Interior porn

    Jun 9, 2013
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    my own 50 cents into the thread.

    Joint project by Nocturna and me. Temple of the Emperor of Mankind. Statue and coloured glasses made by Nocturna, most architectural work, pulpit and organ by me. Still WIP, need to fill lateral passageways with something.

    starmade-screenshot-0355.png starmade-screenshot-0356.png

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    my own 50 cents into the thread.

    Joint project by Nocturna and me. Temple of the Emperor of Mankind. Statue and coloured glasses made by Nocturna, most architectural work, pulpit and organ by me. Still WIP, need to fill lateral passageways with something.

    View attachment 52984 View attachment 52985
    Well designed and classy. The Whammy approves. (y)
    Mar 10, 2016
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    All Glory to Kuro, Shini, Baslez et moi :)

    the GIF is 40MB, so give it time to load :)

    Stardom is a loli ;)

    What an epic beauty!

    That central area under the dome is a piece of architectural design that I've been searching for ages without even knowing.

    Coincidentally, it was only yesterday that I took a quick look at the video archive of StarMade's Twitch channel, and in one of their most popular vids, they showed off their "new" Spawn Station, which had this same general idea going on in the middle of it all:

    An amphitheater-like "bowl" with walls of some height all around, and then a nice transparent dome atop the wall, so that you can see your celestial surroundings and feel less enclosed.

    Very nice idea and great execution by the looks of those pictures/GIF (y)
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    Jun 9, 2013
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    Holy... Seems we found a new master architector: happahappa. That station is godlike. Wish I could build like that...
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    Jun 19, 2016
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    Thank you all for the nice comments.
    The most brilliant parts were conceived by Kuro vi Drakon (aka "pussycat" ;)). Together, we did most parts of the station. But there are also alot of contributions by other peoples. The orrery (model of the star system) in the "Arena"-Room aka Senat was Shiniyamis idea. It was, what started this project. Everything else emerged around it. The beautiful big tree was made by Baslez for our LvD HQ, but i just moved it here :). There is also a hidden Goa'uld like prison cell/torture chamber made by Lebowsky. And so on. But we never actually finished the whole station :D. It's still a WIP, but we all stopped playing. It's just in the past few days, that I worked a bit on it, because it's so cool :). So it won't be done anytime soon if ever.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    OHMYGOODLORD, I like it a million times more, now that I saw that third screenshot of those five.

    So there's both a dome-covered "arena" and the whole top of the station is bowl-like too, with a membrane of illuminated water separating it from the outside vacuum? - That's just so nice!

    Guys, you are visionaries (y)

    And I agree with MChain - this really should be finished, or at least published in whatever state it was left.
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    Jun 19, 2016
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    Well ... "author inactivity" has its reasons :D. Which are basically the same reasons why this is a dead game.
    The station was meant to become the homebase of Theia Interspace. As such, we won't give it away. It's just too special. If Theia dies, the station will die with it. And since Theia is a Starmade faction, it's already as dead as the game itself. Maybe there will be a resurrection, but after being hugely disappointed by the power and the weapons update, I won't be foolish enough to get my hopes up again. So i reckon, this will just be some artefact for nostalgia.
    Last edited:
    Jun 11, 2016
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    Well ... "author inactivity" has its reasons :D. Which are basically the same reasons why this is a dead game.
    The station was meant to become the homebase of Theia Interspace. If Theia dies, the station will die with it. And since Theia is a Starmade faction, it's already as dead as the game itself. Maybe there will be a resurrection, but after being hugely disappointed by the power and the weapons update, I won't be foolish enough to get my hopes up again. So i reckon, this will just be some artefact for nostalgia.
    Hey if you upload it as shell and label it unfinished I am pretty sure alot of people would still enjoy it.

    I think there are alot of nice design elements in it and if people could play with your station they would be really happy.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    Well ... "author inactivity" has its reasons :D. Which are basically the same reasons why this is a dead game.
    The station was meant to become the homebase of Theia Interspace. As such, we won't give it away. It's just too special. If Theia dies, the station will die with it. And since Theia is a Starmade faction, it's already as dead as the game itself. Maybe there will be a resurrection, but after being hugely disappointed by the power and the weapons update, I won't be foolish enough to get my hopes up again. So i reckon, this will just be some artefact for nostalgia.
    Actually seeing as we haven't had contact in a while Happa I was wondering if I could get you to pm me a up to date version of the station blueprint. I won't be uploading it online (like you mentioned the station is Theia's) but I don't have a blueprint myself while I did help work on it. In fact I don't even have a blueprint of the Orrery I made.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    Symbol (and the wall it was on) removed, balcony modified, columns expanded twice their height. Should be something else but hard to say from this picture
    Jun 19, 2016
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    Symbol (and the wall it was on) removed, balcony modified, columns expanded twice their height. Should be something else but hard to say from this picture
    Yeah, it's not that apparent from one picture :(

    We changed the design of the station radically. As you can see on the screenshots of the little model, there is the dome (senat chamber), the 1st ring containing the dome, an then around that, the 2nd ring, which will be connected with some kind of tunnels and girders to the 1st ring

    So we removed the chamber walls, put a roundway (with water feature :D) around the chamber there, which is going to lead directly to the hangars in the 2nd ring on each of the 4 flat sides.

    We removed the the long stairways down into the chamber. It looked odd. Instead, we focus now on the 4 entries in the 45degree sides, where each of them will lead to a stairways, connecting the senat chamber, the roundway and the upper level of the first ring. There also used to be elevators on 4 sides. But they were in the way, so we have to figure out yet, were to move them.

    The whole area around the old main gates, which you can still see on one screenshots, is now completely different. putting the main gates on level below (connecting the hangars), and opening up the floor of the top level there, so those 2 levels become more of one open space.

    starmade-screenshot-0090.png starmade-screenshot-0088.png