Calling all people who know 40k and enough 40k to the point they are a walking ball of 40k ness! I do require assistance with making this titan.
Why? I hear someone in the back of the audience say, well its because if I am to start work on the Eldar titans next year, I need to have the generic shape/template for the Imperium battleships first.
So now to an explanation of what would need to happen.
This large cuboid that is missing needs to not be missing, then from that the lower half of the aft section would need to be built. Do not bother with the outer fins and the forward section as that will differ from each variant of battleship (for example the weapon loadout of the emperor class and the retribution class are very different)
So if you do want to be part of this massive thing and to have your own variant named after you, feel free to either reply here or send me a PM.
(I also just noticed that the rear fin needs to go down further and the engines need to be dropped down to where the 3rd from top engine is. woops)