
    1. Jake_Lancia

      Trident Foundries - Fleet Submission 2 Drones

      The premier pack of Trident Foundries droneships. Built by me (Jake_Lancia) and crazyf22raptor , these vessels represent the best four droneships the Trident Foundries has to offer. The pack includes (from left to right): Zipper-class Small Drone - This tiny, short-range drone has a single...
    2. BiGEdge

      Fenn Drone-Carrier WIP 2016-04-17

      Try out how to work with Mining Drones. This is a simple Ship to fly with some Mining Drones. - Spawn the Blueprint - press "K" and set all the docked Ships as parts of the Fleet - Fly to a Sector with some Astreoids - Right of the Core you find a Button to put out all the Drones - Press "K"...
    3. Borr

      Mad Badger Industries

      Hello. I'm just a space badger who make stuff :D I decided to share some of my creation, mostly stuff that I'm satisfied with. Enjoy ;)
    4. Borr

      Harvey MK2 R5 Transport Vessel 1.0

      Transport vessel equipped with standardized cargo container, 2 mining drones (up to 6 without cargo container), service tug, 12 antimissile turrets, 2 defense turrets, 1 antipersonel turret. Filled with logic features like: automatic drone/cargo container deployment system (I tried to make it as...
    5. Lukwan

      Self-Regulating Drone-Rail V-1

      For anyone who want's a good, simple drone-rail demo to reverse engineer. (Carrier-in-a-box.) I used a design from a rail tutorial on the net and made this demonstration Carrier. 2100 blocks Three drones share a rail system. One button press from the inner-ship remote launches one drone...
    6. P

      Looking for carrier ship logic help

      So...hmmm...well I want to try and build a carrier for fleet mining since we can do it now, my problem is, I have no clue on how to do 2 pieces of logic I want to do on the carrier after it's done. I can do basic logic controls (thanks Bench) but the 2 logic arrays I guess I need still escape...
    7. U

      Problem with the new rails and the call back order

      I have a problem and I dont know what to do. I try to build a little mining carrier. It has 3 drones to send out for mining. But the new rails seem not to work properly. Just like the call back order. My first try was 3 rails straight down out of the hangar. But the rail logic bugged so much...
    8. Tshara

      WS StormCloud MK1 1.1

      The StormCloud is a fleet escort gunship. It adds considerable fire power to a fleet and with some additional features that will allow it to function as a troop transport. The name is a bit of a play on words. Since these ships usually fly in groups you would have a gathering of storm clouds...
    9. kingreaper1234

      Read by Council drone wars

      maybe when the ai factions are implemented, drone war arenas can be added for neutral factions. -AI npc helps set you up easy, medium, and hard difficulties. -AI opponent drone is randomly generated. -reward system for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, place winners
    10. kikaha

      Xanth Drones rack 2016-02-22

      Hello ! This is my entry for the drones wars competition Drone Wars Competition Its a simple rack (made only for the event) with 8 drones (998 mass in total). 4 kind of drones, 2 of each. Beam, lock-on, canon/canon and rapid fire missile. For the stats you'll see for yourself as i'll...
    11. Loadout

      LSD Veld 1.0

    12. Loadout

      LSD Locust 3.0

      What happened to 1.0? The original version of this ship got lost in a blender, stood upside down, fell off a cliff, was run over by hippos, and eaten by a high speed train. In short, I never got around to uploading the poor girl before she was already horribly out of date. Author's Note: Due to...
    13. AnthonyAnderson

      Read by Council Hull Regeneration Module

      I read through DISCUSS! Hull Repair/Regeneration and liked the idea, but want to suggest something totally different, and I think many players may like it. The aforementioned thread (which I'll leave for y'all to read) has the same idea of a Hull Regen computer and module, but instead pulls...
    14. Benevolent27

      Nukes and Drones - MultiPart Entities

      I can see that nukes have been suggested before, but not as part of a multi-part entity that changes the way the entity behaves, not as remote controllable, and not alongside drones. So I am posting this as a separate post. A multi-part entity is an entity that behaves differently than the...
    15. G

      Stick Ship & Drones 2015-12-21

      This is a concept ship. I don't suggest using it. Doing so will probably crash a server if put to full use. The Stick ship is a design idea for deploying a large force. Right now I put 4 drones on it to show how they can be launched with one button click. The bobbi AI on the drones are not...
    16. nightrune

      Planetary Defenses Thread

      What do your planetary defenses look like? Mine are pretty basic right now. Trying to figure out scale is pretty hard. Lets see your defenses!
    17. solarapple

      -Light drone carrier- Annoying stick 2015-12-03

      Stat card coming tomorrow if I remember. Remind me just in case because I'm a lazy shut in. New ship! Mainly a fun ship, not really meant for actual use since it's not so good. But hey it looks good. Called it an annoying stick because it looks like a stick and is annoying. Not a danger...
    18. N

      AI Ideas Thread

      Does anyone know how I can transfer this to suggestions? Artificial intelligence(AI) in Starmade currently very simple, it has a single block, the Bobby AI module, which can be edited with three settings, turret/ship, what it should aim at (Astronauts, Missiles, Selected target, or Any) and an...
    19. Zaphod42

      Full-size Pennsylvania-class battleship "Indomitus"

      Presenting the USS Indomitus, a Pennsylvania-class battleship constructed using an IRL 3-foot:1 block scale. Built in the classic style of a WWII battleship with various modifications and modern weaponry. 5 decks boasting all the comforts needed for a medium-sized crew, Indomitus can take a...
    20. W

      Read by Schine Wireless Chairs, Economic Tab, and Wedged Turrets

      Chairs can be wirelessly linked to remote ship cores and cameras, so that players and crew can control turrets and drones from within the ship. One chair can be linked to multiple cores for grouped targeting; say you have battleship main guns that you intend for broadsides or grouped AA firing...