logic-activated with AI-targeting and near-omnidirectional firing arc coverage. They are short ranged but do a surprising amount of damage to shields and sustained fire can melt light to medium armor. The craft has a staggering 5.0 thrust:mass ratio; able to keep pace with all but the fastest ships and maximize time on target.

    The rocket launcher is a basic anti-armor weapon that has been rendered less effective due to "recent developments in armor resistances" Galaxy-wide (game-wide). Later version of this craft may be produced without this weapon; mounting mission specific equipment instead.

    Carrier2.gif Carrier.gif
    Like all Star Axis ships, the fighter's engines activate upon launch and deactivate when docking. The beam cannons must have their positions reset in order to return to the carrier's bays.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Odyssey Series
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc.
    - Type: Multipurpose
    - Armament: Varies by model
    - Special equipment: Varies by model
    - Dimensions: L.53m, W.31m, H.17m, Mass: 940

    The Odyssey is a jump-capable, mulipurpose spacecraft that can be fitted with a variety of armaments, engineering upgrades and hull modifications. Originally designed as a long range exploration craft, these ships can be easily refit to serve as light transports, escorts, mining shuttles and even medivac units.
    Odyssey MK2 1.jpg Odyssey MK2 2.jpg Odyssey MK2 4.jpg Odyssey MK2 3.jpg
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Titan S.C.R.V
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc. Volcov Industrial.
    - Type: Utility Rig / Mobile Construction Vehicle
    - Armament: *Unarmed*
    - Special equipment: High Efficiency Wide-beam Mining Array, Astrotech Repair system, Fore and Aft Tractor Beams,
    Class 3 jump drive capacitor, 2x High energy Laser Drill, 2x docking bays. Mobile Gear TM Utility Power Armor,
    4x Loading cranes (decorative only), 4x Manipulator-pro TM Construction Turrets (decorative only)
    - Dimensions: L.103m, W.71m, H.32m, Combined Mass: 6674

    The development of the Titan S.C.R.V. is the result of the combined efforts of all 5 Axis Subsidiaries. The goal was to create a vehicle that can serve as a mobile deep space support facility; capable of conducting mining/logistics operations and repairing allied ships and structures.

    While the craft is somewhat slow, it is well shielded and covered in standard armor. It has multispectral sensors to cut through subspace and gravimetric distortion phenomena and a class 3 jump drive capacitor. The ship has 2 docking bays which can hold fighters, power armor or utility craft. The Titan is equipped with 2 turret mount high energy laser drills, designed to bore deep into asteroids and break apart dereilict spacecraft. In an emergency, these turrets can serve as makeshift laser cannons, should the craft come under attack.
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    Mining array: SHOOP DA WHOOP!!!

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    Mobile Gear Power Armor (Left: Courtesy of Kisaragi Robotics) Laser Mining Drills (Right: Courtesy of Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences)