Search results

    1. alterintel

      Suggested Encourage Battles by going green (Recycling)

      Example: I need Sertise to add punch through to my beam weapons on my ship, but all of the Laminar astroids have been mined :( Extract the Sertise from the shield capacitors of defeated ships :) this could be done by adding more recipes to the Micro Assembler, or by adding a Recycler block...
    2. alterintel

      Shipyard Player-Shop integration

      Just a quick post about an idea that popped in my head. What if you could link a player-shop with a shipyard computer. That way other players or the trading guild could sell to you the resources you need for your ship while your not there. Heck you could even log in to discover your ship has...
    3. alterintel

      New Block: flat plates

      I did a search, I couldn't find anything, but I'm sure this has been suggested before. what about a flat panel / plate block? current hull and armor blocks have tetras, heptas, wedges, and etc... but what about the flat panel? after building two small replica ships (shameless plug: the...
    4. alterintel

      Serenity Firefly class Transport

      This is how the engines work: There are 4 plex door blocks for each engine, one for each direction, forward, up, back, and down. logic controls when the doors are solid. when you activate the engines the appropriate door which is part of the mother-ship will turn solid inside the engine, and...
    5. alterintel

      Weapon Visual Effect Linking

      So currently we have, what I would argue is probably the best weapon customization system I've seen in any space ship game; the ability to combine up to 3 computers for more than 100 different possible weapon configurations. I don't think I can adequately state how awesome this is. One of the...
    6. alterintel

      How do I use the new Ship Score feature?

      So how do I use the new ship scoring feature. The only thing that I've seen so far, is that it's an external Lua script. I searched on "script" "ship scores" and so on. I can't search "lua" because it's only 3 letters. So how do I activate this script and get my ship score? I've programmed...
    7. alterintel

      Hotfix for Damage Beam / Cannon Slave

      So after the last hot-fix my Defiant started haven power failure problems. Star Trek Defiant 1:1 Before the update I could continuously fire the phosphors, and now I get power failure. But if I disconnect the cannon slave, it works fine but with the inevitable recharge time. I heard that a...
    8. alterintel

      Combine Rail Docker and Core Block for moving parts

      As an idea maybe make a new rail docker type block that also acts as a core for a rail entity. Then make it so that entities with docker-cores don't show up on the radar? This would de-clutter the radar screen, and reduce the number of blocks required to make small moving parts. Thanks :)
    9. alterintel

      Damage Pulse as anti-missile defense

      So I had this idea as an anti-missile defense. So I tested it. I rigged an array of damage pulses to be constantly triggering and then I shot a couple of missiles at it. The idea was that the waves of the damage pulse would kill the missile before it struck it's target. Well, as evidence of...
    10. alterintel

      Recognized User Programmable AI, via a grid system

      So I saw a suggestions regarding putting logic blocks in a computer "grid" block to decrease the size of logic circuits and it reminded me of the old Play Station game that I used to play called Carnage Heart. Basically the player designs there own hardware and software for thier mech armys...
    11. alterintel

      Cloak Overhaul

      Currently the cloaking device in StarMade is to power hungry, and isn't any fun to use. In any other Sci Fi genre just about any ship can be fitted with a cloaking device and it renders the ship invisible to the human eye, and most sensors. Consequences for using a cloaking devices in the...
    12. alterintel

      AI controlled phasers without turrets?

      Star Trek ships don't have turrets. And if I put decent size turrets that could handle pirate fighters, it totally takes away from the look of the ship. Would it be possible to attach AI blocks to my main weapons on the mother ship, and have them target and fire at enemy fighters? Of course...
    13. alterintel

      I figured out what Power Reactors I supposed to be.

      So it just dawned on me what power reactors blocks are supposed to be. Cosmic Noise Antennas. There is literally so much noise out there in space. That's why the longer your antenna, the more power you collect. Anyways, I just though I'd share.
    14. alterintel

      Change Hull color by linking to a colored lights

      Instead of having how many different color hull and armor blocks. I think it would give us more color options for hull and armor blocks if they could be linked to lights of that color. Just like linking weapon systems to colored lights is now. Thoughts?
    15. alterintel

      multiple blocks per cubic meter?

      Would it be possible to have multiple blocks occupy the same cubic meter? For example have two wedges or tetras in the same space. This would allow for better joints between doors and hull, and much better looking ships. I'm not sure how the current system is setup, or if it's even possible...
    16. alterintel

      Core logic output, Occupied or not.

      Simple really. have the core output an on signal if occupied, and an off signal when empty. Possible benefits: 1) close / open airlock doors 2) turn on / off lights 3) turn on / off turrets and if this is already possible, how do I do it?
    17. alterintel

      Reconfigure Weapons in Flight Mode (Weapons Menu)

      Wouldn't it be cool if you could reconfigure your weapons as needed on the fly. For Example: I've build a ship with the following weapon configuration: (Primary/Secondary/Effect) 4 x Damage Beam / Cannon / Explosive 2 x Missile / Damage Pulse 1 x Ion Effect (for shield bonus) I would like to...