oh sry. That is my english.anyway thank's about it. And for record. the middlesection had ice crystal, but that was in past on first build:
than was white plexlight:
and now is with blue plexlight:
but the light which is emiting with this plexlight is the same like from icecrystal, mayby that is confusing.
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!~Thank you for your interest.
so here are some news:
I haven't much time yet so my work is slowed a little. But that don't keep me from build new builds.
and speak of the new build... i started this:
for now isn't have a name. i call it for now project Red
it is a long time planed ship, it grow a week in my mind before i create first sketch on the paper. after finishing the sketch i start building of this red one ship.
I was inspired with the red/green scheme from this ship:
I planed more yellow or orange strips simillar looking like on my previous builds. For now it has 90% of the exterier done, now im focussed on the inside part of the ship. But because im not good in the interior building, it will be simple interior with core room, bridge, inspired by star trek ships, 2 hangars, and i think, that will be all.
Main weapon system is the Black thing on the bottom images, on the front of the ship. And it is 27 damage beam cannons. The beam will be yellow. Secondary weapon system will be 6 missile on the wery front of the ship. i don't know, if will be heat seek or lock on, but mayby lock on. im planing side missiles which will be heat seek and will be trigget by (upcomming feature) logic from hot bar for release the missiles to the both site (left and right) in same time. This ship will be equipped with some turrets, but not much like on the Jana.and i think that is all.
and here are some screens:
like always, sorry for my bad spelling.
about that i create ships based on my imagination. That is why i like Starmade more than space engineers. You can create two separate part of one ship and still will be like one ship. So i don't affraid on frail coil.the coil looks a little frail.
You can't rework you faction. This scheme is only on one ship and in future i plane to recolore it to my new collor scheme.Now if you'll excuse me I'll have to rework the scheme of my faction....
yes i want to modernize this ship. But not now. the container is on the old site of starmade (if it is still working).I have your Space Cargo Train ship from over a year ago. One of the best ships I've ever seen in StarMade. Was wondering if you had modernized it and if the cargo containers are available somewhere?
Unfortunately it is not working anylonger....yes i want to modernize this ship. But not now. the container is on the old site of starmade (if it is still working)....
I did anyway and I love the change!Hi all,
I deside to recollor whole fleet. I don't have any screen now, bud in future i will post some screen.
about that i create ships based on my imagination. That is why i like Starmade more than space engineers. You can create two separate part of one ship and still will be like one ship. So i don't affraid on frail coil.
You can't rework you faction. This scheme is only on one ship and in future i plane to recolore it to my new collor scheme.
yes i want to modernize this ship. But not now. the container is on the old site of starmade (if it is still working).
and now some news. as I already say, I recolor my fleet. The new scheme is blue with white strips and engine (light crystals like trhusters) will be red. I already redone allmost all my ships.
and now im foccused on Jana.
With this recoloring i deside to create new engine. It will look almost like on the red ship, but will be here a few changes. I create a picture of the new engines:
on a few days i will post here some screen. I planed a new project called Harvester which will be a big resources collector for harvesting planet.
hmm that isn't good. So i will try to recreate it soon. But i don't promissed.Unfortunately it is not working anylonger.
Thank you.I did anyway and I love the change!
Looking forward to the new engine design!
Thank you. I will miss too, but the blue is a little better.New color scheme looks really nice! I will miss the old white and red but im excited to see what you have in store for us!!
Small update:
That is just amazing!and another update, this one is around the shop.
Now reming only refill spot. Which will be ofcourse created by rail system. I imagine somethink like move on one part from the cassing of the shop, then will pull out the conecting pipe for conect the refill ship and tadaa refill the station with new goods.
Ofcourse the refil ship i mean Cargo Train...