
    1. colonel lacu

      JRS-Arvus 1,1

      I have also made a black version (not included)
    2. X

      RSP Lance 1.1

      Hi all, I'm new to starmade building and this is my first attempt at an actual ship. So let me introduce you to my Lance class _______ (don't know how typing goes I this game corvette, frigate, ect.ect.). It was designed with escort mission's in mind but has no real test in PvP due to not being...
    3. NuclearFun

      Triton A1R3

      Hi! may i present the Triton. The idea behind this little boat was that i needed a small platform for my trusty missile turrets to quickly deal with those pesky pirates when i am in build mode/afk. after it was finished it reminded me a little bit of halo ship designs... It has just a very...
    4. Zsa Zsa

      Zamzara Shipyard "Gallowglass" E6531

      Zamzara was well guarded by the E555x series from pirates who attacked with fighters and corvettes. However, the appearance of a mysterious and powerful amber spaceship that explored the southern systems demonstrated a critical vulnerability. The Wyvern series do not have large shield capacitor...
    5. Xacktar

      Rage Falcon 2016-09-08

      Just another escort class for the Evil Faction Kit. The Falcon's weaponry is specifically geared to take out the power and shields of its enemies. STATS: Blocks: 11,213 Power Cap: 916,793 Power Regen: 202,419/sec Shield Cap: 90,351 Shield Regen: 5,005/sec WEAPONS: Beam-Pulse 1/2 Ion Array...
    6. Lightspeed12

      [BlueStar Corp. ] Corsair-class Corvette 2016-08-30

      The Corsair is a simple yet effective solution for freighter escort missions. Built with materials that are easy to mass produce, its the BlueStar Corporation solution for patrols and cargo protection. Usually operates in groups of three or in assistance of larger fleets, its a mainstay in...
    7. J-Radec

      SCAF Frigate 2016-07-31

      Small escort frigate, my take on the CMS greely from deadspace. the frigate has multiple weapons and room for cargo. the ship is very roomy and the interior can be easily reorganized for any occasion. L: 112m W: 25m H: 19m
    8. Zsa Zsa

      Zamzara Shipyard "Wyvern" (carried variant) E5553A

      This is a carrier-borne variant of the Wyvern heavy escort, for use with the Baltic class frigate tender made by HGE. The ship has been equipped with a teleporter in the crew cabin and a new docker on the ventral pylon below the camera, but otherwise has identical capabilities to the E5553...
    9. Bladeriker

      S.C.R.A.M. Devastator Bomber 2016-05-25

      The Scram Devastator Bomber, is designed to stand off and fire missiles at its target while staying out of range of most point defense, while taking out missiles sent to neutralize it. Armaments: 6 Heavy Rockets (M+E) 3.2km Range 2 Heavy Missiles (M+P) 3.2km Range 1 Cannon (C+C+E) 2km Range...
    10. Zsa Zsa

      Zamzara Shipyard "Wyvern" E5554

      This light warship is the watchdog of the Zaran fleet, capable of fending off attacks from fighters, obliterating corvettes and standing up to cruisers long enough for civilian ships to flee. The reactor at the heart of the ship is similar to earlier light escorts but a separate chassis for the...
    11. MacThule

      Light Beam Frigate 2016-02-28

      Light Beam Frigate The idea behind this ship is something very simple and EZ to manufacture that can be used to bolster or shore up fleets that already have a core of capital ships (cruisers, battleships, carrier, etc). She's small and agile, and probably will not be seen as a serious...
    12. Colonel Sheppard

      Trading Guild Chipper Escort Corvette 1/12/2016

      An old design from the Trading Guild the Chipper has been escorting freighters for centuries. It's sturdy and yet simple build has been relied on to make sure cargo gets from point A to point B. However in recent years it has begun to show it's age and could finally be obsoleted... The...
    13. WykedEvil

      ONI Aggressor Class Heavy Missile Corvette 1.1

      The First ONI warship; The ONI Aggressor Class Escort Cruiser originated as a Heavy Missile fighter designed to escort mining operations and run long range boarder patrols when resources were low. A faction war erupted and the glowingly outdated Aggressors were refitted with bulkier bodies...
    14. Sheinar

      Fenrir Fleet Escort 2015-11-18

      Stats: Armanent: x1 Ion Cannon 2x Rapid Fire AMC 10x Laser guided Rockets Turrets: 12x Basilisk Class point defence 1x Mangusta Rocket Launcher 2x Thor class heavy AMC 8x Wasp Class light rocket launchers Other equipment: Radar Jammer Standarized Jump Drive Small salvage module Scanner...