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    1. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      I love it. Love that you went with a square instead of a circle. Keep up the amazing work. One suggestion. On the missile tube blocks. Maybe putting exhaust ports on the back, and have the missile warheads peeking out on the front?
    2. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Im glad you are taking another look at the logic blocks. I think they kinda don't really fit the majority of the pack. I would think they would have an interface on them similar to the computers. But anyhoo. Great work. I look forward to item icons. Shame they are not done in the same manner as...
    3. lazarus78


      Well, they are rather big.
    4. lazarus78


      I would hope some day we get proper furnishings.
    5. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Nice. Say no more. Finish your fine food. I can wait. I personally liked the wear-n-tear. I liked how it defined each block. A CTM system would indeed be a great boon for texturers. As for the computer colors. I like to keep them along the same lines as the vanilla colors just so there is a...
    6. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      After messing around with it for a bit. Very nice. I love it. One thing I noticed you did that was slightly saddening. You removed the wear-n-tear of the hull blocks. Kinda goes against the "dirty" part of "DirtySpace". But I can understand why you chose to go that route. So, me being the...
    7. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      I was all jazzed about the release, then i got hit by a BSOD after putting in my new motherboard and CPU, then the next day I got run over by the stomach flu... its been a fun weekend... Cant wait to check out the pack!
    8. lazarus78

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      Death Star class sounds appropriate.
    9. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Im expecting a new CPU and motherboard that day... coincidence? I think not...
    10. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Sooo... its after thanksgiving. :cool: "patiently" waiting. lol
    11. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      I kno rite?? :eek:
    12. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      I am indeed ever so tuned in for a release.
    13. lazarus78

      Xanthos Interstellar Starfleet Shipyard

      AKA: AIDS
    14. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Whichever you choose to do. Since you are doing this pack out of your own free time, it would just be dickish to demand anything. So whenever you decide to release anything, I will be eagerly awaiting.
    15. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      "Por que no las dos?" (Why not both?) I've been piecing together things to make something remotely usable, so I am no stranger to incomplete things. I am all for an incomplete release!
    16. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Sweet. I was trying to scrap together a more up-to-date version using the old stuff I downloaded a while ago, but there is only so much that I could do. XD By chance, will the new fresh release include proper block icons?
    17. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      So is this still being worked on? I really love it, and would hate to see it die. It is exactly the style I want to play with. Also, what happened to the download?
    18. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      I did use the latest dev build. And I said they don't lag much for me, they still load slowly. And I still don't like them in general.
    19. lazarus78

      Recall beam

      Soo, another set of blocks to clump into ships... Honestly, am I the only one who is finding this feature to be getting a bit cumbersome? It was cool at first, but now its become like THE feature of the game, making ships need to be bigger just to accommodate each new system that gets added. My...
    20. lazarus78

      Who else doesn't like the new planets?

      The planets don't really lag for me. I mean they do cut into my FPS, but when I get over ~300FPS uncapped, and I dip down to ~25-30FPS, I notice it, but the game is still very playable. It just takes a while for the planet to actually generate... I have/had my sector size set to 5000, and when...