
    1. StormWing0

      Derelict Station Update 1.0.0

      This is an attempt at updating all the derelict stations to the current weapons system, power system, shields, and rails. Here's some examples of what I've done. For rails I replaced all plex elevators and docking areas with the current rail versions of them. So there's added logic for the...
    2. Zilvs

      A collection of old or forgotten projects

      I used to be more active in this community up to late 2017, and I kept my eye on the game and community during my inactivity. I thought about returning for a few months now. So, in a fit of nostalgia fueled reemergence, I dug through my blueprints and found a number of old projects I had...
    3. MacThule

      Free Stations

      Stations cost a stack of cash to drop one block, but switching on unlimited, infinite invulnerability for one is free. Maybe switch from charging players to drop a single stationary block in space to charging for activating HB immunity. It would incentivize non-HB stations (by making them...
    4. C

      Mobile SpaceStations

      So....Am I the only one that sits around wondering if it would be awesome to have a 'City Ship' that could fly? like hmmm we're under attack let's move our base now? sort of like in Stargate Atlantis? Just a thought process as a friend was quite disappointed we couldn't simply move the Station...
    5. V

      My large ships keep breaking

      Ok, so when building big ships in singleplayer, I build them around 600m, to 1km, long, and when I try to admin load them in, large chunks (like, actual 32 by 32 block chunks) are missing from the ship. If I leave my world, and then join it again, the chunks, again, are missing. They are always...
    6. madman Captain

      Detail Devil (Cause some details are to awesome to not post them!)

      We have awesome engines, turrets, doors, interiors and fighters but nobuddy made a thread for awesome details that dosent fit in one of this categorys. So i made one for general details (No your complet ship dosent count a a single detail). So did you guys have some details to share? So lets...
    7. MacThule

      Stations 2.0 -BEFORE- Galaxy 2.0

      If Schine releases the new Galaxy 2.0 before doing work on stations, they could be ensuring that they spend the next 6 months chasing down gameplay issues that seem to be related to the galaxy but are actually rooted in problems with stations. This is because stations (including actual stations...
    8. Lazzamore

      Spawn with no stations in area

      Hello everyone, I'd like to spawn in an area with no stations of any kind around, so I am forced to build my own infrastructure and would not be interrupted by pirates (At least until I leave said area). My question is; would this even be doable without mods, and how? Bonus question: If I need...
    9. Zilvs

      Strategic (or multiple) Stations

      I would love to see factions in starmade with territory claimed and more stations than just the homebase. It would be really cool, in my opinion, to see different types of stations. Like a dedicated shipyard, trading outpost, refinery, defense station, etc. Sadly, I think that it will always...
    10. Asvarduil

      How to Overhaul Your Pirates

      The TL;DR Edition: By changing the pirate station content, and making pirate stations rarer, and ensuring that weak pirates with limited loot appear, we can have better PvE without any coding or design changes to the game as-is. The Suggestion So, I was screwing around with an idea for ship...
    11. Asvarduil

      How to add more interesting using entity generation code!?

      As a long time player/tester/whatever of StarMade, one of my key complaints about the game has been a paradox: this game generates entire frickin' galaxies...yet, there's little to actually explore. All planets are notable because of mineral deposits, and, frankly, why bother? Asteroids have...
    12. xX_Tyvier_Xx

      Exploration Improvements?

      I'd like to start by saying that I have been extremely impressed with the leaps and bounds this game has gone through over the course of it's development. From flying around hockey puck planets to developing full fledged factions. Truly amazing stuff! This being said, I'm having a hard time...
    13. N

      Displays connected to Rail/Rail docker to send commands to/from docked entities & beamed logic block

      Wireless logic is nice, but the logic only works between two connected wireless blocks. When a ship undocks, those the wireless connection persist. The ship couldn't use that similar wireless signal on a new station without linking the wireless modules. Displays connected via dockers...
    14. N

      Scanner Computer activation via logic

      Currently scanners can only be activated when inside of a ship core from the quick bar. Even hitting "R" on the scanner computer does nothing (yet the scanner will still soak up energy when charging). Have you ever heard of a space station in any sci-fi universe that doesn't have sensors of some...
    15. MacThule

      Fleet GUI Expansion

      According to the Roadmap, GUI improvement round is coming in the not-so-distant future, so I thought it might be a good time to look at what ideas are out there regarding fleet interface. Obviously, a big one is that we need to be able to hotbar specific commands for specific fleets (so drag...
    16. Jojomo

      Activate cloak cooldown when torpedos undock

      All non-homebase stations are currently vulnerable to "cloaker pokers" (as I've just seen them called): cloaked ships carrying warhead torpedos. They both ignore shields and never uncloak, meaning they can act with impunity. Cloak cooldowns are currently activated when weapons fire, to give...
    17. MacThule

      Why we don't share

      Doing a little survey here to help with station design... Everyone needs an invulnerable station (currently). Typically no more than 2-3 players are willing to share a single station though. For some of us it's about size (either not enough, or so much that it lags some people), lack of...
    18. MacThule

      Aux Pwr on Stations

      Is it just me, or does this finally allow stations to tip the balance against ships? With docked power finally terminated on most servers, ships now have to accept larger mass gains to safely exceed the power softcap using auxiliary power (mass of aux power + mass of advanced bulkheads around...
    19. greatmatt

      Human Singularity

      GREETINGS, HUMANS!!! Welcome to the official thread of the Human Singularity, a roleplay "faction" that represents the possible future of humanity after the singularity happened, bringing a new age of technological advancement to humanity...
    20. jontyfreack

      a collection of a mad man

      Hello and welcome to my shipyard from now on (preferably) and it shall be here where I will post pics of as many ships of mine that I can, so expect this to use a lot of bandwidth :) So anyway, lets get started in no particular order apart from being mostly chronological order. The FC-12...