Good Afternoon everyone,
First, I'd just like to offer thanks to to development team; they have effectively reserved most of my spare time for the foreseeable future. I've been playing this game in sandbox mode; as I am more interested in the creative aspect of StarMade than PVP/PVE. A lot of you have created some truly awe-inspiring designs so I figure I'll add to all this creative madness with some of my designs.
The United Star Axis is a faction I created with a storyline that predates StarMade. It is a group comprised primarily of fictitious civilian defense research contractors from the 22nd century. While I've dabbled in capital ships in the past, I think smaller agile ships fit the Axis much better. It gives them a fun 'under-dog' (and underestimated) quality.
The following is a brief history of my design process. Questions, comments and critiques are welcome...
Former generation low-orbital shipyard. The ship surrounded by the purple box is the prototype for all my more 'modern' designs.
An intermediate generation starbase
The Axis Command System shown with ASC Challenger and ASC Odyssey
ASC Challenger with ventral drop fighter bays. Rails and logic are my new best friends.
Speaking of rails; how about a comically over-sized railgun? This weapon will blow a 3 meter wide hole through a target and penetrate at least 3 meters of advanced armor before shredding the internal systems. The 'coils' on the side of the barrel flash when the weapon fires. Logic and rails are used to move the gun sideways to allow the drop-fighters to launch.
I don't usually build capital ships, but when I do...
Before weapons and power were rebalanced, this big fellow could destroy a planet using either sustained cannon fire or a 'world-ender device'. Time for a refit. The Axis NEEDS an ace like this up its sleeve.
First, I'd just like to offer thanks to to development team; they have effectively reserved most of my spare time for the foreseeable future. I've been playing this game in sandbox mode; as I am more interested in the creative aspect of StarMade than PVP/PVE. A lot of you have created some truly awe-inspiring designs so I figure I'll add to all this creative madness with some of my designs.
The United Star Axis is a faction I created with a storyline that predates StarMade. It is a group comprised primarily of fictitious civilian defense research contractors from the 22nd century. While I've dabbled in capital ships in the past, I think smaller agile ships fit the Axis much better. It gives them a fun 'under-dog' (and underestimated) quality.
The following is a brief history of my design process. Questions, comments and critiques are welcome...

Former generation low-orbital shipyard. The ship surrounded by the purple box is the prototype for all my more 'modern' designs.

An intermediate generation starbase

The Axis Command System shown with ASC Challenger and ASC Odyssey

ASC Challenger with ventral drop fighter bays. Rails and logic are my new best friends.

Speaking of rails; how about a comically over-sized railgun? This weapon will blow a 3 meter wide hole through a target and penetrate at least 3 meters of advanced armor before shredding the internal systems. The 'coils' on the side of the barrel flash when the weapon fires. Logic and rails are used to move the gun sideways to allow the drop-fighters to launch.

I don't usually build capital ships, but when I do...
Before weapons and power were rebalanced, this big fellow could destroy a planet using either sustained cannon fire or a 'world-ender device'. Time for a refit. The Axis NEEDS an ace like this up its sleeve.
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