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    1. ALPHAshadowfox

      "Strange annoying custom space-station spawning" bug..

      I sold all the red hulls that the stations were being made of but i\'m still looking out to see if the stations return.. \"I made a space station close to a shop but had it in the wrong spot. So i removed it and tried remkaing one and had a error that i couldnt use a name thats already been...
    2. ALPHAshadowfox

      Directional Gravity Units

      Making gravity lifts xD gravity brings you up to the top, the other one drops you back down.. it\'d be fun but dont make the lifts too high otherwise you\'ll break every bone in your body because it\'s like jumping off a massive cliff and landing on rock.. LOL xD
    3. ALPHAshadowfox

      "Strange annoying custom space-station spawning" bug..

      Ok, everytime i exit the game and return i always find this.. and this.. and i don't know why.. these use the blocks in the top-right part of my inventory and makes a mess, and it's a spacestation because when i move the last block it says "Are your sure?, this will delete the...
    4. ALPHAshadowfox

      Pirate planet bases

    5. ALPHAshadowfox

      Passive pirates bug..

      Has anyone else experienced this?
    6. ALPHAshadowfox

      Passive pirates bug..

      It took me ages to figure out why this was happening but.. I was playing as usual and then the pirates became passive.. this was very wierd they wouldn't shoot or anything, just run into me.. i asked on the general discussion if there was a way to fix this.. and i couldn't find a way to.. so i...
    7. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      ITS A BUG! Ok, first i reset the universe and everything was fine and it worked, pirates shot at me and everything.. and then i found out what the trigger for this bug was.. i was fighting some pirates and i accidentally pressed R because it\'s so close to the E which made me exit the ship...
    8. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      Could it be perhaps that the pirate faction doesn\'t mark me as an enemy? how can i edit the pirate\'s faction so i can make sure i\'m set as an enemy? or at least mark \"consider neutral as enemy\" for the pirates..
    9. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      If they weren\'t marked they wouldn\'t spawn at all.. thanks for your help though, much appreciated :D they are marked and can spawn but are not hostile.. if they are hostile then they just dont know how to shoot.. I will try to make a few small fighters and allow enemies to spawn with that and...
    10. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      ^^ gee bonerdragon.. really helpful.. thanks.. *clap* *clap* ... ... ... (< sarcasm ) Back on subject, it\'s only mine that does this.. it worked and since i updated it stoped D: they no longer fire.. at all! this isn\'t a complaint topic, i\'m asking for help and solutions to this problem..
    11. ALPHAshadowfox

      Gravity System Overhaul (also Oxygen)

      Having Gravity-field enhancers would be great for this type of system :D
    12. ALPHAshadowfox

      Genral Building Improvments

      Maybe it would be called SMedit xD
    13. ALPHAshadowfox

      Starlight resistance block and possible super weapon

      You could make it so it receives damage if you are too far away from the star because this block is damaged by the extreme coldness of space.. so if it exits a starsystem then it recieves damage.. there.. a good and logical fallback for this type of hull :D ALSO: it would be nice if the hull...
    14. ALPHAshadowfox

      Remote Control for Ships & Turrets

      This would be great! being able to set the controls in your hotbar then switching to the turret and your ship still flying at its current speed :D PREPARE TO BE TORN IN HALF FROM MY RAPID-FIRE ANTI-MATTER CANNON PIRATES!!!
    15. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      I mean they don\'t attack at all! none.. they\'re just passive stray ships what bump into you when you approach them.. and it\'s boring due to that.. none attack.. none fire at me.. nothing! the only need for my shields is when i encounter a pirate SS with the turrets.. THEY fire at me but are...
    16. ALPHAshadowfox

      HELP! My pirates are being derpy..

      I'm beginning to get very bored when playing Starmade.. the pirates don't attack me.. closest thing to that is they ram into me like the derpy pirates they're trying to be, the only time i get shot at is by pirate turrets and they're too easy to beat and are uncommon.. i just want to know how to...
    17. ALPHAshadowfox


      Clean my PLEXglass xD
    18. ALPHAshadowfox

      Gravity System Overhaul (also Oxygen)

      I was curious to when someone was going to suggest this system.. i support all your ideas on this :D, it would add more complexity but still keeping it simple.. i may be hard for the developers to code though..
    19. ALPHAshadowfox

      A suggestion about AI, specifically Bobby

      YES!! definately! especially for the turrets.. i like the turrets for quite i while then they derped on me.. they failed to target.. they wouldn\'t activate. nothing! so all this would be great.. especially the target allys with the power supply beam.. this would be great for multiplayer :D and...
    20. ALPHAshadowfox

      A Starmade minigame! [mini-game name pending...]!

      Any ideas you have for your own minigames you should post in your own topic for it.. starmade has so many potential for minigames that if i posted every single mini-game idea here.. its gonna get crowded really quickly.. I like your idea though.. please post your own topic of it ;D