
    1. Bowlan

      How to instantly kill all pirates? I need to save my ship

      Help, I've spent 11 hours building a large carrier ship, but haven't added any weapon systems, or a warp drive yet, and I'm being attacked by pirates. I exited the game to stop my ship being destroyed as I cannot fight them off or run away. Is there any way for me to stop them from destroying...
    2. MrGrey1

      admins.txt with all current commands.

      I hate getting this list together so maybe this post will save others some time. A current admins.txt file format with all available commands listed. /starmade/admins.txt If you're unfamiliar with this file you can use it to restrict an admins available commands. Place the admins name in...
    3. FlyingDebris

      Creative Commands

      Simple, straightforward. Give players with creative mode access to limited admin commands including but not limited to: /jump F1+F8 /change_sector /god_mode etc.
    4. Benevolent27

      A simple request for the "/giveid" command + Some more ideas on server commands

      Preface: There are a lot of nice commands for scripters like me to use, but some small changes and moderate additions would really open a lot of doors for server-owners to have creative, dynamic gameplay. The framework is there, it just needs to be filled out a little bit more. Here is my...
    5. therimmer96


      StarNet is a dead handy tool that still works to this day, and as I'd rather it not fade into irrelevance, I'm making this post to have an easy way to find the official links for it. NFD Build Server uses it almost daily, and it is a key part of how we operate. Arguments for the no gui version...
    6. RabidBat

      Deny admin catalog access to moderators.

      Hey, looking for help once more. With the ability to deny commands to players via the admins file I am wondering if there is a way to also deny a user admin catalog access. While we can deny moderators all give commands they can still access the admin catalog manager in game and spawn things...
    7. Tshara

      Read by Council New logic block: Commands

      I would like a logic block that can issue commands like realign all turrets, or even fleet commends. Probably fleet commands should only be possible to be given from the mother ship. Perhaps some type of logic statements as well. For example if a fleet move command is given the signal is true...
    8. M

      Planned More smarter crew (more commands to crew members)

      I have boatloads of suggestions to this game. This is another of it. As you know, crew are only following us, attacking, walking, but they need an overhaul. Here are other commands that can be implemented: 'Use a block' When crew members are assigned this order to a block, it will go to it...