Search results

    1. MrGrey1

      Large Fill Area Detected!

      Soooo, I screwed up again, went to place a large fill area in an elipsoid, with the cubed area of my brush maxed out.... and then forgot to set restricted on the build helper and now have a massive cube of blocks rendering all over my build... :( soooo my suggestion would be when a large fill...
    2. MrGrey1

      Angled Entity Rail Mount Block

      I'd like to suggest a block, similar to the Rail Rotator in function, to enable us to set entities at angles other then 45' increments. The block, instead of rotating all the way around would only need to rotate up to 90' and could be linked to activators to give the rail a set position within...
    3. MrGrey1

      Entity Name Popup or HUD Display

      Say I have a bunch of identical turrets on a ship. When moving up and down the entity chains to modify or test the turrets I have no way of knowing which turret I'm in other then either spinning the turret to try and work out where I am or switching into build mode and moving out to look back...
    4. MrGrey1

      Faction Manager spamming the server console?

      This repeats in the server console constantly. Anyway to reduce the verbosity, turn it off or otherwise get rid of it? [FACTIONMANAGER] updated news on Server(0) for factionID -10000000; delete: false [FACTIONMANAGER] trying to add news entry: FactionNewsPost [factionId=-10000000...
    5. MrGrey1

      HUD Radar Orientation Point & Level Indicator

      The HUD radar 'map' needs a directional indicator badly, galactic center would seem to be the logical orientation point. A fixed dot on the radar spheres edge would suffice so you know which way is 'North' at a glance. A level indicator would also be of great use so you know which way is 'up'...
    6. MrGrey1

      Build & Weapon Advice?

      So, I've jumped in the deep end and decided to build a 'large ship.' This is what I have so far. (Yes I'm an 80's kid and it's the best space ship evA!) I'm going for an 'effective' ship as close to canon as possible but I favour function over form so am willing to diverge from canon if...
    7. MrGrey1

      Incremental Blueprint Save or Overwrite ie 'Save As' or 'Save New'

      Often I find I save a blueprint and then realize I've missed some small feature or change that then requires a whole new blueprint to be saved. I have to retype the whole name of the blueprint again with an increment and the catalog list gets filled up with blueprints that are only fractionally...
    8. MrGrey1

      Tips and tricks for NOOBS setting up a game?

      Hey All, I'm a couple of months into this game and loving it. I run my own home server and think I've pretty much got the hang of the basics. I'm here to petition the community for any tips and tricks a relative noob to the game might have overlooked in regards to setting up a new map and...