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    1. T

      StarMade 0.151 (fixes)

      The only problem I have with this is that I now have a supercarrier with >1 billion shields. Good luck with knocking those down with anything that ISN'T op. lol. It's not even an issue for the carrier, but for the smaller ships. Even simple cannon arrays take disproportionate amounts of power to...
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      StarMade 0.151 (fixes)

      Is it intentional that all the weapons use massively higher amounts of power now. My missile systems on a smallish gunship can only fire one array at a time, totally draining my 130k energy array. Cannons without a cannon subsystem are also insane power hogs. Haven't tried the other subsystems yet.
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      StarMade 0.15 is out

      Supercarrier helpless while 1.6 BILLION shields regen! Hahaha. I need to make another and transfer energy to myself.
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      I\'m not particularly phased by pirates, as most are shredded before they can do anything remotely approximating damage, but they can be quite annoying when I am building, and their ships get in the way of my block placement.
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      Hera-Class Supercarrier "Anakita" **WIP**

      Due to a large amount of the interior space being used for fighter and gunship hangers, the price is currently at just under 800M. The Anakita uses regular hull exclusively for this reason. When completed (slow going as I am currently working about 65 hours a week) the ship will not be filled...
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      Hera Class Carrier.

      I would imagine that copyright lawyers everywhere would disagree. Granted, a personal name is different. However if you were to make a car and call it a \"Limona GT\", I\'m pretty sure you wouldn\'t be too happy if I made a completely different car called the same. If we both tried to call our...
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      Hera Class Carrier.

      For not stealing my ship\'s name. :)
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      Copy and Paste feature

      -people downloading copies of other people\'s ships and pasting them into our own universes, killing creativity completely for some people? No one who is serious about building actually believes that having a copy paste feature would actually hurt the way they build ships. It would just make...
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      Capital Shields

      My fighters (approximately 263 mass) do about 4.5k dps. My Shields recharge at 134,737 s/sec on my current build (266,117 mass - unfinished). If you do the math, that means that it will take dozens of fighters to kill my supercarrier. Not to mention dodging multiple turrets that put out a...
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      Hera-Class Supercarrier "Anakita" **WIP**

      Currently there are two types of defensive turrets on the Anakita. These have been renamed to the Reaper3 and the Reaper6. Please note that all designs are currently under review and may be changed at any time without notice. All blueprints will be available on the official release date (to be...
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      Hera-Class Supercarrier "Anakita" **WIP**

      Work has been going steadily. However, with rumors of upcoming weapon design changes, the engineers have been loathe to implement any of the missile systems that are curremtly planned. Instead, the focus has been on fleshing out the core systems of this build. The weapon systems changes have...
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      Hera-Class Supercarrier "Anakita" **WIP**

      Definitely going to be doing a lot of covering. I won\'t have any exposed systems, and I\'m going to try to keep the hull interesting, instead of just flat planes everywhere. I\'m also planning on putting in Turret mounting pylons in the places that will have those, so that will be another bit...
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      Hera-Class Supercarrier "Anakita" **WIP**

      So I've been working on this little gem for a while now. Kinda hard to get a lot done between work and an 8 month old. The initial goal - A supercarrier class ship that can carry at least 90 fighters, and various support ships. Where we are at right now: 52 Ares class heavy fighters dockable...
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      Advancing advanced build mode

      First - two words: Copy Paste I would love to see a copy and paste function that would allow me to repeat details over and over again. Things like port holes, complex reactors, logos, hull details can require a complex set of blocks and orientations. What I would like to see is an option that...
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      Shields only absorb a Percentage of damage.

      What you are proposing right now would only give a resistance bonus to the hull blocks. But they already have one, so this idea effectively makes shields an extension of the armor value on blocks. This would remove the difference in function that shields have that adds to gameplay. I wasn\'t...
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      Can someone explain this madness

      This is some sort of transformer helicopter that the japanese electronics and robotics geniuses thought up. Nothing like a good helping of shock and awe. But seriously. I know personally that both Canadian and American air forces paint certain aircraft all sorts of non-combat colours for air...
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      Shields only absorb a Percentage of damage.

      I feel like this would only make shields useless. Even at 10% damage getting through, my turrets pack enough punch to 1-shot hardened hull. And there are multiple cannons per turret, multiple turrets per ship. Nevermind my actual onboard cannons. Thus effectively making core-drilling viable...
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      Preparing for update?

      I was wondering, in view of the new weapon systems incoming, do we need to prep any of our ships for the module changes? As it currently stands, our missile based designs have three different missile array blocks - will these block ids be re-used, or will attempting to load those models crash...
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      Ship Core Sizes / Class of ship

      I have several issues of contention with this idea. First - who decides what a class of ship consists of? GROOV3ST3R has already created a post which demonstrates the sometimes wild fluctuations in what sizes players thought a ship class should consist of. I have spent some time myself, looking...