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    1. alterintel

      I want to make a video of your ship. Starmade Showreels by alterintel

      Hey Guys and Gals, I'm making Starmade Showreels of your creations from Community Content. If you have a ship, or a station, or anything else that you think would look good in a cinematic trailer please post a link to it on the Community Content page here. If it's something that I would like to...
    2. alterintel

      Read by Council Land of the Giants (build scale)

      Just an Idea I had, thought I'd throw it out there. I had the idea of greater detail in ships. By having 10 blocks per meter instead of just one block per meter. Then I thought what would it take to make that happen? Would it be possible to use a Mod, or something? Then I thought it would...
    3. alterintel

      Read by Council Simple Change to help with Logic connections

      What about a (slightly) different system for connecting and configuring logic? Instead of "C" and "V"... we use "S" for Select, "I" for Input, and "O" for Output Instead of the selected block being highlighted in Orange, and the outputs being highlighted in Purple... Selected block is...
    4. alterintel

      Read by Council Make Jump Drives a Capital system and give Regular Ships Warp

      So the idea is: move Jump Drive to capital system, but make their range the whole galaxy, and then give small ships warp. Like in Star Trek. So barring any programming issues that would be required to implement this suggestion. Such as IF there was a way to make this happen with collision...
    5. alterintel

      Crash at: ... loading 99%

      Just got a new Desktop and installed Linux on it. Just installed StarMade... it's not going so well. I have the latest 3rd party video drivers. Useing the Beta Launcher. First with bundled Java, and then with my own java. No change after ... loading 99% I get the following error...
    6. alterintel

      Read by Council Entity Merge or Permanent Docking to reduce lag

      So I got the idea from this post here Premise: As people get used to the rail system we are seeing some really nice rail designs. For example: Modular systems such as docked power, thrust and armor. There are also some really cool moving parts as well. But the more entities you have on your...
    7. alterintel

      Read by Council Get Rid of Reactor Lines

      Everybody knows what I'm talking about. The current algorithm for power reactors is to favor long lines of interconnecting "+" shaped reactors. Once you get used to it and learn how to make some decently effective reactor runs, it's not so bad. Some even appreciate the current reactor system...
    8. alterintel

      Need Ideas for a PVP/Survival Ship Build Competition with prizes

      UPDATE: Update on Judging Metric thoughts: (Just so you know, this contest WILL happen, I just want to get everything nailed down first) So the Basic Idea of Contest: The most Offense + Defense that you can get on your ship per Resource Spent. To get this competition rolling I'm willing to put...
    9. alterintel

      Ask alterintel (my Intergalactic Councilor Stump Speech)

      I'm running for Councilor term 3... let the fun begin: Allot of candidates are posting “Ask Me” threads in their bid to get elected as StarMade Councillors. This is the logical course of action and should be applauded. This is at it’s essence the very reason to be a Councillor. To seek out...
    10. alterintel

      USS Sao Paulo (Defiant Re-fit)

      I Present the USS Sao Paulo.... The wait is finally over... Download the ship here:) This ship is a non-canon ship that is based off of the Defiant class. The original Defiant was destroyed by the Breen at the second Battle of Chin'toka. In the last episode of Star Trek DS9 it shows the...
    11. alterintel

      Read by Schine Rename "Storage" block to "Manifest Computer"

      I think it would reduce allot of confusion if the "Storage" block were simply re-named to "Manifest Computer" The upcoming "area trigger" like modules that need to be connected to the "Manifest Computer" should be named "Manifest Modules". Think of it like a Weapon Computer, and Weapon Modules...
    12. alterintel

      Bug Deleting Turret causes game to crash.

      So I'm working on a Galaxy Class Ship here I finally finished building all my chained reactors all 66 of them. So at the end of the chain there are 10 turrets. When I admid load the ship, the turrets end up having ALLOT of zeros at the end of their names. So I wanted to adjust the turrets and...
    13. alterintel

      Starmade Lore NPCs and Players

      So I was thinking about this new expansion into RP, and NPC's then I thought about Greek mythology. players = gods NPC's = mortals we as Players can't really die (undeathinators), and the more NPC's following us the stronger we get. It would explain why players don't need air, or need to eat...
    14. alterintel

      The Difference between AI's and NPC's

      I apologize for the wall of text. But I believe it's important to set some context here. This post by GaeasSon asked for a brainstorm on how NPC's might work. But I think a better question would be what is the difference by NPC's and AI's, and how to incorporate them together into the game...
    15. alterintel

      How I got Starmade to use 3D with my AMD Video Card in Linux

      First you have to find the right java file that your computer uses to run java type this into terminal without the quotes: "ls -l /usr/bin/java" this lead me to another link file, so I need to type it in again with the new link "ls -l /etc/alternatives/java" there we go! Now I know where the...
    16. alterintel

      USS Defiant Mk4 (interlocked entities: lessons learned)

      So I decided to try something novel. The maneuverability of a small ship, the accuracy of a turret, and saving space by only applying passive Ion to the armor, and not the rest of the ship. The Idea came about after I did some testing with the transfer-ability of passive effects on turrets...
    17. alterintel

      Testing of Passive effects on docked entites

      So the question was: Can you share Pierce, Punch Through, and/or Ion with your docked entities such as bolt on armor or turrets? So I did some testing: It turns out you can't share any effects with turrets or other docked entities. HOWEVER Turrets can share their Ion effect with the...
    18. alterintel

      USS Enterprise D Galaxy Class WIP (Internal Turrets)

      Update 09SEP15: It's got working 10 working Phasors turrets (Total size each=9000 blocks Beam,Cannon 75% ,Overdrive 100%) They pack quite a punch when they don't miss. I'm working on Cannon,Cannon,Overdrive now to improve hit rate. *********************************End...
    19. alterintel

      Bench, your killing me.

      Bench your killing me. I am metaphorically dying of anticipation. What with these recent postings in Crew: Stations, Bonuses, Specialties, Experience & Expense: And Crew Teleporter : And then you tweet this: All I have to say is, There had better be another Dev Blog in the near future! I...
    20. alterintel

      Reduceing the size of turrets with weapon emitter blocks

      UPDATE: Since nobody is reading my later post in this thread, I decided to put my compromise here: I think it would be a good compromise to my original post to have weapons output only link-able and extend through one turret axis block. This would be on par with say a modern day tank for...