Search results

    1. BeefBacon

      Magnetic effect

      Marvelous idea. A lot of people have been suggesting that there be a target lead of some sort to facilitate hitting moving targets. I'd much rather see something like this magnetic effect. I also like the idea of this adding heatseeking to missiles. I never really liked how the missile+missile...
    2. BeefBacon

      quest, shop and pirate factions suggestion

      Maybe make it so attacking neutral, non-faction players yield few rewards while attacking 'good' player that belongs to a large faction very rewarding. I've been playing a lot of Mount and Blade recently, so I'll make an analogy using that. Attacking a small group of farmers will be less...
    3. BeefBacon

      Long Range Gunnery

      How about a lead computer? Link it to a weapon system and you get a lead marker. Maybe in turn it could increase range or projectile speed. Alternatively give beam support a lead function so it becomes more useful for Cannon+beam combos (since beam gives missiles a lock-on function it makes...
    4. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      Never underestimate my apathy for anything. If you upload soon then it might make it in. There's not very many fighter submissions (compared to frigates, destroyers, etc) so you never know.
    5. BeefBacon

      New faction Concerns

      I can definitely see mercenary-type factions becoming more common. They fight for a larger faction in return for faction points. Mercs use the faction points to either expand their merc outfit or start their own faction to compete with their old employers. Very interesting. The feedback loop...
    6. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      Right, I'm going to start getting through these. If there happens to be any last minute entries I may or may not get round to them, but thanks to everyone who has submitted their ships.
    7. BeefBacon

      Sitting in Starmade!

      Can I still stand on a jumbled assortment of wedges that vaguely resembles a chair and pretend I'm sitting? I fear change.
    8. BeefBacon

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      I'm aware of that. I ignored it because you ignored my point of "why does it matter?". I don't mind playing a black character. I don't mind playing a woman. I don't care what my character is. I don't feel somehow detached from a game just because my avatar doesn't reflect something as petty as...
    9. BeefBacon

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      No... Dave was designed specifically to be a blank slate. His space suit lacks detail and colour. The idea is that we add to it or build our own. In order to represent that the player model is human, they made Dave a black woman because making Dave a white man would incur the wrath of Tumblr.
    10. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      No worries. There's no deadline, as such. Just depends on when I feel like recording so there's no rush.
    11. BeefBacon

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      What? An alternate dimension where evolution has turned everyone white? Are you mad? Nobody even remotely hinted at that. I can barely follow the deranged logic you're trying to use. Dave has a grey space suit. Blank canvas. That he happens to be white is entirely irrelevant. If Dave was black...
    12. BeefBacon

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      Yes. If you don't want to be the default, boring character then spend 5 minutes making your own one. Why does race have to come into it? The whole point of the boring base character is that it's a blank canvas for you to make your own. Who gives a shit if it's white or not? Maybe I should pitch...
    13. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      Any more for any more? If there are no more submissions then I'll get to having a look at some of these ships, and then I can get to recording and editing.
    14. BeefBacon

      Racially Diverse Avatars

      Yeah, it really came off as one. But as you can see, sarcasm doesn't really come across very well via text, does it? If you were indeed joking you should have known better than to write something that could obviously come across as incredibly arrogant regardless of your intentions. Make your...
    15. BeefBacon

      Turning the "push-pulse" into an "emp-pulse"

      I agree. I didn't even know the push pulse had an EMP effect, so I never used it. Seems like the EMP effect should be the focal point. But yeah, push effect should remain, just because it's neat to see things get blasted or otherwise moved by a shockwave.
    16. BeefBacon

      Turning the "push-pulse" into an "emp-pulse"

      Maybe it could temporarily disable AI. This would reduce the effectiveness of drone spam while aving little to no effect on human-controlled ships (with the exception of possibly affecting turrets).
    17. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      Very nice. I like the addition of the sound effects. Wish Starmade really sounded like that. I sometimes go into the audio files and change the sound of the AMCs to change things up a bit. If you have a 360 controller try using that for your pans. Using a mouse can make movement very uneven, so...
    18. BeefBacon

      Starmade Machinima - looking for some neat ships

      Wow, some awesome submissions here. Weapons and such really don't matter, but cool-looking turrets are always a plus. If I see something that I like but it isn't the right colour then I might maybe use the block replace tool to change things up a bit - but I'll ask permission first. Wouldn't...
    19. BeefBacon

      Planet Hopping [ A Custom Game Mode ]

      But that's exactly the point. If one team has 3 planets and the other has 2, then the faction with 3 planets will start to win. This means that the team that is at a disadvantage will need to attack in order to balance things out again. Of course, the more territory you control the more you have...
    20. BeefBacon

      Planet Hopping [ A Custom Game Mode ]

      How about a victory point system to speed things along? Each planet held generates victory points (or depletes the opposition's). Destroying ships, dependent on class, also generates (or depletes, depending on the system) victory points. Reaching, say, 500 (or hitting 0) means a win. Destroying...