At least half the comments up there have either been partially or completely rewritten to cast the owner in a better light after other people\'s responses, also I can\'t help but think half the \'facts\' in these discussions are either completely faked or \'edited\' to prove a point. I feel like a damn cop, having to take every single word with a grain of salt not knowing wat strands in this web of lies I\'m supposed to believe.
Some of you in particular just twist and bend the truth so much just to prove a point I\'ll never be able to believe a word coming out of your mouths again, something I find pretty damn sad for supposedly \'passionate\' community members.
Concerning the actual topic, hardly anyone ever gets banned for no good reason, and certainly not permanently. While tempbans are commonplace at times, they are no big deal as they just serve as a tool for us to take the quickest route to removing the metaphorical spanner from the grinding gears of pub chat for a short while, in the hopes of keeping the peace.
You got banned for a good reason Obi, no matter how hard try to tell us otherwise, and the same goes for almost every other case in here. Even though I personally do not completely agree with the way some other mods run chat, they are all people I can trust to keep the peace by any means they see fit in a crapstorm of childish behaviour.
And concerning the \'bully\' situation; If there is no real offensive behaviour going on, we honestly don\'t give a crap about what goes on between players in chat from a mod perspective. Our job is to keep the peace and make sure chat remains an accessible place for all, meaning no large heated discussions, no flamewars, no raging against authority and no BS excuses for ignoring official warnings.
If you have a problem with how you are being treated by a fellow community member (or a mod), take it up with one of us, do NOT try to force the issue. Using pubchat as your own little battleground for personal disputes is not acceptable in any situation.
We\'ve always been way too relaxed when dealing with the amount of negativity coming from some of the frankly terrible behaviour by some players, and it has recently been more or less agreed upon that we need to intervene more to hopefully more or less re-educate chat for the future.
It is quite apparent that the biggest participants in these threads are the troublemakers who at some point or another have felt the effects of said decision, basically just looking to draw attention their personal sense of injustice. If you feel like you aren\'t being treated fairly, ask yourself why you aren\'t part of the 80% of the players who function perfectly fine in pub chat, people who are actually capable of having a nice conversation without devolving to the crap that got you in trouble.
(I\'ll give you a hint: it\'s not because you\'re a brave and misunderstood rebel, standing up for the common people)
P.S: These childish rants and eternal pointless arguements are the reason some folks question if chat should be continued at all on the new site, think about that for a moment.
P.P.S: Kudos to those of you who actually don\'t make a big deal of your scuffles with authority and realise that its best to just move on and try to find a way to co-exist peacefully.