ASDF DD-1 Empyrean Lancer

    ASDF DD-1 Empyrean Lancer 2.0Power1.9Weapons

    Game version
    Ares Aerospace is proud to announce a return to our classic destroyer line with the complete refit and re-launch of the ASDF DD-1 Empyrean Lancer. The first ship off our newest line of Spatha II Heavy Escort Destroyers.

    Blocks 203,582
    Mass 39.3k

    Length 212 meters
    Width 69 meters
    Height 45 meters

    Power provided by a single Class 23 Zero-Point Conversion Reactor outputting 500 e/s at 105.6% Stability

    Spacetime Flux Engines outputting 47.36 K of thrust for a favorable Thrust/Mass Ratio of 1.2

    Mk4100 Shield Generator that regenerates 90.2K Shield Energy with a max capacity of 11.48 Million
    (4102 Rechargers and 19,143 Capacitors)

    One Mobility (+2 Turn Rate)
    Two Defense (Improved Shield, Improved Shield Capacity)
    Two Defense (Improved Armor, Improved Armor Efficiency)
    Three FTL (Jump Drive, Auto Charge, Improved Efficiency)
    Three Scannner (Basic Scanner with two options to boost)

    The newly re-launched Empyrean Lancer has greatly improved survivability with the addition of the newest generation of enhanced shields and armor.

    Needless to say, we haven’t slacked off in the firepower department!

    The new and improved main batteries have reached a level of firepower that blurs the line between destroyer and light cruiser.

    Light Gravitic Pulse Cannon
    (2500 Cannon, 2500 Cannon, 2500 Explosive)

    Ten Mk 500 General Purpose Vertical Launch Anti-Fighter/Anti-Shipping Missiles organized into a pair of five silo batteries.
    (200 Missile, 100 Beam, 200 Punch, x10 divided evenly between two systems)

    Four Mk 600 Light Anti-Shipping Guided Plasma Torpedoes
    (200 Missile, 200 Beam, 200 Punch, x4)

    Secondary Batteries
    Three Turreted 75mm autocannons (250 Cannon, 250 Cannon, 250 Punch), and a pair of defensive 30mm autocannons (100 Cannon, 100 Cannon, 100 Punch) have more then tripled the damage output of the turret systems.

    Tertiary Batteries
    Two 4th Gen Heavy Quad PDC Turrets and
    Twelve of our now Standard 4th Gen Dual PDC Turrets maintain our destroyer's excellent level of anti missile fire.

    Finally, at HRS insistence, we've greatly improved the accommodations for the 10 crew members this ship requires. After Bob went crazy and fulfilled the KSN DD-3 Starfire's namesake by, uhm, jumping into a star, HR has really been pushing for more concern over the mental well being of our employees. Especially the ones piloting and/or maintaining multi-million credit starships.....

    Anyways, to add one of these fine ships to your fleet, visit our galnet sight today!

    Head over to our Galnet Sight as quickly as possible for details, conditions, costs, and contracts needed to add one (or more!) of these fine ships to your fleet today!

    Port and Upper Hull

    Port Hull

    Prow Gravitic Pulse Cannon

    Ventral Hull

    Thruster Detailing

    One of Four Fire Control Stations

    Mess/Common Area


    Engineering/Core Room

    In Formation with Lancea II Class Corvette

    END RP
    This, this took a while, most of the time spent updating this ships was spent ripping out and completely reworking 90% of the crew space. While I still think of interiors as one of the weaker aspects of my ships, I'm much much better now then I was in 2016.

    I'm pretty happy with the newest version of the lancer, I'm much much more satisfied with the exterior detailing and colors, the turrets have almost 8 times the offensive weapon blocks of earlier iterations, and I got a rapid fire explosive cannon working on a ship that's "only" 200K blocks.

    She's still a 50/50 split between rapid fire cannon and missile systems, and as of right now vertical launch missiles won't properly seek targets, so I've been unable to do much testing with the current weapon mix. With the weapon update in dev build, think of the current missile systems as place holders until then.

    Anyways, have fun, blow some stuff up with massed cannon fire, throw me stars :-p and let me know what you think!
    Tamren Shade
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    1. Updated to 2.0

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    2. Pierce to Punch Missiles

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