Zweihander MK2

    Zweihander MK2 Version 1.0

    Game version
    v0.203.157 (vanilla StarMade)

    From: Dr-Whammy
    United Star Axis Bureau of System Defense (B.S.D.)
    Nexus Inc.
    Kisaragi Robotics

    To: Citizens of the StarMade universe

    Dated December 19, 2123

    Subject: Special dispensation for public export licensing

    The United Star Axis agrees to distribute and make available to the general public, the following
    Air-spacecraft schematic.

    Zweihander MK2

    Zweihander MK2 B.jpg
    Zweihander MK2 A.jpg

    This is a fast, manueverable multi-purpose fighter designed with versatility and fleet operations in mind.

    The craft is suitable for use as a small player-controlled ship, an AI wingman (via fleet commands) or a close formation escort (essentially a turret array, when docked via a single pickup rail)

    The ship is armed with dual logic-activated, AI-targeting beam weapons set to fire upon "Selected Target". They are short ranged but highly effective against shields and can wear down light to medium armor. A small "guided rocket launcher" is also included for additional (albeit modest) firepower.

    A 5:1 thrust:mass ratio allows you to quickly close in on most opponents and hit them with your beams.
    11250hp of shield capacity and standard armor allow you to survive some incoming fire; long enough to decide whether to fight or retreat.

    For use as an AI wingman, you will need to set both turrets' AI to fire at "any" then issue the command "Idle in formation". The fighter will follow you while firing its beam weapons at any nearby enemes.

    This ship is also equipped with a state of the art multi-spectral sensor array with a class 7 detection rating; countering most stealth-based electronic warfare technology. Being a system defense unit, this vessel is not currently equipped with a jump drive.
    Dr. Whammy
    First release
    Last update
    4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    seems light a decent light fighter focused more on offense and speed than defense. this is ideal as a feet drone as fighters are not not expected to servve a direct hit from a capital ship. they maximize their potential by doing as much damage as they can in the short time they live. the speed helps extend their life span.

    this combo is less ideal as a piloted ship for fighter dog fights. though not terrible, this ship would not be competitive in that scenario.

    rp: the design has some good detail and blends form and function well.