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    1. lazarus78

      [+++]Schworfz`s Plasma Phoenix[+++]

      nice rendition of the Black Prophecy ship. Shame that game got shut down, I enjoyed it.
    2. lazarus78

      Starship Troopers Rodger Young

      Probably from the movie.
    3. lazarus78

      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      While I agree, being able to carry millions of blocks at no penelty is a bit over powered, I think that if you were to cap the amount you can carry per stack, you would also need a way to extend this while still being balanced. One such idea that came to mind was making a \"builder ship\" which...
    4. lazarus78

      StarMade 0.0943

      That is quite the change log. And I see you upped the draw distance? Very nice indeed. My computer is more then able to beast this game, so being able to ramp up the draw distance is a very nice addition. (Havent played yet, so may have read/understood that wrong...)
    5. lazarus78

      Rail gun ready for testing

      Rain guns do not use magnets, they use the electromagnetic field created when you ram a super high current across the rails through the projectile, causing it to be pushed down the barrel. (IE in sci-fi movies, when somone touched something like an electric fence, they get thrown back, same...
    6. lazarus78

      another simple solution for hull mechanics

      Then you completel misread and misunderstood what I said. The unused ore statement is valid. I don\'t know who these \"most people\" are that supposedly dismiss it. I never stipulated that new halls will only be \"better\" versions of the current, I simply said there will be more. Probably...
    7. lazarus78

      another simple solution for hull mechanics

      This is all based on the assumption that there won\'t be more weapon types and more hull types. The number of ores that are virtually unused leads me to believe there will be several different hull types, and more variations of weaponry. Given the alpha system of 2 hull types and 2 infinatly...
    8. lazarus78

      A way to see who made the ship.

      Or, you just tell them \"Yeah, ok...\" and move on. Who cares if they made it or not?
    9. lazarus78

      Battery Packs

      I agree, this seems very pointless. A power block and storage tank would be passive, meaning no user input required, and they just work. They are cheap already so there is no reason you would need to \"refuel\".
    10. lazarus78

      A pause function.

      Because the structure of the single player is == to that of running a server, just with no broadcasting for others to join. You can\'t exactly add a pause functionality to a server. And it doesn\'t take a few minutes to close the game and restart it. If it really does kill you do take the extra...
    11. lazarus78

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      You are basing your entire idea on the supposed false fact that the AMC and missiles currently in the game are the only and final versions to be affed. This is a silly notion given the plethora of unused or underutalized blocks and items currently in the game. Your vision of the future is...
    12. lazarus78

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      A hull block with 10,000 HP and 90% armor would need at LEAST 100,000 damage to one shot it. Not many manuverable ships could handle a well formed hull with stats like that. With the current hardened hulls, putting a core in a 10 block thick casing. 10x200=2000 HP worth of blocks with 50%...
    13. lazarus78

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      Not against a modern day US aricraft carriar fleet. They have an effective defensive range 10x larger then any other carrier fleet in the world. No plane could get close enough to even deply an atomic bomb. And the xwing taking out the death star was done for the movies. If you look up at the...
    14. lazarus78

      Repair modules and "Ghost" blocks

      I can dig this idea. Having some sort of meter to give an overall read on your ships damage would be great. Though it can\'t account for somone punching straight trhough to your core and taking the ship out that way, and I like that.
    15. lazarus78

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      I never suggested changing hull stats, but adding new hulls. There are many different mineral ore blocks. They will have to be used for something, otherwise they are pointless, and those uses will be the creation of more and better hull blocks, among other things.
    16. lazarus78

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      You are forgetting that smaller ships won\'t have as thick of a hull and bigger ships will undoubtedly have turrets which could dish out far more DPS and easily take out a fighter. Plus the stronger hulls will be heavier meaning slower movement for the fighter and easier target for turrets. It...
    17. lazarus78

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      More hull blocks are inevitable. Current harden hulls drop even the most powerful AMCs damage to half, alibet it is still possible for it to be a LOT of damage, adding in high HP and high armor hull blocks will quickly negate most AMC setups. The balance is in the cost it would be to aquire the...
    18. lazarus78

      Hulls for better or worse?

      As I said, there will undoubtedly be more hull blocks offering more HP and more armor. Since weapons care not capped to the amount of damage they can do, 200hp and 50% armor is indeed insifficient, but the idea of scaling their resistance based on mass of the ship is just rediculus.
    19. lazarus78

      Hulls for better or worse?

      There is no logical sense for this. There will undoubtedly be more stronger hull blocks in the future. for now, if you want a stronger hull, add more layers like you would have to in real life. Things don\'t get stronger just because they are larger and heavier, you have to add thickness where...
    20. lazarus78

      Hulls for better or worse?

      Having a ships hull strength based on its mass makes no logical sense. If i have a steel plate and i make it wider, that doesn\'t make it stronger towards penetration simply because it is heavier. You need to make the plate thicker where you want the protection. The game is based on blocks, and...