Search results

    1. lazarus78

      I have idea how to solve Build Block ecenomy issue!

      Once the game is more supporting of modding, then mods can be made to prevent such things as mass block removal via build blocks. If people are looking for that kind of server, that's fine and dandy. Just don't use the build block for mass block removal from planets and those that want it still...
    2. lazarus78

      I have idea how to solve Build Block ecenomy issue!

      Why let the few ruin it for the rest? I didn't even think of using a build block to take apart a station when I first started playing, and even though I know now that it can be done, I still don't do it. IMO the benefits of build blocks in constructing stations and other large structures far...
    3. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      Oddly enough, the post ratings slightly favor my side.
    4. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      The game, as is, puts a heavy emphasis on its grid-like design. Everything save for the planets, is generated around this grid. Although it is space, everything has a natural up/down/left/right/forward/backward positioning. the planets break all of this and feel very out of place. They don't fit...
    5. lazarus78

      option to limit ship size

      I tried that. It uses twice the power, and the rate of fire is slow as balls. The system is terribly balanced in its current state.
    6. lazarus78

      Make the game harder

      1. Hell no. The second they add that kind of micromanagement, I will quit Starmade forever. I absolutely HATE micromanagement, and I am still irritated they added hunger crap to Minecraft. 2. Better AI? Really? How about "No Sh** Shurlock"? Obviously better AI is necessary. 3. The fact of the...
    7. lazarus78

      option to limit ship size

      The game already rejects small builds. The new weapon system doubles the size weapons have to be to be effective. I like to build small. My largest effective build is only 64 blocks long. The way the game is going, it seems to actively discourage small builds.
    8. lazarus78

      Soo, the mail system...

      So with the mail system came an idea. Not sure if such a thing has been suggested before, but meh, here it is again either way. Anyhoo, the mail system. Currently you access it from anywhere, but, if it is the goal of servers to have community hubs, why not a "mail box" block you interact with...
    9. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      Its still an issue that dampens any desire to go to the planets. I don't like the planets because I can't interact with them properly. Space may be relative, but humans are not. We need some sense of orientation, which is why NASA even uses artificial horizons, in space. Because Starmade does...
    10. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      It is critical to me. And X does not work. It is used for rolling, along with Z. Because by default the player is forced to be oriented along the Z axis, unless under the effects of gravity, using C to align my ship is a critical feature of the game. The game is basically built around XYZ...
    11. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      I never wanted round planets in the first place, so it hasn't come full circle for me. I am happy the devs are listening (And I don't share you view of Minecraft's devs), but that doesn't mean I have to like everything they do just because they are listening. Yes, they look cool, but I just...
    12. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      The best solution for non-disk planets would be cubes, given the game is made of cubes. For me, the D10 planets do not have the best trade-offs. But I digress. The issues may be tiny from a technical standpoint, but for me, they kill any and all desire to have anything to do with planets. I...
    13. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      IE when you press C, your ship will automatically orient itself along the positive X axis with positive Z being "up". Currently this is the one and only way to automatically orient yourself you any direction/axis. Because of this, there is no way to automatically orient your ship to any given...
    14. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      Not sure how it being a space game has much merit here, since there are plenty of other factors that negate any sort of realism planets had going for them. Space or not, this game makes heavy usage of the XYZ planes of orientation, and having things like islands/island clusters for "planets"...
    15. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      Ill be straight up here. I flat out do not like the new planets. I can see their appeal, and I do agree they are better then the oreos we had before, but they just don't sit well with me. My main beef with them is there is no way to snap your ships orientation to a particular side of the...
    16. lazarus78

      True 64x64 Default Pack

      Very nice. I greatly prefer the default style over the "realistic" style. Would it be ok for me to use your versions within my own personal pack, mainly as better looking placeholders, if/when I decide to release my own?
    17. lazarus78

      Super slow AMCs?

      Now you have to use twice as many blocks to get semi-similar effects. My ships were never very big to begin with, and the new system means I need to double up the AMCs and split them between 2 computers just to get a reasonable fire rate. The AI ships are farily speedy, considering, and the...
    18. lazarus78

      More Female skins

      The current statistic is between 43-48% as a whole, meaning including smartphone games. The demographic for the more involved games is much lower. The mobile market has skewed the statistics away from the core gamers that play more involved games rather then angry birds and candy crush. If you...
    19. lazarus78

      Block ID List (with dynamic filtering)

      That's all we can ask for. Regardless of images or no images, it is still the best list ive seen.
    20. lazarus78

      StarMade with Ammunition

      This topic has been done into the floor many times. I do agree, something other then a reliance on power is necessary, but I can understand why people would object to something like ammo as it does add a level of micromanagement, and I do hate micromanagement with every fiber of my being. I...